A/N: This is my very first South Park fanfic. I haven't seen South Park in a few years, so please be patient with me if there's some out of character-ness. There is an OC in this story. Please read and review.

The students in Mr. Garrison's 4th grade class all took their seats and awaited their teacher.

"Did you do the homework?" Stan asks his bff Kyle.

"I did half of it, but then I got really bored and stopped," Kyle admitted.

After what seemed like forever, Mr. Garrison entered, with Mr. Hat in hand.

"We're getting a new student," Mr. Garrison said in an I-don't-really-care-but-I-should tone.

A young girl entered the room. She had dark brown hair that reached her shoulders. Her bangs were flipped to the left side. She wore a bright yellow head band and a matching hoodie.

"Well, young lady, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself," Mr. Garrison says.

The girl very cautiously looked around the room. She wanted to get a look at her classmates. With a frightened look on her face, she grabbed a piece of chalk and decided to write on the board. She wrote: "My name is Sophia Bantercross. I come from Denver. I ask that you be very patient with me as I don't talk a lot." The class silently read what she wrote. Sophia looked around for a friendly face to sit near. She spots one. It was a boy with a tuft of blond hair on his head who was wearing a light blue jacket. The class was confused as to why Sophia didn't just say all that.

It was lunchtime. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman were sitting together. Many tables away, Butters and Sophia sit together.

"So what do you guys think of the new girl?" Stan asks his colleagues.

"She's cute. And I really like her name," Kyle says while smiling.

"Yeah she's got a pretty name," Stan says. Stan and Kyle stared at Cartman.

"And what do you think?" Stan asks.

"She must be retarded," Cartman said.

"Oh for God's sake!" Stan shouted.

"What makes you think she's retarded?" Kyle says in a clueless tone.

"Because she doesn't talk. She's obviously a retard," Cartman says harshly.

"Come on, fatass. There's gotta be another explanation," Kyle says.

"Oh yeah, Jew? Name one," Cartman said as he cooly folded his arms across his chest. Stan and Kyle tried to think of other reasons why Sophia doesn't talk.

"Maybe she's just shy," Kyle wonders.

"Shy? That's the best explanation you can come up with?" Cartman scoffed.

"Hey, he's got a point. It's not uncommon for a new kid to be shy on the first day," Stan says, defending Kyle.

"I still think she's a retard," Cartman says.

Their conversation was briefly interrupted when Butters came up to their table.

"Hello," Butters said cheerfully.

"So, you were eating lunch with Sophia," Kyle says.

"Yes I was," Butters responded.

"Tell us about her..." Stan says.

"She's a retard. I knew it. She is completely unable to talk. Is that right?" Cartman asked as he looked at Butters. Butters was completely insulted that Cartman came to such a harsh conclusion.

"A-actually Eric. She's not re-retarded at all. We had a pretty r-riveting conversation and I found out some in-interesting things," Butters explains.

"Why the hell would she talk to you of all people?" Cartman said harshly.

"Because," Butters thought for a minute, "Actually I-I'm not sure. Maybe I'll a-ask her."

Butters left and went to find Sophia. After he was gone, they started talking again.

"We should give her some time," Stan says.

"Yeah, she'll talk to us eventually," Kyle agreed.