DISCLAIMER: The fairy tail franchise is owned by Hiro Mashima. I own none of the characters in the fanfiction. (This is my first fanfiction so if it sucks, I'm sorry. Feedback is greatly appreciated.)

Chapter 1- Lucy's Perspective

"C'mon, Lucy! We got to go! We're gonna be late!"

Natsu dragged Lucy out of the Guild hall and onto the streets of Magnolia with Happy trailing close behind.

"Aw, Natsu! I already said I didn't want to go on this job. I already paid my rent and I want to relax for once."

Natsu looked at Lucy with a mocking smile. "But it's a perfect job! Besides, I need money for food. Lets go!"

I guess I don't really have a choice in this, do I, Lucy thought.

Reluctantly, Lucy followed Natsu to the train station. She wondered why Natsu was so excited to go on the job. Surely he knew that he had to ride a train, and any moving vehicle disagreed with him.

For a while, Natsu and Lucy silently walked to the train station. It's nice that Natsu isn't talking. Sometimes a little quiet is all you need to get into a better mood, Lucy thought.

Suddenly, Natsu stopped in his tracks, causing Happy to bump into him.

"What is it, Natsu? Is something wrong?" Happy asked worriedly.

For a minute, Natsu stood there silently sniffing the air. A puzzled look came across his face. "But, how?" He whispered. "I'm standing right here? How can I be smelling myself somewhere else?"

"Excuse me? Have you finally lost it, Natsu?" Lucy stared at him like she was staring at a crazy person, which she might have been for all she knew.

"I swear! I smell someone that smells exactly like me! But it's not me because I'm right here! I have to go find it."

With that said, Natsu took off in the direction his hound- like nose lead him. Lucy and Happy looked at each other, shrugged, and ran after him. They almost lost Natsu a few times, but Happy's nose worked well enough to lead them back to Natsu. After a good five minutes of running, Lucy and happy finally caught up with Natsu. They found him at the intersection of four streets, frantically smelling around.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" Natsu hollered. "They should be right here!" Natsu began to run again.

"Natsu better find this person soon. I'm getting tired!" Lucy groaned.

Not moments after Natsu took off again, a girl ran right into him at full speed from the road to his left. They head-butted, making both of them fall over. Natsu instantly stood back up, rubbing his head where a bump was beginning to form.

"Why don't you watch where you're going!" Natsu yelled at the girl.

The girl stood up next to him, apparently uninjured and unfazed by the collision. She looked to be about 14, but she could have been much older. She had one of those faces that makes it hard to tell her exact age. Her bright pink hair was the exact same shade as Natsu's and was pulled up in a ponytail. She wore a simple t-shirt and shorts with battered running shoes. She glared at Natsu with a look on her face that would scare even the bravest of soldiers.

"I could ask you the same question, bub! I'm already in a bad mood, and now this is officially the worst day ever!

Natsu seemed surprised that the girl stood up to him like that, but the look of surprise quickly melted into anger. "You were the one who ran into me!" he yelled back. A brilliant ball of flame erupted into his right hand, as though he was prepared to fight this girl.

Natsu and the girl had their foreheads pressed together, both with enraged expressions. Suddenly, Natsu's face turned from anger back to surprise. He backed a few inches away from the stranger. His nose started moving up and down the air around the girl's body.

"Hey, let me ask you a question. Why is it that you smell like me?" He inquired.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled. "You don't just ask people why they smell!"

"What?" The girl questioned. "What do you mean I smell like you?"

At that moment, she noticed the fire that was ignited in Natsu's hand. Tears sprung into the girl's eyes as she stared at it.

She looked up into Natsu's eyes and asked, "Are you the one they call Natsu Dragneel? The legendary Fire Dragon Slayer of the Fairy Tail guild?"

"Yes" Natsu said with a puzzled look on his face, "but why are you crying?"

Out of nowhere, the girl got up and gave Natsu a great big hug, as if he was a friend she hadn't seen in a very long time.

"I've finally found you!" She cried with joy. "I've been looking for you for years, big brother."