Disclaimer: I don't own httyd.

AN: Hey everybody! Azukka here! This is it, the second part of my trilogy! Hope you guys enjoy it!

One more thing, if you really want to fully understand the story then go read "Bringing Matters To Your Own Hands" first since this is a continuation of that story.

Arc: The Traveling

Days Given: 30 days

"The Traveling Part 1"

AN: First of all, let me give you guys a recap of the previous story. This is probably going to take a whole chapter but it's the least I could do to make you guys remember the good old days. The recap will be told once again by none other than the main character of this story.


Nah I'm kidding... Hiccup's going to be the one narrating...

-Hiccup's Voice-over-

This is Berk.

It sucks.

You know why?

Because dragons, witches and rival vikings are out to get our village. It's like every little thing we do leads to a misunderstanding that would eventually spark a war or things like that.


You don't know who I am?

My mistake.

Where are my manners?

I am Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third...

I am the son of Stoick the Vast and Valka the dragon breeder, which was only recently known in Berk for obvious reasons.

You see, here in Berk, vikings hate dragons.

Sorry, that was an understatement...

Vikings despise dragons.

They would go out of their way just to kill one.

Sure, they do have a valid reason in doing so since dragons usually raid our food, burn our houses down and occasionally kill our fellow vikings.

It wasn't until I, Hiccup, stepped forward and did what no male viking ever did in all of history.

Seek help from a shieldmaiden known as Astrid Hofferson.

I know what you are thinking, what kind of viking would I be if seeking help from a female, let alone a novice, was the most plausible thing to do?

Well, technically, I was pretty weak.

Yep, you heard it here first.

I admitted that I was weak.

More like I was a toothpick.

Before I sought help from Astrid, I was weak.

I was worthless.

I was known as Useless, the Toothpick.

You know what was worse?

My mom was nowhere to be found.

My dad... Yep... It's best we don't go there...

Where was I?

Oh right...

I was always bullied by my cousins, Snotlout Jorgenson, and his two "friends" the Thorston twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

It wasn't until I was ten years old when I went to the forest to get some healing herbs for my wounds since no one in the village would ever help me at that time when I saw Astrid training in the forest.

I was planning in walking away when I suddenly had the urge to watch her train.

Ok fine, I was observing her from atop a tree to get a good view.

It really is no wonder why the others always admired her. She was/is a killer with her axe even though she was using a smaller one when we were younger. The way she threw it before was precise. The way she throws it now is short to perfect. The only problem she has now is her size. No, her gender has nothing to do with it. I've seen bigger men cower before her and that includes me.

While Astrid was training, I was busy trying to copy her by following how her body moves. This happened for about 10 minutes when Astrid suddenly lied on her back and stared up at the sky. It was just my luck that she glanced at the tree I was on and stared directly at me in horror.

She bolted up and pointed an accusing finger at me and demanded me to tell her why I was there in the first place.

I, in standard Hiccup fashion, lost my balance and fell down on my butt, hard. As I looked up, Astrid was there staring down at me with her arms crossed over her chest while muttering that she wasn't going to ask again.

Of course, I stuttered an excuse at her about me being injured and trying to find some herbs to heal myself.

To my surprise though, her eyes widened and she suddenly focused on my body. Her eyes furrowed as she looked at my numerous wounds. She then lifted her head and focused her eyes on me.

It wasn't until a minute later when she offered her hand and told me that she would help find those herbs. I asked her why she was willing to help and she told me that she didn't want to be responsible if I died out there.

The walk was quiet since both of us were busy trying to comprehend the current situation but I could hear some words she muttered like Snotface, beat to death and making things worse. I didn't knew what she meant by those and, until to this day, I still don't want to know.

We eventually found the herbs I was looking for since Astrid had no idea what it looked like in the first place.

While Astrid was busy tending my wounds, I asked her if it was okay to watch her training session. She raised an eyebrow and asked me why and I told her that I could learn a thing or two from her. She thought about it and I could actually picture out what was running through her mind.

Before she could give me her answer, I promised her that I wouldn't be a hindrance to her training. Astrid sighed and made me promise not to tell anyone about what they were going to do and we shook hands to close the deal.

And that's how me and Astrid started getting close. I watched while she trained. It always intrigued me how fluid her movements are. Not a move wasted. Everything was accounted for. It didn't take long before I got curious enough to try and do what she did. To my embarrassment, I always ended up hurting myself. Some of the times where I make a mistake, Astrid would giggle which sounded cute and when she realized what she did, she would scowl and continue training as if it didn't happen in the first place.

Weeks past and I finally got the hang on doing what she was doing albeit a little bit different from her style since we do have different body types. Astrid was curious about this and asked me what I meant.

I explained to her but she quite didn't get all of it since there were words that I used that wasn't in her vocabulary. It was then that Astrid suddenly had a bright idea. In exchange of training me, I, in turn, would educate her, teach her everything about everything and, most of all, how to speak properly. I thought it was a good deal so we once again shook hands.

This went on for about a few weeks when one day during breakfast dad called my attention. At first I thought I was in trouble for doing something I wasn't supposed to do but instead he invited me in going hunting with him. I was pleasantly surprised. Never in my life have I ever thought that dad would finally notice me. Of course I immediately said yes without asking when and where we were going.

To my surprise, dad scheduled us to leave an hour after breakfast. I wanted to ask him why he was on such a hurry but he already gulped down his breakfast and started packing the things we need for the trip. I sighed as I lazily finished mine and thought about Astrid. Hunting trips usually lasted for about three days to a week and that meant that I wouldn't be able to see Astrid.

After packing our things, me and dad finally went out and started trekking towards the forest. Along the way there, dad told me that we wouldn't be alone in this trip and I frowned since it was rare when dad was being secretive and it usually ended in him being drunk off his butt and dancing in the house, stark naked.

It wasn't until we've reached a certain clearing when my questions had been answered. The other people dad mentioned was none other than Astrid and her father Grudge. Grudge wasn't your typical viking. He is one those vikings that can go on par with my dad in a hand-to-hand combat. I once heard a rumor that dad and Grudge were twins with different mothers. The only difference they have is that Grudge seems to be relaxed when there are no dragon attacks unlike dad who words 24/7 just to keep everything in order.

The moment I saw Astrid, I bolted towards her and bombarded her some questions on why she was doing there and she did the same to me. We both came to the conclusion that both our dads did this on purpose and we were going to use the opportunity to show off to them that we were ready to fight dragons. Astrid then boasted that this was the best idea she ever had and I had to disagree because I thought that it was both our ideas meshed together.

If we were not busy arguing, we would've noticed our dads talking behind our backs. It wasn't a little while later when dad called us so we could start walking towards the hunting grounds a mile from where we stood. While there, dad taught me the dos and don'ts in hunting. He told me that to successfully kill a giant deer, I must be both quick and quiet to not disturb it and force it to run away. It was a good thing I was good at both. During the first day, I already acquired my first kill by stabbing a buck on it's neck and cutting off it's jugular. Sure, I almost vomited but I held my ground and stood proud above my kill. It wasn't a little while later that Astrid also got her kill.

Dad volunteered in carrying the buck I killed since I was obviously not able to carry it because of the sheer size of it. It was a good thing to because the sight of the blood dripping from the carcass unnerved me. When we finally got to where Astrid and Grudge were, the moment she saw me she ran towards me and started telling me how she killed it. I might not have told her yet but I found it cute how she reacted to it. Not the killing part but the part where she proved that she was good enough to kill it.

We lasted for about a week before our dads decided that we already hunted enough to last us a few weeks.

The moment we stepped into the village and I was left to my own devices, Snotlout and the others surrounded me and started beating me again. Everything was back to normal except for one small exception, I was faking the whole being beaten up. The moment they all left, Astrid walked towards me and asked if I was alright. Then afterwards she punched me saying demanding me why I didn't fight back. I told her that I want to have the element of surprise and when the time comes, I would make Snotlout make a fool out of himself when I overpower him.

Astrid sighed and thought that I was being childish and started dragging me towards the village shaman, Acne, to be healed. I tried to resist her but she was just too strong for me, it should be noted that at this point Astrid was physically stronger than me.

As we arrived at Acne's hut, Astrid refused to knock on the door since she didn't want to disturb her if she was sleeping. I told her that she should do it since it was her idea but she retorted by saying that it was my fault since I let Snotlout and the others beat me up. We would've continued to argue but the door suddenly opened with an irritated old woman behind it.

Acne ushered us to get in and asked us why we disturbed her. Astrid kindly told her the events that happened to me and me being an idiot. Acne sighed as she grab hold of my face and took a closer look. A second later, Acne started acting weird. Her eyes dilated while she started muttering some incomprehensible words and treating my wounds.

Me and Astrid looked at each other and it was Astrid who snapped her out of her trance-like stare as I walked back. Acne blinked her eyes and stared dumbly at the two of us and told us that she was done with my treatment. With nothing to do about it, me and Astrid left her hut.

Things were pretty normal for the next couple of weeks. I helped Gobber in the forge while Astrid did her chores and when our breaks would come me and Astrid would continue training secretly in our secret area of the forest. And in between, I would be once again be beaten up by my cousin and the Thorston twins only this time Astrid did intervene and beat the living shit out of Snotlout and leaving in a huff. Ruffnut looked at me and, in a rare moment, actually talked to me and asked if I knew what happened.

I just told her the truth and said that I had no idea what was running through Astrid's head at that time. Ruffnut accepted my answer by shrugging and pulled his brother with her to do something else since Snotlout was preoccupied at the moment.

As I made my way towards our training area, I can't help but think that the next major thing that would happen would play a great part in my life.

AN: Well... Here's part 1 guys! Enjoy and Review!