Hello everybody, Sputnikmann here with another Time ReWritten chapter.

So this is a prologue to a chapter, similar to that of Chapter 5.5: 'Extra Motivation', but there isn't another story arc afterwards, just a normal chapter.

This reintroduces Gilda the Griffon, and how she is intertwined with the next chapter.

...Oh and for those who are wondering, this takes place between Episode 5 and 6 of the actual show, and the next chapter will take place either parallel to episode 6, or just after this.

I really don't know yet. Anyways, enjoy!

Somewhere outside Ponyville...

Have you ever wanted something so badly, you'll go to great lengths to get it? You'd travel far and wide to get what you want? To get back at somepony so badly, you'll leave the floating city you were raised in to get back at him?

Gilda did. And still does.

All she wanted was to catch up with the best friend she hadn't seen in years. Well, that was a lie, but it was partially true. She wanted to catch up with her friend, so she could find the perfect time to get back at her and her brother for embarrassing her.

And then everything went to Tartarus.

Not only was her friends' brother not there at all, her friend had a new best friend, an overly-excited pink earth pony. That stupid pony was obviously trying to be friendly, and Gilda could appreciate that; it was a nice change from all the humiliation in Cloudsdale. But Gilda needed to be alone with her friend to put her plan into action, which was completely ruined during that pink pony's party.

She stomped her hind leg. "Why couldn't it have been Fluttershy?" she asked herself. "That sickly excuse for a pegasus wouldn't have dared tangle with me!"

She continued to walk, for hours on end, having absolutely no idea where to go next. She couldn't go back to Cloudsdale; everypony there was still going to be as aggravating as every. She definitely couldn't go back to Ponyville, for obvious reasons. And she couldn't go to Manehatten, after what she did with the-

SMACK. She walked right into something.

"Ow. What the buck?!" she said, rubbing her beak. She looked forward, curious as to what she had walked into. It was a medium-sized house, about the size of the Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville. It was made of dark wood, with small metal chords and wires sticking out from the windows. "Somebody needs to get a hobby." she said. She walked to the door. "Hello? Is anybody home?" Getting no answer, she knocked on the door; hoping against all logic that somebody, -pony or otherwise would here the knocking. She was surprised, however, when her knocking made the door creak open, left completely unlocked.

Slowly, Gilda entered the house, being careful not to make any noise. Looking around, she saw that there were wires, chords and strange devices all over the floor and any other horizontal surface. "Sheesh." Gilda said. "Whoever lives here needs a maid." Seeing nobody in sight, she continued sneaking around the house, even flying silently a few inches off the ground when it was covered with more... stuff.

Eventually, she found herself at a door, which was strange; since this was the only door she could find in the house, making the whole house seem like one giant room. She pressed her ear to the door, listening for anything on the other side. She inhaled sharply when she heard somebody speaking on the other side.

"So," said a voice behind the door. "I programmed them to merge with the nearest computer; which is obviously-"

"Quiet." said another voice, this one sounding much deeper than the first. "Did you here that?"

"Hear what?" said the first voice. "I didn't hear anything."

There was a short pause. Gilda barely noticed the sound of the door handle turning, and was unable to register when the door opened and a metal fist impacted her face; knocking her out cold.