Hi there! (OMG a whole year of silence and she starts with hi there!?)

Yeah, well, had to start somewhere. Anyway, you've probably seen the title -I'm going to rewrite both TSPATLS and Lonely Souls. They're actually the first stories I ever wrote, and they both have a special place in my heart, as cheesy as it sounds -and while rereading them makes me cringe, I can't bring myself to take them down.

Yet. (I'll take it down when I'm done.)

So basically, while I am no longer really into the Naruto fandom (I haven't watched Boruto, am not planning to), I will still make the effort of rewriting it. And hopefully, make it better somewhat.

Because I'm stubborn and I promised myself when I first started I wasn't going to give up on it, damn it. And I don't like breaking promises. (Who does? Seriously, show yourselves.)

So, what's going to change?

- Tsuky's character. She'll remain a calm, peaceful being, pushed to her wit's end by her mother, but she'll be emotionally stronger. And more active in the second part. And her home's environment is going to get more realistic, too.

- The OOCness. Because Itachi slapping a girl is painfully cringy (is that even a word?) and unrealistic.

- Random details. Like, if I decide her brother's going to die again, then he's going to stay dead.

- Secrets I was going to reveal in the last part. I'm not telling what.

- The timeline. I messed it up, I'll try to stick to it this time.

- The first part's tempo. I went rather first on it, I'm going to slow it down. Like, a lot. Because I want to get more in depth with Tsuky's character, and her relationships with the others.

- Title(s). Because The Saddened Painter and the Lonely Shinobi is a mouthful and just...meh. I haven't decided what it's gonna be yet. And chapter titles as well.

- The overall writing style. I'm hoping I actually got better with the years, so...yeah. I'll do my best.

You're welcome to give me your opinions. I'll follow the general storyline I had put up, but I might change a thing or two. Don't know what yet.

So...expect to hear from me very soon.

See you next time~