"Now here's where the danger part starts, because while they were building that sculpture a menacing figure was watching them. It was Kubla Kraus! You see when Father Winter had blown him away years ago it didn't blow him to his death. Instead Kubla had landed in a pile of soft snow and had spent the last two decades or so plotting his revenge. Not being that smart, except when it came to mechanics, he hadn't really thought of a plan at all. Mostly he had tried to figure out what caused his defeat in the first place. Now he knew that Jack Snip had caused him problems, but the real cause of his demise had been that strange blizzard that had attacked his castle. If it hadn't been for the blizzard he would've been able to attack January Junction weeks ago, plus it was because of the snow that the roof caved in and knocked him out, giving Jack Snip a chance to trick his Keh-nights into going the wrong way."

Since Jack Frost and Icelyn were alone Jack Frost had made himself visible in general, which meant that Kubla could see him as well.

"Wait." Kubla said to himself. "That guy is blowing snow out his mouth? Jack Frost! So he was one who caused my demise!"

Kubla headed back for his castle and started to really plan now.

I was ruler of land
Almost won a beautiful girl's hand
But then that icy fool
Stopped me with weapons cool

But now I'm back for throne
And to no longer be alone
But first Jack Frost I will defeat
I will kill him with burning heat

Gather up some coal and a spear
Power them with his worse fear
Light them and burn them
His death I will condemn

Toss coal at his side
So that he will have nowhere to hide
Then throw the spear at his chest
Show him who is truly best

Once he has melted to the ground
My victory will be sound
I will destroy town and knight
Get back girl for it is my right!

Kubla gathered the coal and a spear, as well as some fuel to burn. Using what metal he could find in his castle he fashioned a motorized catapult with a container attached to light coal. After he finished building it he drove it outside until he saw Jack Frost playing with Icelyn and her parents. Since the four of them were alone, or so they thought, Jack Frost had remained visible in general. This proved to be a mistake, for Kubla was able to aim his coal so that Jack ended up trap in a semicircle of fire.

You see the catapult worked like this: inside the container was burning coal, and the catapult part would end up picking some up as it was pulled back. Then when it was released the coal it picked up was flung into the air.

"Where did this fire come from?" Raveneau asked, confused and worried.

"From me!" Kubla boomed.

Everyone looked and saw Kubla on his catapult.

"Oh no!" Elisa gasped.

"I have discovered cause of my defeat, and now will kill Jack Frost!" Kubla declared.

"Ha, like you can kill a winter sprite." Elisa's father scoffed.

"Actually...you can." Jack Frost coughed weakly.

Worried, Icelyn, Elisa, Raveneau, and Elisa's parents looked and saw that the fire was already weakening Jack. In fact he as on his hands and knees and could barely even move. They tried to get to Jack to help him escape the fire, but Kubla released more fiery coal, cutting them off. Kubla then grabbed his spear, lit it, and moved closer to Jack.

"One hit from this and you'll be dead." Kubla smiled evilly. "And then I, Kubla Kraus, will regain what is rightfully mine."

Now Father Winter and the other sprites had been watching this, and were obviously worried for Jack Frost.

"Oh Father Winter, we can't let Kubla kill Jack." Snip said worriedly.

"He won't." Father Winter said. "Icelyn had admitted her love for Jack quite a few days ago. If her love really is as true as she claimed, then it won't be Jack Frost that the spear will hit."

"But that means..." Holly's eyes widened.

"Exactly." Father Winter nodded.

"But we can't let that happen either!" Snip protested.

"Don't worry Snip, I got an idea on how to help both Jack Frost and Icelyn at the same time." Father Winter smiled. "I already asked Nature for her permission and she agreed, though I still want to make sure that Icelyn's love for Jack really is true."

It turns out it was, as Kubla tossed the spear Icelyn ran in front of it and took the blow for Jack Frost.

"Icelyn!" Elisa and Raveneau cried.

"Jack Frost, hearing that, looked up and saw what Icelyn had done. He realize that she really did love him, and suddenly regained his strength. He whistled and put out the fire, and then went to Icelyn. He then froze the spear, but didn't know how else to help her. However he did know that he wasn't going to let Kubla harm anyone ever again. He blew hard towards Kubla, sending him flying into some trees. Before Kubla could recover and get up, some icicles broke off the trees and...well, I think you can guess what happened next. Kubla was defeated for good."

Jack Frost turned back to Icelyn.

"Icelyn...you really do love me." He didn't know whether to smile or cry, so he did both.

"Of course I do." Icelyn smiled weakly.

The spear hadn't hit a fatal spot, but did hit her in a way that would eventually kill her. It would just take a while. Unfortunately, there was no time to get her to a doctor.

As for Jack Frost, despite being upset by Icelyn's sacrifice he was happy. Or something that felt like happiness. You see for the first time in his life, he felt real love. He realized that he had loved Icelyn this whole time, but had been holding it back due to his past with Elisa and Icelyn being mortal. He also knew that his love for Icelyn was real because it was stronger than what he used to feel for Elisa:

For the longest time I had felt alone
I tried to have fun with the humans but none saw me
Now I have friends to call my own
Including one who has made me so happy

She loves me for me
Not for my work
She's so fun and friendly
And prettier than my frostwork

And now I can safely say that I love her

Icelyn joined in:

There is no other guy like you
You're kind and selfless
Faithful and true
Not to mention fun and fearless

Oh Jack Frost I love you

Then they both sang together:

Sometimes you think that you'll never find the one
Then someone comes along to prove you wrong
Someone kind, selfless, and fun
Someone with whom you belong

And now that I've found you
I don't want you to set me free
For your love has start my life anew
And has filled it completely

Jack Frost and Icelyn then kissed...but her life was now slowly slipping away.

"Icelyn...no." Jack Frost cradled her. "Please don't leave me."

"I won't, I'll always be here." Icelyn smiled weakly, putting a hand over Jack Frost's heart.

But then, an magical icy wind surrounded Icelyn. When it blew away everyone was stunned: not only was the spear and Icelyn's wound gone, but her appearance had changed! She still had her hair and eyes, but her skin was white now and her clothes were an icy blue and decorated with snowflake patterns.

"What?" Icelyn looked where the wound used to be. "What happened?"

"You have been granted a new life as a winter sprite." Father Winter's voice boomed down from above. "Your loyalty and love for Jack Frost proved to be strong enough to allow you to stay with him forever."

Icelyn's parents and grandparents cheered and Jack Frost shed tears of joy as Icelyn hugged him.

"Thank you Father Winter." He said. "Thank you."

"And so Jack Frost and Icelyn were wed. Not right away mind you, I mean, they did have to set up the wedding first. It was a special wedding too, not just because it was the first winter sprite wedding. It was also because it allowed Raveneau and Elisa and her parents to visit the Winter Kingdom, for that was where the wedding took place. Snip was Jack Frost's best man of course, being his best sprite friend, and Holly was the flower girl, or holly girl since she used her namesake instead of flower petals. Oh don't worry, they were magical holly leaves that didn't hurt you with their prickles. Father Winter, of course, oversaw the ceremony."

The scene switched back to Pardon-Me Pete. It was nearly nighttime now.

"I was there too, since I had become a good friend of Jack's by that point." He finished. "So you see, Jack Frost got a happy ending after all. Just with his real love instead of someone he only thought he loved. And don't worry about Icelyn's parents and grandparents, they saw her often. They couldn't always visit the Winter Kingdom to see her, a special privilege like that was saved for Christmas itself, but Icelyn and Jack Frost saw them almost everyday during winter in January Junction. As for the rest of the year, well of course Jack Frost couldn't visit due to the warm weather. But Father Winter let Icelyn keep enough of her humanity to handle the warm weather long enough to see her parents and grandparents for a day or so. Oh pardon me, it seems that it's time for dinner. Well, see you next Groundhog's Day."

And with that, he dashed back to his hole for his dinner.