This is the Epilogue of the story..and I really hope you enjoy it. Let me know in the reviews what you thought of the whole thing!




It has been five years since that horrible night in the Vale.

Now, five years older and wiser, I sit here in the solar of my new Winterfell home, watching my child play with her toys in front of the fire. Her name is Anne Catelyn Stark Clegane and she is five years old. It was that night in the barn with Sandor that time ago that we conceived her and had I not been rescued by Sandor or left, she would have been born to a false father and a false life.

I smile as I watch her play and when she looks at me, her blue eyes look into mine and her long brown hair bounces on her shoulders.

In these five years, we've traveled to the Wall in search of Jon and I was not disappointed when we found him. It took us a month to travel there and by the time we arrived, I had missed my first moonblood, making me realize I may have been with child. We had heard that the people of the Vale thought me dead and for a time we let them believe that, as I was not ready to be discovered in Winterfell. Our new home was built on the old Stark land where the original Winterfell castle used to stand.

When I was seven moons along carrying Anne, Sandor and I married in the Godswood, making him Lord of Winterfell and the Vale and King in the North. The people greeted us both in happiness and when our home was finished, we moved in with two year old Anne in tow. It did indeed take that long to build most of the castle, but now as I sit here in the solar, I know it is finished and a true home.

News of my living spread across Westeros and I refused to rebuild the Eyrie, allowing the people of the Vale to live in the castle of the Gates of the Moon.

My thoughts of the past are interrupted by a small kick in my belly and I look down to see the child I am carrying has quickened in the womb. Sandor soon walked in and lifted a happy Anne from the floor and came to me, kissing me fondly, "You alright?"

I am nothing but happy as I looked up at him and my daughter, "I am the happiest I could ever be."

In truth, I was so terribly happy. I was home and had a family with a husband who cared for me; what more could I want? I was ready for a long and happy life with them, but I was also ready for anything bad to come our way. Because when playing the Game of Thrones, you should always expect the unexpected.


The end! I really hope you enjoyed all of this. It took me so long! Thank you for reading!