Hey there, so I've had a massive writing slump over the past few months so this my attempt to find some kind of rhythm again, as well as seeing if a new fandom can reignite my love and passion for writing. Please let me know what you think, even if you hate it, I'd seriously appreciate the feedback. With that said I hope you enjoy a little bit of Darcy...
Darcy swung her hips back and forth as she hummed along to the latest song that had come up on her playlist.
The dark rain trickled along the glass walls of the Avengers Tower, illuminated by the florescent lights.
Unperturbed by the world around her, Darcy made her way around the lab, collecting and sorting papers that had come into creation during the early hours of that morning.
Individually they were brilliant, but together, Jane, Brue and Tony were a force to be reckoned with.
Everything they achieved put Darcy in a state of awe, their passion, their drive, their ability to seemingly achieve the impossible... and then do it time and time again. Yet their inability to take care of themselves made her wonder how they ever survived on their own.
Others would look on at the lab on a good day and label everything and everyone involved as crazy.
But they were her trio of crazy scientists and the last agent who couldn't appreciate their genius still has the scars to prove it.
A fact Darcy was rather proud of.
So when Jane had discovered something in the late hours of the previous evening, the scientists dissolved into a frenzy of ideas and equations in an attempt to keep the new development stable.
Fuelling each other on, the three had continued well into the next morning, pausing only long enough for Darcy to shove a cup of coffee (or tea) and a pop-tart into empty hands and mouths.
When the rush calmed in the afternoon, and her scientists began to move more slowly, Darcy ushered them off to bed before returning to try and piece together some of the madness.
Hours later, with the clock ticking towards eleven o'clock on a Friday night, Darcy was still humming along to her I-pod (graciously retrieved from SHIELD's storage by Clint and Natasha).
She paused in her movements as two strong arms wrapped around her waist.
An easy smile pulled at the corner of her lips as she pulled the buds of her earphones out.
"Hey Stranger."
A gentle "Mmm" was her only response.
The arms curled tighter as Darcy leant back into the offered embrace.
"Come to bed?"
Turning to face her boyfriend, Darcy nodded, a small yawn slipping between her lips.
"Sure, I'm pretty much scienced out for the day."
"I don't think 'scienced' is a word."
Snuggling in closer to his chest, Darcy defended herself.
"Mmm... of course it is. I just invented it."
A small chuckle slipped through his lips as he nudged her towards the doors.
"Come on Darce, time for bed."
Allowing herself to be lead from the lab, Darcy tangled her fingers between his larger ones.
"Did you save the world today?"
"Not today. Just America."
Darcy gently shoved Steve away from her as she pressed for the elevator.
Steve playfully stumbled backwards, a hand reaching to cover his heart in mock hurt.
Shaking her head at his antics, Darcy was not entirely certain how this had become her life, but for all the crazy, she wouldn't trade it for anything.
That's all for now folks. I hope you enjoyed it :)