This idea first came to me after I rewatched 2 specific episodes of the series, (not gonna say which just yet). But after we found out Cheyanne (my dog) was sick, I knew she wasn't going to last much longer, so I kept this idea close and when the night came when we had to call the vet to put her down (7/7/14), I started typing it up. And now it's 9/16/14, her birthday, she would be 15 years old today. So I wanted to make it the story's publishing day as well.
I divided the plot into 2 parts. The first part is chapters 1-3, which are already done and I will post today. The second part I'm still working on, those chapters are the ones that were inspired by the episodes. Takes place about 2 or 3 years after the first movie.
I don't own any of HTTYD; sadly.
Best Kind of Love Part I
Chapter 1:
The Riders of Berk have been on the longest training mission their leader has ever planned for them. They have been on a large oval shaped island far north for almost a month. Hiccup was slightly skeptical about bringing Berk's best defenses away from home for so long, but his father the chief, also a rider himself, said if anything happened he would fly on Thornado to get them. But since he never came for them, everything must be fine back home. But a month is long enough for any training quest.
It was the last night they were spending on the island, then they would start flying home the first thing in the morning. The sun was not quite at the horizon so it was still fairly bright. The riders were all over their little camp they made in the woods, not too far from the beach, packing mostly everything up before dinner and then going to sleep a little earlier then usual. Most nights on the island, after a long day of training with each other and their dragons, they would sit around the fire after dinner for hours talking, laughing, telling stories, play with the many Terrible Terrors that inhabited the island, and sometimes play drinking games with the few jugs of mead Snotlout brought for their down time. Hiccup was packing his saddle bag on his best friend Toothless with maps, scrolls, and of course, the Book of Dragons.
"Okay, that's that. Training equipment all packed Fishlegs?" Hiccup turns from Toothless's saddle bag to Fishlegs and Snotlout, packing away shields and other training gear onto their dragons Meatlug and Hookfang.
"Check!" Fishlegs waves over to his leader. Snotlout gives a small grunt as he tightens one last rope.
"And double check," Snotlout gave his cousin a quick thumbs up.
"Excellent!" Hiccup turns his attention to the beautiful blonde Viking by the fire pit. "Cooking materials and what's left of the food taken care of Astrid?"
"All except for what's out for dinner tonight and the apples for a quick breakfast tomorrow morning," she replied, stirring the stew in the big pot on the dying fire.
"Perfect. Are the twins' back yet?" Hiccup turns left and right a few times to see if they are around.
"Why?" Tuffnut asks, walking back into camp with his sister Ruffnut by his side.
"You miss us?" the female twin adds.
"I missed you!" Snotlout and Fishlegs exclaim at the same time with overeager smiles directed towards her. Ruffnut rolls her eyes as Hiccup ignores their lovesick outbursts almost completely and walks up to the twins.
"Was there anything we left back in the clearing?" They found a nice open field on the island, not too far from their camp, that they used as a training grounds while they were there.
"Nope." Tuff proudly raised his chin as he crossed his arms.
"Well, not anymore." Ruff nudged her brother. Hiccup looked at her curiously. "I found that arrow Fishlegs shot into the trees during that shooting contest we had last week," the female twin brought the small bow spear from behind her back, waving it around.
"Okay then, I think that's everything," Hiccup confirmed, backing up to not get stabbed.
"Good, I'm exhausted!" Ruff slummed over as she walked over to the logs by the fire to sit down.
"I'm starving," her brother followed her to the fire pit for dinner. Their Hideous Zippleback coming up behind them, laying down and resting their two heads by their riders. The twins both took the head they road and pat them with affection.
"Well you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer, unless you want cold stew," Astrid continued to stir the pot and also poked at the fire more to get the flames up.
"That is not a good cooking fire," Snotlout squatted to look closer at the dying embers under the pot.
"It's Fishlegs's turn to get the firewood," Tuffnut nudged his head in the large young man's direction, still by his dear Gronckle.
"Alright, I'm going," Fishlegs started walking away but Meatlug also started walking after him. "No Meatlug it's okay, I'll be right back, you just stay and enjoy your granite," Fishlegs gave his dragon a pet on her snout and she understood and went back to her favorite dinner. Fishlegs smiled and walked into the forest.
Several minutes passed, the young Vikings were getting bored waiting for dinner so they started with their usual chit-chat they did before, during, and after they ate. The twins sat next to each other on the ground with their backs up against one of the logs, Hiccup sat close to Astrid on the next log, while Snotlout stood on the other side of the fire and told a story.
"…so I'm walkin' back here thinkin' everything's fine, I start to whistle a little, and then I hear the noise again. I turn around, there's nothing there. I turn back around, and there's a Terror right at my feet, trying to climb up my legs," Snotlout chuckled as he explained his little tale. All the teens started laughing too but settled down quickly before the muscular young man continued. "So after I shoo him away, I ran back to camp and thank Thor he didn't follow me. I'm brushing off the mud he left on my pants and I feel something in my pocket. I reach in, and I put out a fist full of Dragon Nip!" He and all the teens started laughing again, harder this time, until all their stomachs started to growl. Their dinner is still on the fire but is not heating up. They know they can't just have one of their dragons lightly blast at it; there's nothing there for the fire to burn. They need wood.
"Uh, how long does it take to get a few sticks and a small log or two?" Ruffnut groaned where she sat with her hands behind her head.
"Not this long. We still had a bunch of chopped logs left over there," Astrid said, getting back up to stir the stew once again. A few yards away from their camp, they set up a small clearing where they chopped down a few small trees around for fire wood. They knew there were logs there already and it wasn't that far away so they were all wondering why their intellectually gifted friend was not back yet
Just when Hiccup was getting up to go see why Fishlegs was taking so long, said husky Viking came slowly walking toward them from the forest with his arms full of small logs.
"Geeze Fish-face, what the Hel took you? The stews' still cold and we're all starving!" Snotlout ranted to Fishlegs as he slowly slugged out of the tree line. Hiccup looked closer at his friend's rather blank face and automatically knew something wasn't right. "…not only that but we could also freeze easier when we're this far…" Hiccup sternly cut his cousin off before he could finish.
"Snotlout, enough," Hiccup turned his attention back to their friend with the fire wood. "Fishlegs, you okay?" Fishlegs looked around sad and a bit startled looking. When his eyes went back to Hiccup, Fishlegs crouched down to set down the wood, which was more like a drop. After it was all on the ground, Fishlegs, still not looking back up or even rising back up fully to his feet, choked out a sob and started to cry almost hysterically.
"Fishlegs?!" Hiccup dropped down to one knee to look at his crying friend and try to calm him down. The other Vikings got to their feet and approached the two, each showing concern and curiosity of why their team mate was crying. They've never seen one another cry like this before. At least not since they were around eight years old. As Hiccup placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, Fishlegs slightly raised his head to see his leader trying to comfort him and the others not too far behind him, all looking concerned and equally confused as well. Fishlegs gave a sniffle while tried to blink away most of his tears before sadly stuttering out his story.
"I-I was…getting the w-wood…a-and then I h-heard so-something in the bu-bushes. I look over, a-and I se-see a few wild bo-boars run…running away, s-so I go over to wh-where they were ru-running from and…" Fishlegs couldn't finish his story, choking on another big sob.
"And what? Did something happen? Did you see something?" Hiccup said, trying to understand and calm his good friend down. It took a minute or two, but Fishlegs took a big breathe, rubbed his tears away with the back of his hand and stood back up, a little more calm but still tearing up. Hiccup rose with him. Fishlegs started to walk back the way he came and gestured for his friends to follow him.
They all knew where the wood cutting area they set up was. So when they got there, they waited for Fishlegs to direct them to what he wanted them to see that got him so upset.
Fishlegs, with a shaky hand, pulled some of the bushes away, and pointed towards the direction he must have been talking about where he saw the boars run from. He turned his head away, not wanting to look again. Hiccup knew whatever it was, it still was worth his curiosity. Preparing his mind for whatever it was, Hiccup walked around the bush and a few feet forward and froze. The other Vikings, Fishlegs at the very back still shedding tears, followed Hiccup and were just as shocked; by what was in front of them on the ground, and by the fact that they were not prepared to comprehend this could happen.
One. Just one of the many lap-sized and friendly Terrible Terrors that populated this island, was there. Dead. Mainly still intact, body twisted not nicely at all, surrounded by boar prints in the dirt and puddles of the dragon's own blood.
A sweet and affectionate little dragon like a Terror found dead before a group of dragon trainers? Who wouldn't be upset? Hiccup stepped closer and crotched down. One of the little dragon's eyes was still slightly opened. Hiccup reached forward and gently closed it shut, feeling a tear build in his eye.
Fishlegs was still behind everyone, trying to control his sobbing. Snotlout knew he couldn't (or rather he wouldn't) cry, but he was still upset for the little guy and angry at the boars that did this, and stayed silence. The twins knew they always made jokes about death and whatnot, but this was just awful. Even before they became riders they had never seen a dragon maimed like this, so they both looked away with a scowl and bitter taste in their mouths. Astrid came forward and got down beside Hiccup, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I guess this is why Terrible Terrors hunt and travel in packs," Hiccup stated with a raw throat.
They wanted to give the little dragon a proper funeral, but the only funeral they knew how to perform was for Vikings. Only now do the riders realize that ever since the war between Berk and the Dragons ended, they haven't seen a dead dragon. Nobody saw them dead anymore because they stopped killing them, and when they did kill them, they used their bones, horns, and hides for helmets or just kept them as trophies. Now that dragons were respected and loved by the Vikings and most where considered family, they deserved a proper send off to the next world. But a dragon funeral? Even after the peace was established, they hadn't thought of that.
Even though this dragon wasn't a trained companion of any Viking, he was still a good dragon in the eyes of all the first riders, and equally deserved a funeral.
Later that evening, after the young adult Vikings gave the murdered Terror their newly established 'Dragon Funeral,' everyone sat quietly by the roaring fire with their dragons close. Everyone had pretty much lost their appetite from earlier, so they only nipped at their well heated stew before giving the rest to their dragons.
I know I didn't explain how a 'Dragon Funeral' works, but I will when the time is right. I knew I was going to explain it in a later chapter, so I didn't want to be repetitive by putting it here too.
And I know, I hated writing out a dead Terrible Terror as much as U all probably hated reading about it.