Thank you guys so much for the reviews, favorites, and follows. Knowing there's people who enjoy my story keeps me from procrastinating too much when I want to write the next chapter C: I finally learned how to use the line break thing too. Haha.

The chilly night air washed over Katara's face and uncovered body as soon as she stepped outside. The only part of her that was being kept warm was her upper and mid back, which was covered by her freshly combed out hair. Spring was just beginning in the Fire Nation and nights could still be incredibly cold despite it's reputation for having people with the fieriest attitudes.

Realizing her current state of dress, she raised one arm to cover her breasts and her other hand to shield her sacred area from greedy eyes. Her nipples were perking up from the weather, and she silently cursed at them to calm down. What if Ozai saw and got the wrong idea? How humiliating this was to be standing outside naked. The Fire Lord could at least give her something to wear. After all, he had already seen all that he needed to when she on the auction block.

Feeling the moon calling to her, the waterbender looked up in its direction. The soft white light comforted her and helped calm her nerves a little bit despite the situation she was placed in.

A regal looking carriage was parked in front of the building she had just exited. It had two ostrich horses tied to the front with a driver holding the reins, already prepared to go.

"Get her in the carriage." Ozai barked out his orders to the servants that were milling around before making his way into the carriage himself.

Immediately they jumped into action at the sound of their lord's commands. A female servant beckoned for her to enter the passenger car, and Katara complied.

The naked woman struggled to get into cart and keep her modesty at the same time. The door to get in was at least two feet off the ground. After contemplating multiple ways to tackle the obstacle without flashing everyone, she finally gave up and decided just to hoist herself up. After struggling for a few seconds long arms grabbed her waist and pulled her in.

Katara was surprised to see it was the Fire Lord himself who had helped her up. She didn't take him as a man who helped someone unless it was for his own benefit.

Ozai pulled the naked woman to him and sat her down in his lap, her smooth back pressing against his chest clothed by expensive red robes.

"Let's go!" The firebender looked ahead and called out to the driver. The vehicle was set in motion without hesitation. Ozai turned his attention to the girl that was helpless before him.

"So," He purred as he pressed his cheek to hers and started to stroke her hair. He wasted no time once he got the chance to touch the girl.

"You're the waterbending woman I've heard so much about. You were quite the price indeed.'

Katara was wary of his intentions, shivering at his cool tone and the touch of his fingers on her hair. The man caressing her was gentle, almost as if he cared not to hurt the girl, but she saw first hand what the Fire Nation did to people of other nations.

"I would say I did well for myself today. Who knew such a beauty was hidden in my country. I don't think any Fire Nation woman looks quite as exotic as you do."

The said "exotic woman" didn't respond and gritted her teeth. Would no man see past that she was from the Water Tribe here? All they looked at were her curves and her tanned skin. No one had seen past that. She was just something to be shown off by whoever owned her in this country.

"I hope my son will be pleased with you." He continued. "I did spend a great deal of money after all."

Thoughts raced through Katara's mind. He had a son? What would he be like? She hoped he wasn't a monster like Ozai. With her luck he would probably be ten times worse. Being raised by him how could anyone be less than evil? Lost in her own thoughts, she almost missed the Fire Lord's hands moving around.

The raven haired man's hand trailed down to her right breast and rested there. "I do wish to get my money's worth. Zuko won't mind I'm sure."

Katara knew where this might be going. Though she was still a virgin, she wasn't ignorant to what went on between a master and a slave. Growing up as a servant she learned quickly some women were bought for sexual purposes. She felt warm hands trail down her chest and past her navel. Finally they were at the entrance to her private area.

"Don't touch me! I have to wait until marriage!" Katara snapped quickly, trying to pry his powerful hands away. They didn't move, the grown man being stronger than her. She regretted her actions a second after and relaxed, awaiting the retribution that would most certainly follow her refusal.

The man assaulting her body instead just scoffed. "You think slaves marry? You're nowhere near your own country! You're just a trophy to be displayed here! The last bender of the Southern Water Tribe!" One finger was plunged into her entrance. Katara let out a gasp of surprise. He turned brunette woman's head to see her expression, expecting a positive response. Instead her eyes were wide open in shock, as if she didn't believe what had happened.

"First time, huh?" He smirked at his achievement. "What else did you expect to be used for? This would come eventually no matter who bought you."

Tears started streaming down Katara's face as she heard his last sentence and fully realized her reality. Before she was untouchable, kept safe because she wasn't an adult but also because the woman at the other estate protected her so that this didn't happen.

Anywhere but here would be a good place to be, even at her old residence when she was a servant. She didn't like this at all and wanted everyone to disappear. Ozai could be doing something far worse to her but even this little act went against everything that she was taught. Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't notice the carriage come to a complete stop.

"We've arrived. It's a shame I didn't get a chance to do more. Your reactions are very interesting… I hope Zuko is finally man enough to finished what I started."

Picking her up bridal style, he descended from the carriage. Servants lined up on either side of the pathway that lead inside the palace and all eyes looked at the woman he was carrying.

"Father, what did you bring home?" A female voice questioned as he stepped inside.

Katara turned her head to see who was speaking and her eyes met harsh golden ones. She had seen pictures of her in Fire Nation history books. Sometimes when her duties were finished at her old house, the servant would sneak into the library to read. This person that had appeared was Princess Azula, a prodigy bender named after Azulon.

"A gift for Zuko." The Fire Lord stated simply.

"You think he'd finally be man enough to bed a woman?" Azula sneered. "Zu-zu didn't take the last two women you gave him."

"This one is different. She looks better than the one I tried to give him last year." He placed her down and let Azula get a good look before he ordered a servant to take her to the servant's quarters.

Ozai felt anger burn inside of him. Why couldn't his son be a normal boy and take the women given to him? Once he knew the pleasures they could bring he would change his mind about not wanting them. Two years ago he had unsuccessfully tried to offer Zuko one of his own concubines but he had sent her right back to him. The next year, for his 19th birthday the Fire Lord had went out of his way to buy him a beautiful Fire Nation woman from the auction block. Again nothing had happened between his son and the slave and it frustrated him. How was he supposed to be the next ruler of the country when he couldn't even use the slaves correctly?

It was his mother Ursa that caused this. Being the gentle and kind woman that she was, she had gotten closer to his son and raised him to be the same way as her. At the same time, he himself had gotten close to Azula. He wished for Zuko to be like more like her. She was a powerful bender, being able to bend lightning while his other child bended his pitiful fire. No one would respect him as a Fire Lord and he often wondered if Azula should take his place as the next ruler.

"It's getting late, my princess. You should sleep so you can look your best for Zuko's party tomorrow."

"I suppose so. Good night, father." The princess made her way up the long flight of stairs and disappeared out of his sight.

Ozai himself soon took a similar path to the royal wing of the palace and went into his own bedroom, the grandest in the whole Fire Nation. Pure gold ornaments decorated the walls, ranging from dragons to other animals. His bed was pushed against the back wall, draped in red sheets and plush pillows. An intricate gold chandelier hung above the room and was lit by his bending. The light revealed a figure, facing away from him and sitting on his bed.

"Who might you be?" He grinned and turned her around, expecting a concubine. Sometimes the noblemen would send theirs his way if they wanted to gain favor with him and it wasn't uncommon to find someone waiting on his bed when he returned from doing his duties for the day. He was surprised to see it was his wife.

"Were you expecting someone else?" The woman questioned.

"Ursa! I told you not to come in here!"

"Don't you think it's time to put a stop to all this concubine and slave business? You yourself have other women and you've been trying to force it on Zuko!" The Fire Lady exclaimed.

"This is my country and I can do what I want!" Ozai shouted, the flames of the chandelier growing bigger.

"Does our marriage mean nothing to you?"

"We got married for an heir and nothing more."

Like most upper class people from the Fire Nation, Ozai and Ursa's marriage had been arranged. Ursa had been the perfect candidate, being the daughter of Azulon's right hand commander. At first Ozai had been a wonderful husband, loving and handsome on top of it. She had thought she was living the perfect life. But after Zuko was born he had started sleeping with other women. They had one last night together before she got fed up with it and moved into a different room entirely, which produced Azula. Now their marriage was just for show.

Ursa was visibly hurt by her husband's words. "I'm not allowed to sleep in the same bed as my own husband."

"Why would I sleep with a woman that has had two kids when I can have a virgin every night?" Ozai responded cruelly.

Realizing things would never be repaired to the way they use to be, Ursa threw a sad look her husband's way and walked out of the room without saying anything more. She knew she was defeated with her plans of what she would say were shut down with only a few words. This was the reason she got closer to Zuko. He wouldn't turn out like his father, as long as she was alive to prevent it!

"Here's your room." Katara had followed an older female servant to the end of the hallway and arrived at a wooden door. She was in the servant hallway, on the bottom floor, down a long hallway and out of sight from any nobles that might come by to visit the royal family. Thankfully there weren't any other people outside of their rooms to see the newcomer, her current state still being unclothed.

The room was basic, with walls decorated in dusty pink wallpaper and the floors a polished wood. A bed was in the back left hand corner of the room and a desk was pushed against the middle of the right wall. Moonlight was let in through a window above the desk.

"Call me if you need anything." The other woman started to head back down the hallway.

"Wait!" Katara called. "What's your name?"

"Ju." She responded before she continued towards her destination, stopping at a door farther down the hallway and going inside.

Katara closed her door and relaxed, glad to be alone and out of everyone's sight. In front of her on the bed was a pile of neatly folded clothes. Finally! Being naked for far too long, she was glad to have something decent to wear. Soft cotton sheets beckoned her and she crawled under them. She wanted to sleep and forget everything, but another day would come tomorrow and she would have to face it.

Kind of short I guess, but the next chapter won't take too long I hope!