Hey guys, here's a new story.

All rigts go to Akira Toriyama and Mashashi Kishimoto.

Two boys, both 13 years old were standing across each other, both were standing on satues of family members.

One was called Naruto Uzumaki, he was standing on the statue of his far relative Hashirama Senju, although Naruto didn't know they were relatives, Naruto had tan skin and while he usually had ocean blue eyes, his eyes now were red with slits in them due to the Kyubi within him, Naruto had blond hair also and was wearing a orange jumpsuit which was tattered, he stood at 4'11.

The other boy was called Sasuke Uchiha, he was standing on the satue of his great-grandfather Madara Uchiha, Sasuke had pale skin which at the moment was grey due to the horrid transformation had had gone through, he had a star like object on his nose, long blue hair, which usually was dark like the night and red eyes with three tomoes spinning crazily, this was his bloodline the Sharingan and had two huge hand lile wings coming from his back, he stood at 5'2.

Naruto was fighting to bring Sasuke back, but Sasuke was fighting to escape to the evil Orochimaru, and maybe kill Naruto along the way to gain his clan's legendary bloodline:The Mangekyou Sharingan, but he was starting to doubt he coudl since Naruto had shown what friendship meant.

''Sasuke, i'm warning you come back to the Leaf and i won't harm you'' Naruto threatened in his Kyubified voice.

''Like you're in any position to threaten me Dobe, you are special, but i'm more special than you'll ever be'' Sasuke spoke in a tone of finality.''Now Naruto, let us see who truly is the strongest member of Team Kakashi.''

Sasuke crouched low and started calling upon the chakra that was deep within him, but due to the influence Orochimaru's dark chalra had on his body, the Chidori turned a dark obsidian, and instead of 1000 birds chirping, it sounded like 1000 birds taking flight.

Naruto merely growled and started summoning his Chakra and it started forming into a blue ball that queckly turned vermillion, this was the famed Rasengan a technique invented by the Fourth Hokage, Naruto's father although he didn't know this.

''How about we settle this Sasuke?''

''Couln't agree more more Naruto.''

Both boys flew toward each other with their signature attacks.



Their attacks collided and formed a large grey vortex which sucked the boys in, Kakashi Hatake could only watch as his two disciples were sucked into the vortex.''

In the Vortex.

Sasuke couln't believe it he was dead before had avenged his family, dead before he could achieve the Mangekyou, dead before Orochiamaru taught him a single jutsu, atleast there was one thing that was going his way, Naruto was dead too.

Said boy sarted opening his eyes, but closed them as soon as he saw the extremely bright light, but decided to man up and opened them, the first person he saw was Sasuke and he was slightly satisfied that he had gone out taking him with him.

''I'm afraid your not dead children'' a kind female voice that seemed to echo with power stated.

Naruto and Sasuke both looked forward and saw three beings, one was an old man with a long white beard and a white cloak his eyes were blue like Naruto's but filled with wisdom.

Tbe second was a female with long Raven hair that fell to her knees, she wore a long blackdress that accentuated her curves and wore a gold crown with a red jewel in it, she had red eyes like the Sharingan and radiated light.

The third and and also female wore a long forest green dress had eyes like emeralds and long flowing blond hair, Naruto could tell from a look that she was the one in charge.

Naruto and Sasuke fell upon their knees and bowed before Kami, Izanagi and Izanami.

''Rise my children, we have urgent matters to talk about.'' Kami told Naruto and Sasuke.

Izanagi cleared his throat and walked over and started talking. ''You two humans caused a lot of trouble, you were supposed to be judged by the Court of Gods, for destroying the world.''

''WHAT, Sasuke and i never destroyed the world, i think you got the wrong guys'' Naruto told Izanagi in denial.

Izanagi merely chuckled. ''Oh you humans destroyed the world alright, in about 4 year from now you two will fight in the Fourth Shinobi World War, against Madara Uchiha Obito Uchiha and Kaguya Ootsutsuki, you would go on and qonquer these foes, but after defeating them you two would battle for a mere title, and since everyone one was locked in a technique called Infinite Tsukuyomi which causes the victim to fall in eternal sleep, your lust for a title would destoy the world as you two continued to clash, and i repeat all this for a mere title.''

Izanami gave her husband a look so that he would stop torturing the boys who seemed like they were on the verge of crying.

''Naruto, Sasuke you two both have things you should know and we will tell these things, all i request is not to be interrupted'' Izanami spoke.

She continued explaining everything, the truth behind the Uchiha Massacre, the truth about Naruto's parentage and the truth about Itachi.

Both were crying openly after Izanami explained everything, the godess felt bad about bringing this news to the boys but they had to know, it was vital to their development.

''I hate to be bringing aven more bad news than my daughter, but you will never return to that place,you are dead and this would bring complications, and there is a place where you'll be heading that will need you this place is in the North Galaxy a place called Earth, a planet that greatly resembles your Ametsuchi,but it s far more advanced there you will meet a man called Goku, all we request is that you learn from him, he is by far the greastest mortal i have ever seen'' Kami told Naruto and Sasuke.

''However before you leave we will give you gifts, Naruto you will gain the Yin from the Kyubi and all Chakra Natures will be within your grasp even the Kekkei Genkai's , we will give you scrolls on The Flying Thunder God and Kunai's'.''

''You on the other hand young Sasuke will gain the Mangekyou Sharingan, The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan The Ultimate Rinnegan and Mokuton, however unlike Naruto's gifts you must unlock them and as compensation for that we will give you a scroll on all Lightning Techniques used by my son Raijin.''

''Are both of you satisfied?'' Kami questioned.

Both boys nodded furiously and Kami smiled, she waved her hand and a hole appeared beneath Naruto and Sasuke which boys fell in screaming.

Mt Poazu

''Daddy, Daddy, there's two boys lying here'' Gohan screamed.

Goku walked over and gasped, he was right there were two boy lying there both unconcious they seemed to be fighters going by their build, one had black hair that was spiky much like Goku's own he wore a blue shirt with a high collar and white shorts he wore sandals.

The other had blond hair but was wearing a head band, he was wearing a orange jumpsuit he had three strange whisker like scars on his face.

Goku didn't lnow, but by taking these two to his house had changed the course of history.

Thats it for chapter one, i got this idea all of a sudden, and started writing i have awesome ideas for it and it will probably go till the Buu Saga and if you guys want to till GT, but it won't be standard DBZ new characters wil be introduced and new saga's will be seen.

Goodfella96 out.