Ja'far never wanted to leave his bed again. If he had to leave this bed, they better be dragging him away to kill him. It was the only way he wasn't going to be screaming and kicking as he went. He pulled his blankets up to his chin staring at the wall, not that the wall had anything to offer him. Honestly it just reminded him of how cold and empty his life was. Ja'far hadn't asked for this life and his mind was wondering back to what King Sinbad had said to him.
It would be so easy to just leave with him and never look back, but at the same time that goal seemed so far away. There was no way he would be able to leave these people. Even if he managed to leave with that man and get to his country he was sure they'd find him and drag him back. He didn't want to be pulled into a life that was actually good, just to be ripped away from it. No it was better to keep suffering. He didn't know any life other than this and he didn't want to. He gave up on watching the wall closing his eyes. There was no guarantee that he was going to sleep, but he hoped maybe If he tired he would.
Ja'far let out a sharp cry and strong hands grabbed him from behind ripping him from his sheets. Ja'far tried to let out a scream against the man clasped over his mouth. He didn't know these hands or the chest he was being pinned against. Ja'far tired to see who had pulled him from his bed, but he couldn't. Normally he would fight against something like this, hurt them until they couldn't even think of putting their hands on him. Then again, if he just let this person snap his neck everything would be over with. He'd never have to see Kouen or his siblings ever again.
There was a blind fold thrown over his eyes and he was obviously being carried over someone's shoulder. He could feel it bring pressed into his stomach and it was the most uncomfortable thing he'd felt in a while. Ah, but at least he was still feeling things. He could hear people talking, including the man who was holding him. He didn't know what they were talking about, but it didn't sound like anything good. Ja'far let out a soft sigh wondering to himself if what they did was going to be anything worse than what always happened to him.
Honestly he was surprised nothing happened to him after that. He was shuffled around some more and put into a small room. His blind fold was removed and he was greeted by a rather large red headed man. Ja'far didn't know who he was, but he looked a lot like the people from the Reim Empire. But he couldn't really figure out why someone from there would want to kidnap him. Not that he was complaining. It was a much more lovely country than the one he'd known all his life.
It just lead him to believe this was actually Sinbad's doing. He wasn't bound or restricted in any way. He could easily go see who had taken him, but why would he? They were already treating him better than he had been at the palace. He wasn't going to complain. If Kouen came looking for him he would just claim that he was kidnapped. Which wasn't a complete lie and Kouen would have to know that Ja'far was in no way a match for Sinbad. He just hoped the man wouldn't find out where he was. Kouen and his brothers were vile people. There wasn't a thing they did that Ja'far could stand behind. Then again, Sinbad had just taken someone out of their bed because he wanted them. Ja'far wasn't sure that he could trust this man either.
He did however like the large red headed man. He had brought him food, which he gladly ate. It felt like forever since he had anything to eat. He wondered why the man had blindfolded him. Maybe it was in case anyone saw them, then it would look like he was actually being kidnapped. Well…. He was, but he was a lot more willing to come along than they probably knew. He didn't fight against them because he didn't want to.
The best part was that he wasn't just thrown below deck. He was in an actual room. This was the most hospitality he had been sown in a while it was both comforting and alarming. It was nice to be treated like an actually human, but people usually said that when they wanted something He had nothing to give. At least nothing he was willing to give. There were plenty of things people could take from him and they have in the past.
Maybe that's why he felt like trembling when the man walked into the room. Him and his stupid purple hair. Honestly Ja'far was worried that the man was going to do with him. He was sick of being a pawn and refused to be one anymore. If this man was looking to get secrets out of him than that was just too damn bad. He wasn't going to tell him. No matter what he did to Ja'far. His lips were sealed. He scowled up at that smile of his.
"I'm not a spy and I'm to telling you any of kou's secrets. So if that's what you're looking for then you might as well kill me."
Sinbad laughed shaking his head. He didn't expect the man to tell him anything like that. He wasn't stupid. He'd have to get the man's trust and perhaps loyalty before he got anything like that out of him.
"I'm not going to kill you Ja'far. If I wanted to kill you then you'd be dead by now. Ask for kou's secrets, I will wait to figure those out later." Ja'far wanted to spit at Sinbad just to see if it would wipe away that stupid smile of his.
"You should forget about that and take me back."
"What do you mean no? I told you I didn't want to come with you earlier, yet here I am."
"Obviously no one ever told you I'm a man who gets what he wants and like it or not, I want you."
Ja'far closed his eyes for just a moment trying to take everything in. The man was playing games with him. He was used to that royals did that to him all the time. There was no surprised in that. The part that was hard to take was how much hop he had seen in the man's eyes. For a minute he actually had Ja'far believing in him. He thought maybe, just maybe, this was his chance to escape, but no. He couldn't be that fortunate could he? With a loud sigh he threw himself back on the bed feeling like he was about to cry. He wouldn't though; he was stronger, better than that. If he cried then they won. He wouldn't let them win.
"Do what you want with me then. Kouen always seemed to have a hell of a time. So there must be something nice about me."
Ja'far could feel the bed sag ever so slightly at Sinbad's weight. He waited for the others touch, for bile to rise in his throat at the thought of being used again. It didn't come though. There was nothing. No grabbing of his privates, ass or legs. No harsh words spat at him. Nothing, except for three words whispered in his ear.
"I'm not Kouen."
Ja'far opened his eyes to look into Sinbad's golden ones. For once he felt like crying, not because of sadness or pity for himself, but because the hope he had seen wasn't a lie. There was something different about this man. Ja'far was so happy that he wasn't going to be trapped anymore. He actually felt like he would hurt anyone who tried, but there was just something that was bothering him. He didn't know what Sinbad wanted him for. There had to be a reason.
"Why did you take me," Ja'far asked in a hushed voice.
"Because, there's something about you. I just knew I had to take you with me. I knew from the moment I saw you from across the meeting. It was like my very soul was screaming at me to take you with me and I was determined to." Sinbad pulled away from the man moving over to a chair in the room instead. "I knew you would never come willingly. You seem too proud and stubborn. I was planning on having Masrur steel you away in the night before we left. My plans just became a little rushed."
Sinbad paused looking away. Ja'far wondered what he was thinking about. He still didn't quite understand why Sinbad had taken him still. It all seemed rather silly to him. Ja'far wasn't anything special and if he wasn't being used for his body than what good was he?
"I had to get you out of there," Sinbad muttered softly drawing Ja'far's attention to the man. "Listen Ja'far, I swear I will never touch you in a way you don't want. If I do anything that you don't like or makes you uncomfortable then tell me. You will not be treated the way you were in Kou." Sinbad looked up trying to look into those dull eyes Ja'far had. The one's he'd seen spark to life several times. "You are more important than you think."