
Disclaimer: I do not own Dawson's Creek; the show was created by Kevin Williamson

It was three months later after the fire, Pacey recovered fully and went back to his usual self. He relationships with his family improved greatly and he developed stronger bonds with them. Gretchen spent the summer at home and they hung out; he developed a new found respect for Doug, and often found himself turning to his older brother for advice. They hung out more over the summer and bonded over their mutual dislike for their sister, Carrie, husband, and even had their own inside jokes about the guy. Over the summer, Pacey purchased an old sail boat with money he had saved up, and began rebuilding it with his father as a hobby and bonding experience. As a result of nearly losing their son permanently, Beth and John Witter had become overprotective as a result. Pacey found himself having to calling his parents constantly, so they knew he was ok and not laying in a ditch some where. Most people would probably be annoyed, but considering they neglected and ignore him most of his life, he found himself enjoying the fact that they worried about him.

Andie was unwilling to return to the mental facility in province. She didn't want to leave Pacey for a second time. After nearly losing him, she wanted to spend all the free time she had with him and couldn't bare to be away from him for the whole summer, so Andie's father relented and allowed her to get help close by, so she could still see her boyfriend. Pacey's near death experience brought out a new found strength in her making her realize she was much stronger and capable of handle stressful situations then she once thought she was. She spent a couple weeks in a facility in Boston, then just regular therapy sessions in Capeside after that. Pacey and Andie were nearly inseparable and fell deeper in love.

As for Andie's brother, Jack, he was happy that his sister didn't go back to that facility and he got to spend time with her over the summer. He also became closer to both Pacey and Dawson and was thrilled to finally have some male friends. He hung out with them a lot over the summer doing guy stuff.

Jen took Pacey advice and after talking it over with her grams, she began seeing a therapist to help her cope with the trauma she suffered as a result of being trapped in that fire. Talking with a therapist weekly actually helped her cope and she was doing much better. She and Jack became closer over the summer and developed a Will and Grace type friendship.

Joey took a job at the marina over the summer to help with finances. She decided to bury the hatchet with Jen and the two became good friends. She developed a new found fondness for Pacey after the fire, and found him to be a good loyal friend. Dawson and Joey, were, well Dawson and Joey, nothing really changed between them.

It was the night before school started back up again, and Pacey and Andie were laying in the old sail boat, Pacey had purchased over the summer and was going to restore, making out like crazy. They came up for air when the need for air became of the essence.

"We better get going, we have to be Dawson's at 7:00." Pacey said as he got up then lent out his hand and helped her up.

"So, what movie do you think we will watch tonight? She asked him as he helped her off the boat.

"Not sure, but considering the fact that Dawson is picking the movie, it will probably be a movie Spielberg directed."

Andie laughed, knowing he was probably right, Dawson is a bit obsessed with Spielberg. Pacey reached for her hand and intertwined her fingers with his as the walked off hand in hand.

Jack and Jen entered Dawson's bedroom to find him in a steamy lip-lock with Joey.

"Um...Hum..." Jack said to get their attention.

Dawson and Joey pulled apart when they realize someone was in the room with them. "Jack, Jen, hey guys," Dawson greeted them. "Is it 7:00 already?"

"Actually it's ten minuets to seven, we're a little early," Jen stated.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Jack asked Dawson.

"Hum..." Then he said as he began looking through his extensive movie collection. "How about..."

Outside of Dawson's window, Pacey had backed against the house in a heated make out session. Their hands were grasping the other's hair as they got lost in each other; their tongues intertwining together, dueling the other for dominance.

"Hey, I wonder what is taking Pacey and Andie, so long to get here?" Joey asked.

"They're probably going at it somewhere; their worse then you guys are." Said Jack a tad sarcastically. And the others laugh knowing Jack was right.

Out of nowhere they heard something outside Dawson's window and went to his window then looking down, and sure enough, Pacey and Andie were making out against Dawson's, so lost in one another, that they were blinded to their surroundings. Jack briefly turned around briefly and grabbed an object off Dawson's dresser and through it down at the couple. They pulled apart, looked up to see their friends staring down at them from Dawson's window.

"Yo, Romeo and Juliet, if you're finished, why don't get your butts up here already, so we can start the movie." Said Jen and everyone laughed in response.

"Be right up," Pacey yelled up to them.

When Pacey and Andie finally made it to Dawson's room, they sat together on one of his chairs. "Well, look who finally decided to join us," said Jack.

"So, what are we watching?" Andie asked Dawson.

"Saving Private Ryan," Dawson answered.

Pacey gave Andie a look that said I told you so, then the two burst into laughter. Dawson looked puzzled at the two, wondering what is so funny.

"What is so funny about watching this movie?" Dawson asked them.

"Nothing," Pacey replied still laughing, "it's just that before we came here, Andie asked me what movie she thought we were going to watch, and I said, knowing you, it would be a Spielberg movie." He managed to say between laughs and everyone else beginning laughing as well, even Dawson.

A few minutes later, Dawson popped in Saving Private Ryan, and they all gathered on his bed to watch the movie. Dawson looked away from the movie and looked around his room at his friends. He felt lucky and blessed to have them in his life. Some how he just knows that no matter what life has in store for them that they will be ok because they have each other.

The End!

Thanks for reading my story.