This story is about a love connection between Shira, a saber tooth tiger that used to be part of a pirate crew, and Diego, a saber tooth tiger that saved her from that terrible life. This story has innaproppriate language and explicit sexual content. This is my first ever story so i hope u ENJOY!

Chapter 1

At night, the moon shines bright over the lands which are filled with both ice and grass. Sid, Manny, Ellie, Peaches, Crash, Eddie, and Granny have all been living in peace since they defeated Gutt and his crew a few months ago. Shira and Diego however, have been having a few issues lately. The two sabers are no doubt in love, but their pride and dignity will not let them tell each other how they truly feel. So the two sabers are left to do nothing other than play fight and argue. That was until one fateful afternoon...

Shira and diego sleep lying next to each other in their shared cave. The night is chill as breezes of cold air lifts the fur up off of Deigo's back. Shira begans to shiver due to the cold weather, and since she and Diego are lying with each other, this wakes up Diego. He stands up and lets out a big yawn. He walks toward the opening of the cave and noticed the sun isnt even close to being up. He starts to wonder why he woke up so early in the morning. Then with his nightime glowing golden eyes, he looked at his mate, who happened to be shivering even more so now that he moved away. He quickly comforts her by immediately laying back down next to her. He took his paw and placed it on her shoulder as he started to slowly lick her cheek. A soft grin rose upon Shira's face as she silently purred to this warm treatment and for that short moment, she stopped shivering. Noticing this, Deigo continued to lick her cheek slower and slower making sure that she is comfortable and warm. What was once a silent purr became a more vocal one. Since Shira is asleep, she is unaware of how loud she is purring but Diego doesn't care. He knows that she is enjoying this treatment and he enjoys giving it to her.

When morning came, Deigo once again woke up but this time, he woke up on his own. He doesn't remember falling asleep. The last thing he remembers is him warming his mate. He mustve dozed off. Thinking about last night, Deigo looks to his side in order to see how Shira is doing, only to see that she isnt there. (I wonder where she could've wondered off too... Its not like her wake up before me) Diego thought to himself.

He then wondered outside the cave in search of her. Diego is an outstanding, elite-class hunter and tracker. Finding Shira should be a piece of cake to him. Sniffing the snow and the trees and the bushes, Diego couldnt catch one scent of her anywhere. Starting to become worried Diego ran off deeper into the woods to find her. He knew that if anything had ever happened to Shira, he couldn't go on living. Even if he never mentioned his feelings, they are still there. After hours of searching, Diego knew that there was only one place she could be... back at the cave. Diego ran back to the cave hoping, praying that she was there. It took Diego about 30 minutes to get back to the cave.

When he got there he ran inside looking for Shira. Thankfully Diego sighed in relief as he saw his mate. But something was wrong, She heard him come in but she still remained frozen like she couldnt see anything going on around her. Diego moved in closer thinking that she was just playing one of her games. He started to grin as he lowered his body, getting ready to pounce on her. His grin quickly turned into a face of concern as he got close enough to Shira to realize that she was crying.

Please comment/review, even if its only just one word. You feedback means everything! This is just Chapter 1... Im going to have many short chapters like this. Trust me ur gonna want to keep reading, it gets INTERESTING