
Disclaimer: I do not own Dawson's Creek; the show was created by Kevin Williamson.

An Alternate ending to the season two finale two people get trapped when the Ice House burns down and one suffers an life threatening injury.

Chapter 1

Dawson, Joey, Pacey, Jen, and Jack were sitting at a table at the Ice House, a restaurant Joey's family owns, studying for finals; however, Pacey wasn't studying. It was hard for him to focus on school and passing finals when his girlfriend was alone in a mental institution trying to get better. He really misses her. He knows she had to go away to the mental facility, so she could get the help she needs to get better, but he is having trouble coping without her. Andie is his whole world, his angel. She is essentially the most important being to ever grace his existence. His world has become a better place because of her. She believed in him and understood him when no one, not even his family did. His family along with most of the town of Capeside saw him as a loser and a scewup, who would never amount to anything, but not Andie to her he is someone special.

Dawson took a break from reading his biology textbook to watch his best friend, who was sitting across from him, pretending to study. Dawson let out a sigh. He wished there was something he could do to take away his pain. Pacey certainly has come a long way this year working hard to raise up his grades. He is really proud of Pacey. Andie has definitely been good for him. He hates what happened to her. Hopefully Andie gets better soon and comes back. It just doesn't feel the same without her upbeat positive personality to brighten things up.

Dawson then started to watch Jen and was glad that she was getting back on track. To be honest Jen actions after Abby death had scared him. He has been worried about her this year with the partying and drinking. Jack has been good for Jen and is glad that Jen has someone like Jack that she can lean on. He also hopes she works things out with her grams. Life is just too short to stay angry and even though she won't admit it he knows Jen really loves her grams and needs her. Dawson sighed and went back to studying for his bio final.

Jen looked up from her English notes to see Jack smiling at her. She smiled back at him then went back to studying her notes. The best thing to happen to her this year is her budding friendship with Jack. He is just so sweet, kind, and compassionate; she feels blessed to have him in her life now. He is like her savior and just gets her like no one else has before, not even her grams. She feels like grams wants her to be someone she just isn't and doesn't see her for who she really is. That is what Jen loves about Jack; he sees her for the person she is. Jack loves and accepts her for herself, faults and all. For once, Jen isn't the messed up party girl from New York, she is just Jen. But, if Jen was to be honest she does miss her grams, but she wishes her grams could just accept her for herself, support her without judgment. Right now, she needs to finish preparing for her English final tomorrow, but first she has to use the bathroom.

"Hey guys, I will be right back; I just have to use the bathroom" she said as she stood up. Pacey closed his textbook and stood up, "I think I am going to as well," he said as he walked off the bathroom shortly after Jen.

Suddenly in walks in Joey's Dad Mike Potter, "hey, how is the studying going?" "Great thanks Dad" Joey replies as she smiles at her father. "Well, I am going to be in my office; let me know if you kids need anything."

"Thanks Dad," Joey tells her father, and he smiles at her and her friends then heads towards his office.

Dawson looks at how happy Joey is to have her father back and feels torn. He hates the position he is in. Joey's dad has definitely put him in between a rock and hard place. Joey is so happy right now, but that won't last long when she learns her father has been dealing again. The right thing, no question, would be to come forward, and tell Joey the truth then go to the authorities, but that doesn't mean that it's simple as that. Joey and her sister, Bessie deserve so much better from their father. He can't believe he just went back to dealing just like that, so soon after he was released from prison and given an second chance with his daughters and grandson. What was he thinking? He is being selfish right now. Why can't he see how much they need him?

Mike Potter sits down in his chair behind his desk. He puts his face down and runs his fingers through his hair. How did he get himself into this mess? He screwed up again. He is dealing again shortly after being released from prison then managed to get caught by his daughter's boyfriend. What am I going to do? He looks towards his right side on the floor and sees the cocaine (don't know what specific drugs Joey's father dealt so I'm just going with cocaine), and gets up, takes the cocaine, and goes to the bathroom next to his office and starts disposing the cocaine in the toilet. In this moment, Mike Potter decides that he is not going to deal anymore. Suddenly something on fire is thrown through one of the backroom windows of the restaurant lighting the whole place on fire.