* It's probably a good thing that I don't own Fairy Tail, because if I did it would lose its innocent funny side and become a lot raunchier.

Lucy was so happy that she found herself skipping to the guild. She had gotten a lot of inspiration that morning for her new book and had ended up writing three new chapters! She was especially excited to show Levy the new chapters, her best friend always had the best feed-back on her writing. She probably could have written more, but her hand was sore and she wanted to get to the guild before it got dark out. It was already close to sundown, but she was pretty sure that the bluenette would still be at the guild if she hadn't gone on a job.

Despite the strong gusts of wind that threatened to flip up the bottom of her pleated yellow skirt, it was still very warm out, so Lucy had coupled the skirt with a light blue tank top and a pair of brown sandals. She was humming a song she had heard the previous day when she pushed open the guild doors, and practically froze in shock from what she saw.

Lined up against the wall were Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy and Natsu; and all of them were being contained in separate cells by Fried's rune magic. Everyone else was running around as Mira and Erza barked out orders. If Lucy hadn't known any better, she would have sworn that the guild was preparing for battle… maybe they were. The only people in the guild who didn't seem worried or on edge were the dragon slayers, which struck her as odd considering that they were the ones locked up.

"Hey, what's going on here? Why are all the dragon slayers locked up?" She asked to no one specifically.

Erza noticed her and walked over to Lucy, her fists resting on her armored hips. "There's a lunar eclipse tonight. Whenever that happens, dragon slayers tend to lose control of rational thought and their baser instincts take over. If they are not contained, the four of them could become a danger to the entire city."

Lucy was shocked, to say the least. She knew how destructive Natsu could be in the heat of battle, and even then he still had some control over his actions. If he lost all control… Worried for her friend, she approached the cell that contained the fire dragon slayer.

He was sitting cross legged on the floor. When he saw her approach, he gave her his usual toothy grin. "Hey, Luce, how you doing?"

"You do seem like you've lost all rational thought, no more than usual at least," she said as she looked for any sign that he wasn't quite normal.

Gray walked over to them, crossing his arms over his bare chest. "Give it an hour or so and you'll see what we mean. Every lunar eclipse when the sun goes down, flame-brain here goes all instinct and would go on a rampage if he had the chance."

"It's not like I can control it, snowman," Natsu grumbled from inside his cell.

"Two cycles ago, fire-breath here got loose and attacked everyone here because he wanted to be the dominant male; Master had to take him down. Another time when he got loose, he ate everything in the kitchen."

"He even ate all my fish," Happy said as he floated down next to Lucy.

"How dare he," she said sarcastically before looking back to Natsu. "And all of you are okay with this?"

"Do worry, Luce. It's for the best. Especially since Master got called away by the Magic Council and there are four of us to deal with this time," he assured her.

"Then what do the rest of us do? We don't just lock them up in the guild all night, do we?"

Erza shook her head. "Most of us stay all night until they are back to normal in the morning. We do what we can to keep them as calm as possible. We have plenty of food for them and they have already exhausted themselves using their magic."

"Couldn't Fried just write the runes to keep them from using magic at all?" Lucy asked.

"Tried that once a few years ago, bad idea," Gray said, shuddering at the memory.

"Cutting off their magic when instinct is telling them to use magic nearly sent Natsu into a psychotic break. We had to remove him from the cell to keep him from killing himself, which was the same time he cleaned out the kitchens. After that, we decided it was best to simply keep them contained but let them keep their magic." As Erza explained, Lucy couldn't help but notice the haunted look in her eyes. Whatever had happened to Natsu that time must have been horrible.

"How long will they need to be locked up like this?"

"We'll be back to normal by morning," she heard Wendy call from the next cell. The celestial mage had a hard time believing that the little sky dragon slayer was going to become so out of control that she needed to be locked up. Her eyes wandered over the other dragon slayers. Wendy's cell looked the most comfortable with a pile of pillows and blankets inside. The other dragon slayers each had a bed roll and pillow that they would normally use for sleeping outside while they were traveling on missions.

"You'll stay, won't you Luce? It'll be boring without you here," Natsu said, his eyes going all puppy-doggish.

She couldn't help but smile at him. "Of course I'll stay, what else am I going to do?" Pulling a chair close to the cell she sat down and started talking to Natsu and Wendy. She noticed that Erza and Gray were keeping their distance and it took her a moment to figure out why. Since Natsu liked to fight the two mages whenever he had the chance, it was probably a good idea for them to stay away and keep the fire dragon slayer from trying to pick a fight with them. Lucy also noticed Levy pull a chair up next to Gajeel's cell and start talking to him as well. Hopefully, that would keep the iron dragon slayer calm.

It was about an hour after the sun went down that she started noticing the changes in the dragon slayers. Wendy stopped talking and was scowling out the cell walls like she was looking for something. Natsu started doing push-ups and sit-ups, saying that he was feeling restless. Gajeel was pacing back and forth like a caged animal, snarling and growling as he went. Laxus sat with his back to the wall and glaring at everyone who walked past him.

Another hour passed and Lucy couldn't believe what was happening to them. Laxus was glaring and snarling at everything and nothing, and the he'd punch the wall every once and a while just because it was there. Gajeel was even worse, throwing his body against the barrier to try to escape. Levy eventually got nervous and moved away from him to a table, his red eyes followed her every step of the way. Wendy's eyes were locked on something in the guild and kept muttering the words "shiny treasure" as she moved from one side to the other of her cell. Natsu was hunched over on the floor on his hands and feet and, best as she could describe it, scurrying around his cell as he sniffed the air.

When talking didn't seem to be doing anything anymore, Lucy moved to sit with Levy. "I can't believe all this, it's like they've gone feral or something."

The bluenette shrugged. "That's probably the best way to describe it. I started doing research on this the first time Natsu went through it when he was 13 years old. It's described as the time when the dragon instincts and wants are in control. Laxus and Gajeel seem to be dealing with the aggressive side of their instincts, so they want to fight. Wendy keep s talking about 'treasure' so I'm pretty sure that she want s to collect and guard. The only one that I can't figure out is Natsu."

"Why's that?"

Levy shook her head. "He's acting different from every other time. He has always wanted either food or a fight, but he hasn't touched the food in his cell and he seems too calm to want a fight."

Lucy shrugged. "There are other instincts, maybe there's a new scent in the air and he's trying to figure it out."

"The instinct to establish territory," Levy added.

"The instinct to protect loved ones from danger."

"There's also the instinct to find and claim a mate and breed." Lucy gasped and blushed while Levy giggled. "Apparently, that one used to happen a lot during lunar eclipses. Normally, the dragon slayers would choose someone they already knew as their mates, but not always. There was one account of a woman who was captured by a dragon slayer during an eclipse and claimed her as his mate even though they had never met before. He chose her purely because of her scent. Every eclipse after that, she said he'd end up locking her in his lair and they'd mate all night."

"That sounds horrible," Lucy sputtered out as the heat rose on her face. She could just imagine being some random woman who was basically kidnapped and raped by a horny dragon slayer and felt sick to her stomach.

"Not really," the bluenette smiled as a blush colored her cheeks as well. "The woman was actually well suited for her mate and he did everything he could to make sure that she was happy and safe. She never regretted being mated to her dragon slayer." Her face got even redder as she cleared her throat. "The woman even commented in the research that the mating was… um… very satisfying."

That made Lucy a little curious. She had seen Natsu smelling the air a lot as he moved around his cell. Maybe he had caught the scent of his mate and didn't know what to do about it; he could be pretty dense, after all. Then she wondered what it would be like to be claimed as a dragon slayer's mate. What would happen if someone threatened or hurt that mate? She cringed at the thought. Mavis help whatever poor bastard would try to harm a dragon slayer's mate.

Just then, Juvia entered the guild, a strong gust of wind from outside practically pushing her inside. The wind also blew through Lucy's hair and made Levy hold down the bottom of her orange dress before the whole guild got a look at her panties. The wind carried across the hall to where the dragon slayers were being held. All at once, the males seemed to go still for a moment.

The slayers let out roars that were reminiscent of the dragons from the GMG and began thrashing inside of their cells with surprising resolve. Every mage tensed as they watched the three males, unsure of what had set them off.

"Fried, be ready! They're going wild!" Mira yelled as she changed into Satan Soul.

"Gray and Elfman, get everyone back!" Erza ordered as she re-quiped into lightning empress armor.

The ice wizard rushed over to Lucy and Levy, taking them both by their arms to lead them away. Juvia, of course, rushed to Gray's side to keep an eye on how close her love rival got to her ice prince. The dragon slayers suddenly went even crazier. Natsu was punching the walls with flaming fists, Gajeel let out an iron dragon roar. Laxus yelled loud enough to shake the entire guild before he slammed his fists into the floor. There was a giant creak before he disappeared through the hole he had made in the floor. Everyone was so shocked that they were unable to stop the other three from following suit.


"Don't let them leave the guild hall!"

Lucy was already pulling out her keys. "Open, Gate of the Lion, Leo!" In a flash of gold light, Loke was standing in front of her in his sunglasses and fitted suit.

"Hi, beautiful; how may I please you today?" He winked at her.

"The whole guild needs your help, Loke. It's a lunar eclipse and all four dragon slayers just got loose!" Since Loke had been a member of Fairy Tail for three years before she had joined, she didn't think she'd have to explain what that implied. She was right.

Loke paled as he positioned himself in front of Lucy, his fists glowed gold as he prepared to fight. "Stay behind me, this could get very rough, very fast."

The basement door suddenly burst open as a shockwave of magical energy threw everyone and everything back a few meters.

Wendy was the first to come out of the door, her eyes focused on Erza. The girl jumped through the air, faster than anyone had ever seen, and tackled the red head to the ground as she attempted to strip the woman of her gauntlets. "My shiny," she shrieked as she struggled with the re-quip mage. Erza was doing the best she could to subdue the girl without harming her.

Gajeel chose that moment to charge out the door and immediately attacked Fried and Mira. Too late, they discovered that he was a distraction when Laxus hit both mages with lightning bolts that were strong enough to knock them unconscious. Natsu quickly followed them with a wing attack that had most of the remaining guild members diving for cover. The dragon slayers seemed to be working together, and no one had been prepared for that.

Gajeel broke away from the others and started making a beeline for Levy. The bluenette, still on the floor from avoiding Natsu's attack saw him coming and got scared. "Solid Script Cage!" A large cage shot from Levy towards Gajeel. He easily dodged it and ended up right in front of the bluenette. She scrambled across the floor to escape but found herself being lifted off of the floor and flung over the man's shoulder. Then he was sprinting out the guild doors as she called for help.

"Levy!" Jet and Droy turned from their fight with Natsu in time to see their teammate being carried away. That was a mistake. The fire dragon slayer knocked both men out of his way as he continued making his way towards Lucy, Juvia and Gray. Wendy had acquired one of Erza's gauntlets and was now wrestling with Loke to take his rings. Laxus was now fighting Erza and hitting her with more power than he had ever shown during the battle of Fairy Tail, those who were watching were not sure that she would win this fight.

Natsu sprinted straight at Gray before feinting to one side and sweeping his legs out from beneath him and punching him so hard that the ice mage's head practically dented the floor boards. Natsu growled something at him that, if he hadn't been so close, he never would have heard him. It was enough to shock the brunette into a stupor while The fire dragon slayer turned and tackled one of the girls to the floor. Gray's head was too muddled to see who it was until he sat up and saw the pinkette sprinting out the front doors carrying a struggling Juvia in his arms.

Lucy saw the shocked look on Gray's bloodied face, and couldn't blame him. When Natsu had dove in their direction and started fighting Gray, she was sure that that was what her friend had been after. Then his sights had turned on her and Juvia and she had gotten a crazy thought that she might be his mate. When he dove at them again, Lucy had instinctively dodged, but it turned out that she wasn't his target. Natsu had grabbed hold of the water woman and was out the door before any of them knew what was going on.

There was suddenly another large wave of magic that was strong enough to make her dizzy. Looking up, she was shocked to see Erza on the floor, struggling to stand. Laxus was standing over her, electricity sparked around him dangerously. When she saw the feral look in his eyes, she couldn't help but gasp in fear. Somehow, he picked up the sound of her gasp above all other sounds and turned to stare at her with stormy grey eyes that sent a chill down her spine.

The lightning dragon slayer was scary enough on a normal day, right now he looked positively terrifying. She wanted to believe that he wouldn't hurt her, that he wasn't the same guy she had met when she first joined the guild, but his feral eyes reminded her that he wasn't in his right mind at the moment. What's worse is that she couldn't get a read on why he was focused on her or what he might want. She was too terrified to really even think. He took a step in her direction and Lucy's body seemed to wake from her stupor as she turned tail and ran out of the guild to escape. She wasn't sure if he would come after her, but she didn't want to stick around to find out.

Behind her, Laxus was about to give chase as other mages did their best to stop him, but they hardly slowed him down. It wasn't until he got close to the doors that a wall of ice blocked the exit. He roared in annoyance as he turned to face a bleeding ice mage.

"Leave her alone!" Gray yelled at him before quickly going on the defensive as the mage started throwing lightning bolts at him. He knew that he had no chance of beating Laxus, but he could at least try to give Lucy a head start so she could get away. It wasn't long before the larger man lashed out and took hold of his throat and lifted his body so his feet dangled in the air. He couldn't help but kick out, trying to free himself and distract the man at the same time.

The younger mage's struggles didn't faze him at all. Laxus simply growled low in his throat at Gray as he brought him in close and gave the younger mage's throat a slight squeeze. "Come between me and Blondie again and you'll be lucky if you live."

Lightning shot painfully into Gray's body but he couldn't even scream. Unable to hold his concentration on the ice blocking the door anymore; it fell away leaving the doors wide open. Laxus threw Gray's body to the side as he casually walked out. The ice mage's muscles refused to work right as he struggled to move. Just as his body began to work again, he was tackled to the floor by Wendy.

"My shiny," the girl screamed at him as she fought to grab his silver necklace. He continued to struggle until he saw a walls of runes surround them. He let the girl slip the necklace over his head and then scrambled out of the newly formed cell. A look around showed that most of the guild had recovered from the attack, but Wendy was the only dragon slayer still in the guild. He also knew that Lucy had made a run for it with Laxus chasing after her and Natsu had run off with Juvia. Levy was also missing.

"Is everyone alright?" Erza asked as she struggled to her feet. "Those who can still fight, get ready to go on the move. There are three dragon slayers on the loose and they are very dangerous right now."

"Gajeel kidnapped Levy; I need to catch up to her." Jet said as he stood up. Before anyone could say anything, he had run out the door faster than anyone could see.

"What about Natsu and Laxus?" Mira asked.

"Natsu carried off Juvia and Laxus went chasing after Lucy and I have a pretty good idea why," Gray said, getting everyone's attention. "When flame-brain sucker punched me, he said 'you are my love rival for Juvia, I will make her forget all about you.' Then a minute ago, Laxus warned me to never get between him and Lucy again."

Mira did her best to look serious, but everyone could see the hearts in her eyes as she speculated about the six missing mages. "That sounds to me like they might have found their mates!"

A collective gasp went around the guild as everyone began to speculate about the possible couples and question what their next move should be. It was common knowledge that coming between a dragon or slayer and its intended mate was one of the most dangerous things a person could do. But at the same time, they had to protect the girls. Erza began barking out orders of who would stay behind to watch over Wendy and who would go out as search parties for the missing guild members.

Gray was worried. He didn't think that the dragon slayers would intentionally hurt Levy, Juvia or Lucy; but at the same time, he didn't want to risk it. The guys were crazy and close to running on pure instincts at the moment.

On the plus side, if Juvia really is Natsu's mate, maybe she'll stop obsessing over me and be happy with him. Giving his head a shake at the arrant thought, he wiped the blood from his face before turning to listen to Erza. Levy, Juvia, Lucy; stay safe, we're on our way.

A/N: This story changed a lot from the original first draft. At first it had been a NaLu and GaLe story, but everybody does those and it left me unhappy with it to the point that I refused to post it. Then just the other day, I got the idea to add Laxus and Juvia into the mix and to scramble things about a bit. I hope you all like pairings I chose for this story! Please review to let me know what you think!