A/N: I know I shouldn't be writing a new story because I have like a gazillion others that I still need to update so here you are. R&R
Disclaimer: PJO and HOO belong to Rick Riordan, other stuff belongs to me and whatever...
Hera is batshit crazy. She has another thing coming, because I'm not going to do the Do with Perci. Besides we're not even in our twenties let alone...oh I don't know...married!...PSH it's not like I like the daughter of Poseidon...PSH...no...no besides she's dating Anthony. I sighed, damn witch. Coming to me in a dream to tell me, Tyler Grace, to have sex with Persephone Andromeda Jackson. The hero of Olympus.
It was just a normal dream, actually one of the few dreams that didn't have me waking up in a cold sweat.
I was just sitting on Zeus's Fist. Where I was minding my own business really. It was capture the flag and I was on the red team, the Ares, Iris, Demeter, Dionysus and Apollo cabins were on my team. While the cabins of Hermes, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Athena and Poseidon were on the other. I was waiting for anyone trying to take the flag. No one in the right mind would try and come and attack me. Not unless they wanted to get fried or look face to face Aegis. Not that I minded to have a little fight. I just hope it doesn't take a week for someone to win. Believe me it had happened. Like for real, Chiron had to send the wood nymphs to get us all food. It was rough. Not to mention the Athena cabin had won. But back to my dream. I heard the snap of a twig and was just about to impale the sorry sap who was sneaking up on me. Luckily I hadn't because, there she stood in all her fighting glory. There was Perci, Riptide drawn for battle and the shield that Tyson made her gleamed in the rays of the moon. The pictures so beautifully made that they looked as if they were moving. I readied my spear and held Aegis in a defensive way. She smiled at me, her eyes bright green like the ocean on a sunny day. I was forced to focus as she leapt towards me, Riptide about to come crashing down on me. I held Aegis up and deflected it. Using my spear I tried to disarm her. But ultimately failed, so close to getting my spear cut in half. I rolled away from her second slash. I swept my feet under hers, it not only resulted in her falling on her back but I tumbled after her. With a clang of our armor bumping into each other, our faces were close. Too close to for comfort between friends. I really didn't mind it. I looked down at her to see green irises wide with surprise. Her face tinting to a light pink color. I inched closer to her, she looked a little panicked trying to squirm away. As much as I wanted to kiss her the game was over with Anthony holding the flag of Ares that quickly changed into a silver and grey owl. His magic Yankee's cap in his other hand. I rolled off of her and helped her up, she just smiled at me and back at Anthony. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and jogged off. That kind of hurt. Next thing I know, I'm still sitting on Zeus's Fist watching the stars, Ursa Major and Zoe Nightshade, who looked ready to shoot all enemies who opposed her or Lady Artemis. Percy had happened to walk behind me and was then sitting next to me. After a few short seconds of silence she spoke.
"Tyler...I just wanted to tell you something...important...um I really..." But before she could finish her sentence, as quick as a flash my surroundings had changed.