Princess Strawberry: This is officially the end of "Peaches and Chocolate", but don't worry, if you people want a sequel, then I'll write one! This is just a "Thank you" page to all you lovely reviewers!!

Peaches and Chocolate

Chapter 1: Goddess 33, Blue September, NekoNeko, Yami Dragoness, YamiWeb, Motou Yasu, Vera, Rogue Agent (x2), Mystery, Tikibeans, invader mya and her yami's, zypher, JR, Aleksey, BlackFire, Silver Dragon, Ragnarok XIII, Amethyst Sin, Princess of Anime, Prissy, moonnymph, Betryal, Kawaii Kai, vic'z gurlo, VegetasGurl, Guardian-381, and ???.

Chapter 2: Lyra, Sakura-Hikaru, Tranquility, Ragnarok XIII, agentpudge, Motou Yasu, Burning-Yami-Rain, Silver Dragon, loanshark, Trinity Connor, Amethyst Sin, Princess of Anime, Prissy, Betrayal, Kawaii Kai, and vicki.

Chapter 3: agentpudge, Ame Tenshi, DemonSurfer, Little Kaori solo Yuy-Maxwell, Rogue Agent, loanshark, YuugiLover3, Uriko-chan, Burning-Yami-Rain, Amethyst Sin, Chibi Seien, catherine, the one who posses Insanity, Starkiss, Princess of Anime, Prissy, moonnymph, Betrayal, and Kawaii Kai.

Chapter 4: Silver Dragon, agentpudge, Ame Tenshi, Chibi, Tenshi Ni Tsuite no Genjitsu, Akemi, Destiny's Light, Burning-Yami-Rain, Amethyst Sin, loanshark, Neko Oni, Princess of Anime, Prissy, Betrayal, and Kawaii Kai.

Chapter 5: Yami Anime Writer, Ame Tenshi, Silver Dragon, shadowguardian, Jadesaber, Chibi, agentpudge, Danim, Lady Kaiba, MidnightSky, Chibi Seien, Princess of Anime, Wolfchanger, Burning-Yami-Rain, Rain Kiounshii, ?!?!?!, loanshark, Amethyst Sin, Prissy, I luv Yugi and Kurt so :p, Nicola Meskhenet, moonnymph, Betrayal, and Kawaii Kai.

Chapter 6: Princess of Anime, Gin Ryu-chan, Motou Yasu, loanshark, Burning-Yami-Rain, Amethyst Sin, Princess of Anime (x2), I luv Yugi and Kurt so :p, Chibi, moonnymph, Betrayal, and Seventh Sage.

Chapter 7: Princess of Anime, moonnymph, Raiegki Reiko Leviathan, Motou Yasu, ^_^, aznstarangel, firedraygon97, pure insanity, Ranma Higurashi, Nicola Meskhenet, Starkiss, Wanita, Chibi, Prissy, Tjay_Motou, Towairaito Zoon, Vegeta-Gohanluvr28, Chiso and Neko, DragonBow, you know who i am, Brigeta, Diamond, Amethyst Sin, Difinity, Kaneda-Shotaro and Yami Tetsuo, and Seventh Sage.

Chapter 8: firedraygon97, Yami/Yugi (x2), Amethyst Sin, Chaos Angel, Vegeta-Gohanluvr28, vic'z cute lil gurlo (vicki), lime, and Aznsilhouette247.

Chaper 9: Jadesaber, Klonoa, Starkiss, moonnymph, Zypher Dragon a.k.a. Diamond, firedraygon97, Burning-Yami-Rain, Towairaito Zoon, I luv Yugi and Kurt so :p, Amethyst Sin and Yami Phiona, Bronze Eagle, babygurl, Dark Ryoko, Deity, Yami Dragoness (x2), VegetasGurl, Hikari, Chaos Angel, Nicola Meskhenet, Devil Malik, Elusitania, Seventh Sage, Laina, Harathina, Celestial Magician, and Kurayami Ryuu.

That makes a total of 185 reviews. Thank you, minna-san! *bows* My sequel will be up soon! ^__^ Keep reading and reviewing!