Well, this day was stupid. Giriko thought as he slammed his back-pack into his beat-up red pick-up. Got hit by a teacher. Followed a stupid little kid around. The people are as weird as fuck. How much worse can this day get?

Giriko pulled up into his gravel, weed-lined driveway and shut the door on his truck much harder than necessary. He glanced in the mirror to fix his spikes and straighten his earrings his dad hated so much.

Let's see if he's even home. Giriko said, part of him praying his dad wasn't there and it was just his mom and little brother.

"Mom? Hayato?" the young man called. Mh...whatever. Maybe Hayato had school late.

Giriko ignored the fact that he was alone and moved on to his homework from all those freaky ass teachers.

That went well Maka thought gleefully on the events of the day He just needs some time to adjust.

Kid was to the side of Maka as their group of five went to Maka and Soul's house. Soul was walking next to Liz as she struggled to keep Patty focused on making it to the house.

Kid was slightly quieter than usual and everyone else was either lost in thought, performing sisterly duties, or trying to figure out what Patty was talking about.

"So, Giriko's kinda cute. I really like those earrings and spikes." Liz said dreamily once Patty was focused on getting to the house.

"Yeah..." Maka said trying to contemplate why she liked Giriko. She was never one for the violent look. And he wasn't all that nice either. Was it because lately she had become fed up with trying to fit everyone's idea of a perfect girl? No, of course not. She was Maka for pete's sake. The bookworm that followed rules but knew how to stand up for herself.

Do I have a reason? she thought.

Kid looked to his side at Maka who was obviously in deep thought.

I wonder what she is thinking about? he thought Tch. I should probably be wondering who...

Liz was still absent mindedly remarking on Giriko's features and attitude, which she seemed to in favor of.

"Maybe he'd go out with me?" Liz said glancing at Maka out of the corner of her eye.

"Hu?" Maka was jerked out of her thoughts by Liz's comment. "You-You want to go out with him?"

"Why do you wanna know?" Soul said with a smirk "Is that a problem?"

"No! I just wanted to make sure I heard her right..." Maka said as her face flushed. She quickly covered her face and her embarrassment did not go unnoticed.

"Oooohhh. Maka's blushing!" screamed Patty.

"Gah!" Maka shouted when Soul pried her hands away from her face.

Liz and Soul broke out into loud, uncontained laughter. Through the whole thing, Kid had a slightly dejected look.

Soul looked up at Kid, wiping tears from his eyes, and said "Oh come on, Kid. That was hilarious!"

"Tch" was the answer as Kid continued walking. Maka glanced over at a disturbed Kid and wondered why he seemed so upset.

They finally made it to Maka and Soul's house and piled into the living room on couches or the floor and started homework. Maka ran upstairs to get her math textbook. On her way out, her book bumped into her dresser knocking over a picture frame.

"Crap...oh" Maka said as she realized it was a picture of her and Kid on her 13th birthday. They looked so happy.

She smiled then heard Liz yell her name. Maka rushed out of her room slamming the frame onto the dresser and, in her haste, accidently leaving a crack in the glass.