If anybody's reading this, I'd like to apologize that I'll be cancelling the Kingdom Hearts Remake series. I just lost the motivation. Mrfipp, I'll admit the original characters Jerry and Elwina are inspired by your own KH OCs Tom and Tanith (for the rest of you who don't know who they are, read his stories Kingdom Hearts III: Hearts of Gold and Kingdom Hearts IV: All's End).

His story was also what led me to creating the concept of the Story Crew, which has made its way to my other stories, specifically the Shisno Chronicles ones, which led to my now-cancelled tale The Last Airbender, and my current works Blazing Sword and the Friendship is Magic series. You see, him using fourth-wall breaking to explain things didn't sit well with me, and neither did things happening going forever unexplained, so I came up with them as a means of explaining all that.

And then I got further fascinated by the idea and expanded on them, eventually giving them a 'world' of their own (named Hadithi, which is Swahili for "story"), a rival (the unimaginatively-named Book Troop), multiple facilities, ad entanglements with other multiversal realms/organizations like the Time-Space Administration Bureau (Lyrical Nanoha) and Kandrakar (W.I.T.C.H.). Actually, I haven't mentioned the latter in any of my stories yet, nor do I plan on making a Shisno Chronicles story out of any of them. It's tough enough as it is now that I have a new mini-project titled Crossover Huntresses (and Huntsmen).

You can find the basic information on this theoretical organization (or is it?) by looking up "Story Crew Emblem" in deviantART, and additional expansive info on it can be found in the various chapters of my main story Shisno Chronicles: Friendship is Magic and its sequels.

Here's what could've been if I had continued this:

- Sora and 'I' would have our fight after the third encounter with the Replicas, but this time 'I' would've won, only for Sora to then knock me out after the battle.

- Florina and the others would be experiencing 'phantom limbs' more and memories of their past in Neopia.

- There would've been more in-depth conversations between the Organization members and the Rangers.

- More can be seen in my farewell chapter in my KHR3 story.

In the end, while it was a very good ride, I just don't feel obligated to continue, even though my later tales connect to this, which coerced me to keep on going. In the end, my fatigue for this won out. As a parting gift, I'll present to you the cards that would've appeared at KHR:CoM:R aside from the ones already in the game.

Magic Cards:


Summon Cards:

XR - The robot barrages enemies with laser attacks.
Flit - The hummingbird flies around, dropping small HP orbs upon impact with enemies.
Lumiere - The candelabra fires at enemies in a wide area, inflicting fire damage.
Bahamut - The dragon appears from above an charges a small flare before launching it downward, damaging enemies only.

Enemy Cards:

Heffalump (Magic Bracer) - Stops enemies from breaking any magic cards used. Lasts 20 attacks.
Windelle (Friend Bracer) - Stops enemies from breaking any friend cards used. Lasts 20 attacks.
Yi (Fire Resist) - Reduce all fire damage taken from enemies. Lasts two reloads.
Bing (Quick Blink) - Teleport away from a foe about to land a hit after a card break. Lasts two reloads.
Ding (Ice Resist) - Reduce all ice damage taken from enemies. Lasts two reloads.
Wu (Attack Break) - Automatically break an enemy's card regardless of value with an offense-oriented card. Lasts 20 cards.
Ji (Thunder Resist) - Reduce all lightning damage taken from enemies. Lasts two reloads.
Geng (Air Resist) - Reduce damage taken from flying/floating enemies. Normal damage is received from ground-walking enemies. Lasts two reloads.
Xin (Dark Resist) - Reduce damage taken from all Heartless (but less so compared to Geng's and Jia's cards). Lasts two reloads.

And any further Enemy Cards that only have a Roman Umeral would've represented an Organization member that doesn't appear in Castle Oblivion.

('My') Sleights (with what counterparts they are of Sora's if any):

A is for attack, M is for Magic, S is for Summon, F is for Friend. Some sleights that do exist in the game are not listed here unless I'm adding a new combination.

(A) Boomer Blast [Sora: Sonic Blade]
(A) Headshot [Sora: Zantetsuken]
(A) Combo Shots [Sora: Ars Arcanum]
(A) Spinneret - Shield spins in a high velocity.
(A) Taiyou [Sora: Ragnarok]
(A) Neo Force [Sora: Trinity Limit]

(M) Slowra and Slowga
(M) Hastera and Hastega
(M) Flame Discus (Fire + two attack cards) - Like Shield Boomer, but powered with Fire [Sora: Fire Raid]
(M) Bolt Discus (Thunder + two attack cards) - Like Shield Boomer, but powered with Thunder [Sora: Thunder Raid]
(M) Weight Discus (Gravity + two attack cards) - Like Shield Boomer, but powered with Gravity [Sora: Gravity Raid]
(M) Slowdown Discus (Slow + two attack cards) - Like Shield Boomer, but powered with Slow
(M) Double Discus Attack (Haste + two attack cards) - Like Shield Boomer, but performed twice in a row
(M) Spinning Shield (Aero + two attack cards) - Tosses his shield and it spins around a single enemy, attacking it. [Sora: Judgment]
(M) Poison Shots (Posion + two attack cards) - (-_-) fires the DirLuxGun twice, which have a chance to poison. For one reload, future DirLuxGun shots also have a chance to poison the enemy.
(M) Firing Frenzy (Barret + two attack cards or attack card + Haste + attack card) - [Sora: Reflect Raid]
(M) Cupid (Charm + two attack cards) - Fire two shots that inflict Charm on enemies. Does not work on bosses.
(M) Solar Matrix (Stop + two attack cards, with two cards of equal value) - Stop time and deliver multiple shots [Sora: Lethal Frame]
(M) Fire Missile (Aero + Fire + magic card) [Sora: Homing Fira]
(M) Solar Saber (attack card + Fire + attack card) [Sora: Firaga Break]
(M) Mega Flare (Mushu/Lumiere + two Fire cards)
(M) Ice Missile (Aero + Blizzard + magic card) [Sora: Homing Blizzara]
(M) Paralysis Attack (XR + two attack cards) - XR barrages enemies with laser attacks that induce Stop on impact. [Sora: Shock Impact]
(M) Quake (Gravity + Simba/Baloo + magic card)
(M) Terror (two summon cards + Jack or Simba/Baloo + Mushu/Lumiere + item card)
(M) Gifted Miracle (summon card + magic card + Jack or Bambi/Flit + Blizzard + item card)
(M) Teleport (two magic cards + Peter Pan or Stop + Aero + item card)
(M) Lightning Bolt (attack card + two Thunder cards) - Fire lightning energy at foes in front, drawing them in and stunning them after dealing extensive damage.

(S) XR! Gun! Lv 2/3 (two or three XR cards) - XR barrages enemies with laser attacks over en extended period of time.
(S) Little Torpedo Lv 2/3 (two or three Flit cards) - Flit flies around, dropping HP orbs upon impact with enemies, stunning them on Lv 3.
(S) Buzz Blitz (Flit + two attack cards) - Flit flies around, dropping HP orbs upon impact with enemies and inflicting Confuse on them.
(S) Candle Shot Lv 2/3 (two or three Lumiere cards) - Lumiere fires at enemies in a wide area, inflicting fire damage.
(S) Megaflare and Gigaflare (two or three Bahamut cards) - Bahamut charges up his signature attack, and launches it in the battle area, damaging enemies but not allies.
(S) Big Shot (two Barret cards) - Barret charges a huge fireball before firing it at the enemy.
(S) Ungarmax (three Barret cards) - Barret fires an intense flurry of bullets at enemies.
(S) Grenade Bomb (Fire + Barret + attack card) - Barret launches a grenade at the enemy, dealing damage, greater if there are less foes.

(F) Pronged Attack (Gregorio/Yoris + attack card + Florina) - Gregorio/Yoris attacks the targeted enemy from behind while (-_-) and Florina fire from the front.
(F) Full Salvo (Yoris + attack card + Florina, any order) - Yoris, Florina, and (-_-) unleash a 'full slavo' on enemies.
(F) Elemental Bombardment (any combination of Donald and Yoris cards)
(F) Lance and Buckler (and combination of Gregorio and Goofy cards)
(F) Absolute 0 Friendship Boarding (Donald + Blizzard + Goofy) - The field turns to slippery ice, then Goofy uses his shield as a tiny toboggan, with Sora and Donald on top of him and they slam into foes. A trigger allows them to ricochet back to the enemy six more times.

The last one is a reference to the manga, which they used in their first fight against Axel.

And this is what the chapter order would've been.

Chapter 22: Fourth Floor : Basement Ten
Chapter 23: Fifth Floor : Basement Nine
Chapter 24: Sixth Floor: Basement Eight
Chapter 25: Seventh Floor : Basement Seven
Chapter 25: Eighth Floor : Basement Six
Chapter 26: Ninth Floor
Chapter 27: Tenth Floor: Basement Five
Chapter 28: Eleventh Floor: Basement Four
Chapter 29: Twelfth Floor
Chapter 30: True Colors (where Naminé reveals the truth to Sora and co.)
Chapter 31: Thirteenth Floor : Basement Threecon Version.
Chapter 32: Chain of Memories : Basement Two (Where Sora's tale ends)
Chapter 33: Basement One (Reverse \ Rebirth) (Where Riku's tale ends)

What would've been for Kingdom Hearts Remake 2: Retcon Version.

Soon for KHR2R:

(spells) Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Cure, Esuna, Regen, Aero, Gravity, Poison, Silence, Stop, Charm, Confuse, Protect, Shell, Dispel, Fira, Thundara, Blizzara, Cura, Blind, Immobilize, Sleep, Haste, Slow, Float, Mini, Petrify, Gravira, Aerora, Stopra, Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Curaga, Graviga, Aeroga, Stopga, Fire Missile, Ice Missile, Cupid, Magnet Spiral, Mega Flare, Aqua Splash, Tornado, Freeze, Quake, Warpinator, Warp, Bind, Firaga Burst, Terror, Synchro, Gifted Miracle, Teleport, Holy, Raging Storm, Fire Wall, Lightning Bolt

(skills) Shield Boomer, Sky Dropper, Boomer Blast, Yoyo Shot, Aura Wave, Combo Shots, Taiyou, Solar Saber, Boomer Warp, Solar Bouncer, Spinneret, Flame Discus, Bolt Discus, Ice Discus, Time Discus, Weight Discus, Slowdown Discus, Double Discus Attack, Spinning Shield, Firing Frenzy, Solar Matrix

(summons) Requiem

And later (callback to something 'I' discussed with Merlin)…

(spells) FIRE (Fire, Fira, Firaga, Fire Missile, Firaga Burst, Fire Wall), BOLT (Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Lightning Bolt), ICE (Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Ice Missile, Aqua Splash, Freeze), CURE (Cure, Cura, Curaga), HEAL (Esuna, Regen, Gifted Miracle), AERO (Aero, Aerora, Aeroga, Tornado, Raging Storm), GRAV (Gravity, Gravira, Graviga), STAT (Poison, Silence, Charm, Confuse, Blind, Immobilize, Sleep, Mini, Petrify, Bind, Confuse, Terror), TIME (Stop, Stopra, Stopga, Haste, Slow), SHLD (Protect, Shell), Dispel, Float, Magnet Spiral, Mega Flare, Quake, WARP (Warpinator, Warp), Synchro, Teleport, Holy

(skills) SBOM (Shield Boomer, Flame Discus, Bolt Discus, Ice Discus, Time Discus, Weight Discus, Slowdown Discus, Double Discus Attack, Spinning Shield), Sky Dropper, BOMR (Boomer Blast, Yoyo Shot, Boomer Warp), Aura Wave, Combo Shots, Taiyou, Solar Saber, Solar Bouncer, Spinneret, Firing Frenzy, Solar Matrix

(summons) ?

nightelf37: And that's it. I bid this series farewell, though I will still follow Kingdom Hearts. See ya on Third! Elsewhere.