Darkness Within one's self Codex
Please not that there are spoilers for this story the further you read. If you don't like that sort of thing then please leave.
Ch. 1 Chiss Biology and Locations
The Chiss are a humanoid race of beings. The Chiss have blue skin similar to the Asari that along with their red eyes grow more intense with higher levels of Oxygen. They have Hair like Humans and Quarians but it remains a deep black for most of their lives. Interestingly enough Chiss and Humans have a close relationship in their DNA. Their genetics are so similar that scientists have determined that the Chiss at one point were carbon copies of Earths Humans but the atmosphere and radiation of Chorbell the systems star changed the Chiss into their own species. Also of note is the fact that Chiss and Humans can actually cross breed with one another creating a Hybrid called a Comterta. Found in the Prather cluster of stars that are 20.5 light years from the human sol system. Their system called Prometha by humanity and the rest of the galaxy is a rare example of a system with three habitable worlds. Theses worlds called Csilla, the Chiss home world, Cormit the first colony world, and Ool the fortress world which is central location of the Chiss Imperium's legions.
Hey Fans Cedues here. I apologize for the lateness of this. Real life along with Destiny's release kept me from doing much writing and posting. But in that time I was making time lines, charts and as you can see by this codex actual lore, for how I wanted each of my stories to pan out. So if you are a fan of Edge of the abyss don't worry an update for that should come by the middle of October. I would also like to ask for your participation in a poll to decide who Shepard will be in Darkness. Just go to my profile page and vote for the three choices. Their gender will be decided in a second poll. By the way thank you guys for so many awesome OC Characters I will take about 10 more characters before I have too many for use so be quick and message me the details.