AN: Have you ever had a thought that just wouldn't leave you alone until you tried to do something with it? This is one of those thoughts.

I do not own Phineas and Ferb. Honour goes to Jeff, Dan & Disney.

I was sitting at my desk, listening to the radio; the classic rock station. I remember my father used to listen to the radio after dinner; sometimes, he'd sing along. I pulled up a blank document on my word processor and began my report.

Out of all the fun and upbeat songs that were played, the ones I dreaded the most were the "Teenage Death Songs". Those are just depressing. Even at the tender age of four, I vowed to myself that if I ever got a girlfriend; we'd never go driving at night... in the rain.

I've been lucky so far. I've got a girlfriend, and we've gone out driving at night… in the rain. Maybe you must have one of these depressing teenage death songs on the radio for the curse to come true. Or maybe it's because Phineas and Isabella are always in the backseat. There's never a second couple involved.

Another reason I loathe those songs is because it's my fault. It's my fault I lost my brother. I used to have an older brother, he was eight when I was four. He went out to a friend's birthday party one day and never came home.

I was told that there was an accident. My brother was in the car with his two best friends, one was the boy whose birthday it was. That boy's sister was driving. I've pieced together some of what happened over the years. They were stopped at a red light, it wasn't raining but the sun was bright. Someone rear ended them, the force of the impact sent them into the middle of the intersection.

I heard that they got hit from the right, then again from the left. I saw a picture of the crumpled car. It's all my fault. I was jealous that he got to go to a birthday party and I didn't. I made a wish that I didn't have a brother.

There were some good times as well. Some of my fondest memories are of my parents dancing together in the kitchen. One of those silly songs would come on, "Love Potion #9" or "Sugar Sugar" or any of a number in the same genre. Dad would take Mum by the hand and spin her around. In my mind's eye I can see them; dancing, happy.

That was before the tragedy, before they started fighting, before they separated; before I was moved to America. That's when Dad met Linda, an ex-pop star. He doesn't listen to the radio much anymore. I will sometimes listen to the radio with my headset on; just to remember the good times.

I've got an English report I need to finish, who am I kidding? I need to start the report before I can finish it. I just can't concentrate. My brother would have been twenty today. I know my father's upset that his eldest son was killed; now he's left with me. I'm not as outgoing as he was. What my father doesn't understand is that it's my fault. He's told me it was an accident. Part of me really wants to believe that, but another part just can't.

"Hey Ferb! Are you finished your report yet?" I shook my head as my brother left the room.

I wish Phineas would just forget about me.

I turned off the music and went back to staring at the blank computer screen. Everything started to go fuzzy. "I need to get a bite to eat." I muttered to myself as I got up and went downstairs.

I finished my lunch and went into the living room, someone had left the patio door open. I closed it and started up the stairs when I heard a 'bang'. I rushed back down and saw Phineas laying on his back, sprawled, on the patio.

I opened the door and knelt beside him. "Phineas, are you okay?" He groaned and I helped him to sit up. "Are you okay?" I asked again. He blinked a couple of time and gave his head a shake. "Who…"

I went inside as quick as I could. I can't believe this is happening again.