Lea instead of Lee is going on temporary hiatus, because I just don't know where to go with the story at the moment. The main story anyway. I have some vague ideas about what I want to do with Duck and his family, and Sarah and her dad, but I really want the main focus of this story to be on Lea and Clementine like it is in season one of the game. Might go watch a someone's play through of S1 on YouTube, try to gain some inspiration there. Maybe my wanting to jump from point of view to point of view is S3 coming out.

I originally only wanted to do little snippets of Duck and Sarah's lives before Clem actually met up with them in the story, but now I want to focus on them just as much as Clem and her group. So my original plans for this story no longer seem satisfactory to my current tastes, but I might no longer like this idea when S3 is over, because I haven't even decided if I like S3 yet.

And I know I said back when I first came back that I would up load with a chapter in the next month, but nothing happened, because I have artists block at the moment. You heard me, not writers block, artists block, meaning this rut extends to my other hobbies like drawing and painting as well, not just writing. Which is really cruddy for me, because those are basically my only hobbies besides reading.

But yes this story is going to be sadly enough marked with hiatus, and it's hopefully temporary, as I would hope God, or the muses, or whoever is cosmically in charge of inspiring artists, hasn't just abandoned me with a ton of half finished projects. I mean, I have a canvas half blank that I haven't touched in weeks just sitting in the craft room, I have this story that I really want to finish, my other stories I'm hoping to eventually rewrite, and rework, I've got five separate sketches I need to finish at some point.

Sadly at the moment, this story is now on hiatus, but I might up load the first couple of chapters of a story that I'd been working on, on and off for the last year or so, it's not a lot, it's not even finished. But if I upload it and if you're interested, go a head and read it, it's Yandere Simulator, and it's not that good in my personal opinion.