Don't own The 100
"And that is why I'm the reason you are alive today." Octavia finished the story of how Clarke and Bellamy finally got their acts together. She smiled and gazed down at five year old Jake and three year old Aurora, who as always, were silent and intent as they listened to her retelling the familiar tale. It was their favorite one, and Octavia recounted it to them every time they asked her to, mostly because she was definitely the hero in that story. "As always, this story goes to show just how awesome I really am."
The children giggled to each other.
Bellamy leaned in the doorway, eyebrow raised as he watched his sister with his children. He'd been there standing for a while and only allowed his presence to be known to the three now that the story had concluded. "You always like to tell that story, but when I want to tell them about how it's Clarke's and my intervention that got you that shiny ring on your finger you like to change the subject immediately."
Aurora and Jake's eyes widened to see their father, grins on their faces.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Octavia tried for innocence despite the fact that her gaze lowered to her engagement and wedding rings and a smile tilted her lips. "Anyway, children, listen to your Auntie O because I am wise."
Jake and Aurora nodded dutifully.
"They get their smartness from me," she informed Bellamy, before she paused. "Okay, I'll give some credit to Clarke."
"Hey!" Bellamy laughed as he entered the room and scooped his laughing son into his arms. "You take after me, don't you?"
The blonde haired boy with big blue eyes merely grinned.
"I have taught you well, Jake," Octavia praised.
"Traitor," Bellamy accused his son with no ire, a twinkle in his eyes as he turned towards Octavia. "Thanks for taking care of them while we were gone. Clarke and I are always so busy that it did us well to have some time to ourselves."
"Young ears," Octavia reminded teasingly. "They don't need to hear about all the frisky activities you two did while you were gone."
"You're the one who mentioned frisky activities," he pointed out.
"What's frisky?" Jake wanted to know.
Bellamy's mouth fell open before he turned to Octavia. "This is all your fault."
"Isn't it always?" Octavia snickered before she turned to Jake. "Frisky is when mommy and daddy kiss and hug each other."
"Oh." Jake made a face. "They get frisky a lot."
"Frisky!" Aurora yelled out, proud of herself.
Bellamy palmed his face. "Clarke is going to blame me for this, I know it." He let out a sigh. "We should've gotten Monty to take care of them."
"Nonsense, Lincoln was gone to that seminar for the week so this was exactly what I needed." Octavia rolled her eyes as she lifted Aurora. "Anyway, I'm always glad to spend time with my niece and nephew."
"And corrupt them," Bellamy mumbled.
Octavia merely grinned brightly, not at all denying it.
"Hey guys!" Clarke appeared in the doorway.
"Mommy!" The kids yelled in unison and clammered to get down from the arms of those holding them. Once they were standing on the floor, both children raced towars their mother and she dropped to her knees in time to hug them close.
Bellamy turned to Octavia. "Ever get the feeling you're not loved as much as she is?"
Octavia snorted in amusement. "Yeah, I can see why you'd feel that way."
He mock-glared at her.
"I missed you too, honey." Clarke pressed kisses to both their cheeks. "Were you good kids for your Auntie O?"
Jake nodded dutifully.
Aurora shook her head truthfully.
Jake elbowed Aurora.
Aurora then nodded dutifully.
Clarke stared between them as she bit her bottom lip and obviously tried not to laugh.
Bellamy groaned as he palmed his face. "O, all of your bad habits are rubbing off on my children!"
"You should be so lucky," his sister huffed, her lips curled in a smile. She then went, pulled her sister-in-law up, and hugged her. "It's good to have you back. I missed our talks while you were gone."
Clarke hugged her back. "I missed you too, O."
Bellamy shook his head. "First my kids, then my own sister. I am unloved in this household."
"That's not true." Clarke gazed at him over Octavia's shoulder. "I love you."
"She's the only one though," Octavia teased as she pulled away. "So, tell me guys, what was it like being in Jamaica?"
"It was very nice." Clarke grinned. "We stayed at this amazing hotel and Bellamy nearly got eaten by a crocodile."
Octavia burst out laughing. "No wonder it was so nice!"
"That's it, I'm unloved." Bellamy pouted.
Clarke and Octavia ignored him as the blonde continued. "It was his fault, really. He wanted to go to this a crocodile sanctuary and wasn't content merely watching the crocodile wrangler feed the crocs, he wanted to try it too."
"He's such an idiot." Octavia shook her head.
"I'm right here!" Bellamy cried out.
"So the crocrodile jumped higher than Bell expected and its teeth nearly chomped down on his hand." Clarke shook her head at the memory. "I was never so furious with him as I was right then."
"There was no sort of worry or crying from her," Bellamy agreed. "I had just survived a near amputation of my hand only to have my dear wife punch me right in the jaw." He snickered. "It wasn't even a slap. No. A punch."
"You deserved it," Clarke informed him with no shame.
"Idiot," Octavia snickered.
Jake merely looked up at his father's with wide eyes. "You saw a crocodile?"
"Yeah, champ." He grinned. "I even filmed it."
"Cool!" Jake's grin was wide. "I can't wait to tell everyone in school that daddy nearly got eaten by a croc! That's just awesome!"
"Awesome!" Aurora agreed.
Octavia and Clarke merely shared looks before they burst out laughing.
"No love." Bellamy shook his head. "There's no love for me in this family."
After the O had left and the kids were put to bed, Clarke and Bellamy lay in bed, the blonde's cheek resting against his heart as they slowly drifted to sleep.
"Do you know who I found out Miller is engaged to?" Bellamy's voice was sleepy.
"Who?" Clarke yawned.
"Raven Reyes."
At first she couldn't place the name, and then she did. "Wait. Isn't that the girl that Finn-?"
"Wow." She let out a snort. "Small world."
"Tell me about it," he agreed. "He sent me an email, says he wants us and a group of friends to meet her. I tried to explain that that could get awkward."
"Well, not for me at least. I have no feelings whatsoever for Finn Collins." Clarke pressed a kiss to Bellamy's heartbeat. "I lucked out and got myself quite the catch."
"Oh, did you now?" He grinned.
"Yep. He was annoying as hell at first, and I did have to train him quite a bit for him to be acceptable, but it all worked out in the end." Her voice erupted into a squeaked laugh as Bellamy attacked and rolled them over so that she was pinned under him.
"Acceptable, huh?" He laughed down at her as he pinned her hands over her head.
"Yes, well," it was obvious that she was trying to keep a straight face, "I have the rest of our lives to keep working on it, so it's not that bad."
"You-!" Bellamy kissed her and interrupted her snorted laughter.
They were tired from the traveling and from the unpacking and spending hours playing with the children they'd missed, but with one kiss all sleepiness disappeared as fire erupted in their veins.
"We're going to be late for work tomorrow," Clarke warned in a whispered voice as Bellamy began to kiss his way down her neck.
His only answer was to nibble on her collar bone.
"Bellamy..." Clarke reached for his head and forced the surprised guy to look up at her. "Don't ever do anything stupid like what you did with the crocodile again, please."
He stared at her. "That really bothered you."
"Of course it did!" She stared up at his face. "I love you, and I want to grow old with you. I don't want-!"
"I love you too, Clarke Blake." Bellamy's face twisted in happiness before he swooped down and kissed her harder.
Bellamy Blake was true to his word and never did anything reckless like that again. He wouldn't have anyway, even if his wife hadn't asked. He wanted to grow old with her as well. And he did.
The End.