Disclaimer: Vandread nor Gundam Wing belong to me.
Well here it is! After being delayed for nearly forever (Mental vacation...) It is now re-completed (Well, mostly) And finished. So without further adeu, Gundread; the second version.
Fast breathing.
He was panting. Somehow, he wasn't quite so sure of his whereabouts anymore.
The suit shifted all around him as straight blue lines whipped past the cockpit.
The boy shook visibly.
His body felt like it was being stretched and blown through air.
He could feel those lines streak past his body and skin.
He wanted to open his mouth and scream.
But he kept calm and tried to keep his nerve to himself.
His eyes blinked rapidly
His pulse skyrocketed
His heart was blowing up
Heero Yuy was going to die.
An ear-piercing scream
A blood-curtailing shout
The Wing Zero flew for infinity
Heero was going to die.
"I will...."
"I WILL...."
Just as things couldn't get bad enough Hibiki turned his glare right.
A blue-white fireball the size of his Van unit was headed straight for him.
The Van flew over the comet as it slowed down and dissipated into a pair of folded wings.
"What the-"
The wings spread apart as the unit slowed and started to tumble.
A blue body, dark eyes, and white form...with two huge long wings.
Definitely worth checking out.
The last of the enemy scout squadron died in a series of quick blasts from the Dreads.
"Hey!" Hibiki called out, "Anyone out there!? I need some help!"
"Hmm...interesting." Said Magano as she examined the enlarged alien ship as it was being towed into the aft-hanger deck.
BC turned, "What do you think?"
"I'm not sure, but it's definitely not one of ours...or any of the men's for that matter."
BC was willing to argue, "It is man-shaped..."
"But the men haven't developed anything as mobile as that suit looks. No, and I don't think our enemies could have developed something like this...unless it's a trap- which I doubt..."
In the hanger levels Jura was amazed at the new member of the ship's manifest, "It looks so beautiful!"
"Even though it's been charred and pitted." Observed Barnette, "I don't know about this one."
Then Parfet and two technicians approached, "Well," Said Parfet, "The only way we can find out what's in it is if we open it. Let's-"
She stopped and everyone watched in amazement as the cockpit doors opened and de-pressurized.
Out stumbled a figure and he rolled off the suit and to the ground collapsing as he hit it and falling flat.
The women looked to one another before rushing for the downed figure.
-The pilot struggled to get up in his blurred vision.
He saw several forms shifting as they grew closer and closer.
Then his will left him-
The pilot collapsed to the ground just as the women reached him.
"It''s a man!"
"A man piloted this thing?"
"We got to get him to the hospital! Someone call a doctor!"
The silent pulsing of the medical reader was heard in the room as Dureo scanned the unconscious boy.
His eyes were closed and his pulse seemed normal.
An X-ray scan showed he had seen much more than just falling off a one-story mecha on the ground. He had evidence of broken bones, what appeared to be several concussions, and a lot of repaired misjointments.
Had Dureo seen a medical report on this boy he would have proclaimed him dead.
"Will he be all right?" Asked BC as she entered though the double doors of the medical ward.
"Possibly. The boy has remarkable healing." Said Dureo as he looked up from the sleeping child to BC's face.
The eyes of the patient cracked open and turned in their slits.
"Good. Magano will want to talk to him later." Said BC.
The patient closed his eyes once more.
"I recommend some rest first." Said the Doctor, "Any sort of strain on his body now will only damage him further."
"If you insist doctor, but be careful. He may not be just a simple man from what I've seen..." Replied BC.
She left, and Dureo turned back to the instruments which showed no change since five minutes ago.
The pilot felt a tap on his arm.
"Hey Heero!"
In a hazy environment the boy with the Prussian blue eyes looked up at his friend.
"C'mon buddy, you don't want to be late."
"...For, what?"
"You gotta be kidding me! For what he says, Relina's Birthday!"
The Prussian-eyed pilot stood and walked after his friend.
A flash
He was in the cockpit rolling and aiming a large weapon down his arm...aiming it at moving blurs.
A red signet, a collection of lines.
A harsh noise resolved itself into a beeping as details resolved themselves into clarity.
Flashes. Fighting. War. Death.
Then as he pressed the trigger to annihilate a falling star, he started to fall in a different direction.
Blue whirlwinds around him.
And then he shot up.
Everything was blurry. He looked at his own hand, a fuzzy outline of what it should be. He started to blink and gained more sense of his surroundings. Apparently he was in some sore of medical room.
Things were sharper now as he started to blink.
A large screen, some medical equipment, machinery...
He was still in his cloths.
He heard a noise and left the table to duck underneath it.
Dureo stepped out and found his patient gone.
Confused, he looked around and headed for the door as the pilot rolled under the bed and to the other side.
Dureo turned around and walked for the far side of the diagnostic table.
The pilot stood and took hopping footsteps out of the room, just before Dureo looked up at the sound of the doors closing.
The pilot had to return to his mecha.
His mission depended on what he would do in the next few minutes.
If this was an OZ ship-
He heard a noise and ducked into another corridor.
Had this been an Oz ship, why was there artificial gravity?
Could he be on Earth?
That had to be a possibility.
He started walking down a hallway and made it into an observation corridor.
He stopped and looked out the giant window to his right.
The stars stared back at him.
He wasn't on the ground.
And from a minute or so of examining the stars, he wasn't anywhere near Earth.
So where was he?
"Hn..." Spoke the pilot as he looked up and down the corridors and decided it was best to go find his Mobile suit.
Hibiki was trying to ignore the gargantuan mecha lying in the middle of the hanger deck, but the sheer size of it couldn't let him focus on his work.
And as the door opened he panicked and climbed into the roof of his cockpit.
No, it wasn't Dita...
He climbed down and saw a figure climbing up on the unusual construction.
"HEY YOU!!" Cried Hibiki.
The figure looked up as the cockpit doors were opening and then away as it crawled into the cockpit.
"HEY!!" Hibiki cried as he climbed off the scaffolding of his Mecha and rushed for the unusual machine, "Just who do you think-!"
Then the mecha moved and shuddered. Hibiki lost his footing as the mecha jarred the bay with it's sudden engine movement.
The jets died down and the whole machine moved in an effort to stand.
The suit collapsed down to a lying-down position and the cockpit opened to reveal the pilot.
"Now we- HEY!" Hibiki screamed as a bullet ricocheted off the floor.
The pilot leapt from his suit and landed on the ground and dashed for HIS Vanguard.
"HEY!!" Screamed Hibiki.
Just then Dita entered.
"Mr. Alien...huh?"
The pilot rushed right past her.
"Another alien!" She yipped and rushed after the pilot.
He was just getting into the cockpit when some strange girl came in after him, "Hi!"
"Do you mind?" Growled Heero Yuy.
"You're an alien aren't you?"
"Miss, I'm-"
"I'm Dita!" Cried Dita and gave Heero a hug, "Another alien! Yipee!!"
Heero was looking at this woman as if she came from Mars...not far off from definition.
"Hey! You two get out of there!!" Screamed Hibiki.
Just then the door opened and BC emerged with several armed guards.
"Hibiki!" Called BC, "Where's that alien?"
"He's in MY Cockpit!"
The guards rushed up the scaffold.
"Hey! HEY! THAT'S MY VAN TYPE!!...Wha!!!" Fumed Hibiki on the walkway but slowly lost his footing
Hibiki fell and was caught by BC.
"Don't mention it." Replied BC as she dropped Hibiki with an unkind thud.
The guards pulled out the pilot from the cockpit AND the clutches of Dita.
"Hn. So you're the pilot." Said BC as she crossed her arms, "Clever to get out of sickbay and this far. So tell me, what's your name?"
The pilot smiled and answered in a sentance, "My name is Heero Yuy."
Then he stamped down on the feet of one of the women and yanked himself free of the other.
Then he leapt onto the bar and shoved himself off it with his foot and somersaulted through the air.
"STOP HIM!" Ordered BC.
The guards opened fire with rubber bullets but they all either missed or didn't hit the boy as he ran towards his Mobile suit.
BC took off after him and so did the guards.
In three jumps Heero was in his cockpit and closing the cockpit door.
He tapped several keys in the dark-not needing guidance by light as the system powered itself ON.
The eyes flashed green as the Mobile suit became operational.
Heero then tried the engines.
BC and the guards shielded themselves as the rockets on the back of the MS flared and ignited, slowly pushing the Mobile suit to the other end of the bay.
Heero showed no emotion during this operation.
Then the MS rammed the doors.
Heero was bounced around in his cockpit and the Gundam came down to a rest.
But not for long, as the Mobile suit's torso craned up to give it some clearance. It came to a sitting position in the hanger and looked at the figures at the far side of the bay.
Heero started to reach up for a beam saber stored in the shoulder of his Gundam when he got a lock-on alert from the Zero system.
He looked down the bay to see a smaller Mecha powering up and preparing to fire at him with an arm-gattling cannon. "Okay buddy, freeze!" Cried an unsure but desperate voice in the speakers.
Two boxes on the shoulders flipped up and out and exposed twin gattling guns.
The women hit the deck as Gattling fire flew to the other end of the bay and sprinkled against the aft bulkhead.
Hibiki braced himself as a shield popped up and defended the Mecha from bullets.
"Hn..." Heero the pilot murmured as he turned and whisked out a Beam saber. He turned and slashed across the doors.
BC realized instantly they had no time, "EVERYBODY OUT!"
They all rushed at the doors even as the doors blasted away and decompression took over.
0.68 seconds after the doors blew open the emergency ones slammed into place and re-pressurized the room, leaving the intruder missing in the hanger.
"Damnit!" Cried Hibiki and called, "Get the doc down here!"
Dita peered from the open doorway, "Is it safe now?"
Heero didn't need to say it, as his Winged Gundam was now free in space.
But something was definitely wrong.
There weren't any planets nearby.
No familiar stars.
No satellites.
And he wasn't sure of any direction.
Heero was nervous for what may have been the first time in his life.
His breathing increased, but the will to defend himself overcame this fear as fighters were approaching him.
He looked around and found his beam rifle floating in space not too far away.
With a quick thrust he retrieved it.
Only to find the weapon stunned.
He stored it on a mount on the back of his Gundam and flipped open the Gattling cannons.
Meia saw this and banked, with Jura and the other Dreads to dodge enemy fire.
The Dreads swarmed around the Gundam and looked for an open weakness.
Heero offered none as he pulled out a laser sward. The long ruby beam then closed in on Jura.
"AYEIEIAHAAAA!!" She wailed and banked her fighter away as Heero thrust.
He turned and changed direction on a dime and charged in on Jura.
Meia took the opportunity to strike but the enemy seemed to predict her movements as it turned and opened fire on her.
She banked away and pondered aloud, "Who is this guy?"
Then Hibiki's Van and Dita's Dread joined the fight.
The Nirvana slowed and started to turn to watch and recover injuries.
Heero thrust again and turned to fire his head machine guns as he tried to stop at least one of the fighters.
A graceful white one slipped into his view and opened fire with several energy-based weapon blasts.
Heero dodged this and swung his saber around to nick the wing of this one.
Meia was not happy as she came around and fired again.
Heero rolled and thrust his wings, the gattling barrels spinning in her general direction.
Jura took up the fight and fired at him.
Heero raised a wing and it took the shots as pure Gundanium melted under the extreme heat.
He flicked it out again and bashed aside the nose to Jura's fighter.
Only to come face to face with Vandread Dita.
Weapons clashed as the main weapon to the Vandread and Heero's beam saber clashed.
Hibiki swung with the other arm but the enemy pilot was gone by then and flying up and away.
Meia's sights closed on it and she came within firing range...
In the cockpit to Wing Zero the computer system flashed warnings and he banked away.
Meia stood with him as they closed in with the Nirvana.
Heero came over the back and ducked around the front.
He flew right past the command room and Magano was shocked at his precise flight.
Heero turned and pulled out the beam saber, momentum carrying him backwards as he prepared his defenses and fired.
Meia shuddered and banked away from the incoming bullets as Heero continued to provide them.
But just then Hibiki closed the distance and grappled the smaller Gundam.
"Yeah!" Cried Dita.
Heero was hearing the warning sirens around in the cockpit and looked at the self-detonation switch.
"Mission....incomplete." He sighed as he pounded his fist on the control.
The power faded as something short-circuited the reactor and the reactor shut itself down.
"Looks like I'll be their prisoner again...." Heero muttered.
It was a big fight to get Heero sustained.
As soon as the cockpit door opened he jumped out of the cockpit, took some steps on the hull and rolled all the way out and down the side of the mecha to the ground.
Then he continued running for the door.
But it opened to admit Doctor Dureo.
The good Doctor was bigger than Heero and stopped the young man in the doorway and jabbed a needle into him.
Heero broke away and kept going.
"Hmm..." Said Dureo as he examined the rhinoceros tranquilizer.
But Heero was stopped cold by Dita as she arrived around the corner.
"Mr. Strange Alien!" She yipped and grasped onto Heero like cement.
Heero found it increasingly difficult to move and even moreso when the Doctor came around and hit him again with another tranquilizer.
And so begins the re-write. After a delay of several months, HERE IT IS!!!
Not much changed in the first chapter, but ah well. Keep reading and tell me what you think at the end!
Disclaimer: Vandread nor Gundam Wing belong to me.
Well here it is! After being delayed for nearly forever (Mental vacation...) It is now re-completed (Well, mostly) And finished. So without further adeu, Gundread; the second version.
Fast breathing.
He was panting. Somehow, he wasn't quite so sure of his whereabouts anymore.
The suit shifted all around him as straight blue lines whipped past the cockpit.
The boy shook visibly.
His body felt like it was being stretched and blown through air.
He could feel those lines streak past his body and skin.
He wanted to open his mouth and scream.
But he kept calm and tried to keep his nerve to himself.
His eyes blinked rapidly
His pulse skyrocketed
His heart was blowing up
Heero Yuy was going to die.
An ear-piercing scream
A blood-curtailing shout
The Wing Zero flew for infinity
Heero was going to die.
"I will...."
"I WILL...."
Just as things couldn't get bad enough Hibiki turned his glare right.
A blue-white fireball the size of his Van unit was headed straight for him.
The Van flew over the comet as it slowed down and dissipated into a pair of folded wings.
"What the-"
The wings spread apart as the unit slowed and started to tumble.
A blue body, dark eyes, and white form...with two huge long wings.
Definitely worth checking out.
The last of the enemy scout squadron died in a series of quick blasts from the Dreads.
"Hey!" Hibiki called out, "Anyone out there!? I need some help!"
"Hmm...interesting." Said Magano as she examined the enlarged alien ship as it was being towed into the aft-hanger deck.
BC turned, "What do you think?"
"I'm not sure, but it's definitely not one of ours...or any of the men's for that matter."
BC was willing to argue, "It is man-shaped..."
"But the men haven't developed anything as mobile as that suit looks. No, and I don't think our enemies could have developed something like this...unless it's a trap- which I doubt..."
In the hanger levels Jura was amazed at the new member of the ship's manifest, "It looks so beautiful!"
"Even though it's been charred and pitted." Observed Barnette, "I don't know about this one."
Then Parfet and two technicians approached, "Well," Said Parfet, "The only way we can find out what's in it is if we open it. Let's-"
She stopped and everyone watched in amazement as the cockpit doors opened and de-pressurized.
Out stumbled a figure and he rolled off the suit and to the ground collapsing as he hit it and falling flat.
The women looked to one another before rushing for the downed figure.
-The pilot struggled to get up in his blurred vision.
He saw several forms shifting as they grew closer and closer.
Then his will left him-
The pilot collapsed to the ground just as the women reached him.
"It''s a man!"
"A man piloted this thing?"
"We got to get him to the hospital! Someone call a doctor!"
The silent pulsing of the medical reader was heard in the room as Dureo scanned the unconscious boy.
His eyes were closed and his pulse seemed normal.
An X-ray scan showed he had seen much more than just falling off a one-story mecha on the ground. He had evidence of broken bones, what appeared to be several concussions, and a lot of repaired misjointments.
Had Dureo seen a medical report on this boy he would have proclaimed him dead.
"Will he be all right?" Asked BC as she entered though the double doors of the medical ward.
"Possibly. The boy has remarkable healing." Said Dureo as he looked up from the sleeping child to BC's face.
The eyes of the patient cracked open and turned in their slits.
"Good. Magano will want to talk to him later." Said BC.
The patient closed his eyes once more.
"I recommend some rest first." Said the Doctor, "Any sort of strain on his body now will only damage him further."
"If you insist doctor, but be careful. He may not be just a simple man from what I've seen..." Replied BC.
She left, and Dureo turned back to the instruments which showed no change since five minutes ago.
The pilot felt a tap on his arm.
"Hey Heero!"
In a hazy environment the boy with the Prussian blue eyes looked up at his friend.
"C'mon buddy, you don't want to be late."
"...For, what?"
"You gotta be kidding me! For what he says, Relina's Birthday!"
The Prussian-eyed pilot stood and walked after his friend.
A flash
He was in the cockpit rolling and aiming a large weapon down his arm...aiming it at moving blurs.
A red signet, a collection of lines.
A harsh noise resolved itself into a beeping as details resolved themselves into clarity.
Flashes. Fighting. War. Death.
Then as he pressed the trigger to annihilate a falling star, he started to fall in a different direction.
Blue whirlwinds around him.
And then he shot up.
Everything was blurry. He looked at his own hand, a fuzzy outline of what it should be. He started to blink and gained more sense of his surroundings. Apparently he was in some sore of medical room.
Things were sharper now as he started to blink.
A large screen, some medical equipment, machinery...
He was still in his cloths.
He heard a noise and left the table to duck underneath it.
Dureo stepped out and found his patient gone.
Confused, he looked around and headed for the door as the pilot rolled under the bed and to the other side.
Dureo turned around and walked for the far side of the diagnostic table.
The pilot stood and took hopping footsteps out of the room, just before Dureo looked up at the sound of the doors closing.
The pilot had to return to his mecha.
His mission depended on what he would do in the next few minutes.
If this was an OZ ship-
He heard a noise and ducked into another corridor.
Had this been an Oz ship, why was there artificial gravity?
Could he be on Earth?
That had to be a possibility.
He started walking down a hallway and made it into an observation corridor.
He stopped and looked out the giant window to his right.
The stars stared back at him.
He wasn't on the ground.
And from a minute or so of examining the stars, he wasn't anywhere near Earth.
So where was he?
"Hn..." Spoke the pilot as he looked up and down the corridors and decided it was best to go find his Mobile suit.
Hibiki was trying to ignore the gargantuan mecha lying in the middle of the hanger deck, but the sheer size of it couldn't let him focus on his work.
And as the door opened he panicked and climbed into the roof of his cockpit.
No, it wasn't Dita...
He climbed down and saw a figure climbing up on the unusual construction.
"HEY YOU!!" Cried Hibiki.
The figure looked up as the cockpit doors were opening and then away as it crawled into the cockpit.
"HEY!!" Hibiki cried as he climbed off the scaffolding of his Mecha and rushed for the unusual machine, "Just who do you think-!"
Then the mecha moved and shuddered. Hibiki lost his footing as the mecha jarred the bay with it's sudden engine movement.
The jets died down and the whole machine moved in an effort to stand.
The suit collapsed down to a lying-down position and the cockpit opened to reveal the pilot.
"Now we- HEY!" Hibiki screamed as a bullet ricocheted off the floor.
The pilot leapt from his suit and landed on the ground and dashed for HIS Vanguard.
"HEY!!" Screamed Hibiki.
Just then Dita entered.
"Mr. Alien...huh?"
The pilot rushed right past her.
"Another alien!" She yipped and rushed after the pilot.
He was just getting into the cockpit when some strange girl came in after him, "Hi!"
"Do you mind?" Growled Heero Yuy.
"You're an alien aren't you?"
"Miss, I'm-"
"I'm Dita!" Cried Dita and gave Heero a hug, "Another alien! Yipee!!"
Heero was looking at this woman as if she came from Mars...not far off from definition.
"Hey! You two get out of there!!" Screamed Hibiki.
Just then the door opened and BC emerged with several armed guards.
"Hibiki!" Called BC, "Where's that alien?"
"He's in MY Cockpit!"
The guards rushed up the scaffold.
"Hey! HEY! THAT'S MY VAN TYPE!!...Wha!!!" Fumed Hibiki on the walkway but slowly lost his footing
Hibiki fell and was caught by BC.
"Don't mention it." Replied BC as she dropped Hibiki with an unkind thud.
The guards pulled out the pilot from the cockpit AND the clutches of Dita.
"Hn. So you're the pilot." Said BC as she crossed her arms, "Clever to get out of sickbay and this far. So tell me, what's your name?"
The pilot smiled and answered in a sentance, "My name is Heero Yuy."
Then he stamped down on the feet of one of the women and yanked himself free of the other.
Then he leapt onto the bar and shoved himself off it with his foot and somersaulted through the air.
"STOP HIM!" Ordered BC.
The guards opened fire with rubber bullets but they all either missed or didn't hit the boy as he ran towards his Mobile suit.
BC took off after him and so did the guards.
In three jumps Heero was in his cockpit and closing the cockpit door.
He tapped several keys in the dark-not needing guidance by light as the system powered itself ON.
The eyes flashed green as the Mobile suit became operational.
Heero then tried the engines.
BC and the guards shielded themselves as the rockets on the back of the MS flared and ignited, slowly pushing the Mobile suit to the other end of the bay.
Heero showed no emotion during this operation.
Then the MS rammed the doors.
Heero was bounced around in his cockpit and the Gundam came down to a rest.
But not for long, as the Mobile suit's torso craned up to give it some clearance. It came to a sitting position in the hanger and looked at the figures at the far side of the bay.
Heero started to reach up for a beam saber stored in the shoulder of his Gundam when he got a lock-on alert from the Zero system.
He looked down the bay to see a smaller Mecha powering up and preparing to fire at him with an arm-gattling cannon. "Okay buddy, freeze!" Cried an unsure but desperate voice in the speakers.
Two boxes on the shoulders flipped up and out and exposed twin gattling guns.
The women hit the deck as Gattling fire flew to the other end of the bay and sprinkled against the aft bulkhead.
Hibiki braced himself as a shield popped up and defended the Mecha from bullets.
"Hn..." Heero the pilot murmured as he turned and whisked out a Beam saber. He turned and slashed across the doors.
BC realized instantly they had no time, "EVERYBODY OUT!"
They all rushed at the doors even as the doors blasted away and decompression took over.
0.68 seconds after the doors blew open the emergency ones slammed into place and re-pressurized the room, leaving the intruder missing in the hanger.
"Damnit!" Cried Hibiki and called, "Get the doc down here!"
Dita peered from the open doorway, "Is it safe now?"
Heero didn't need to say it, as his Winged Gundam was now free in space.
But something was definitely wrong.
There weren't any planets nearby.
No familiar stars.
No satellites.
And he wasn't sure of any direction.
Heero was nervous for what may have been the first time in his life.
His breathing increased, but the will to defend himself overcame this fear as fighters were approaching him.
He looked around and found his beam rifle floating in space not too far away.
With a quick thrust he retrieved it.
Only to find the weapon stunned.
He stored it on a mount on the back of his Gundam and flipped open the Gattling cannons.
Meia saw this and banked, with Jura and the other Dreads to dodge enemy fire.
The Dreads swarmed around the Gundam and looked for an open weakness.
Heero offered none as he pulled out a laser sward. The long ruby beam then closed in on Jura.
"AYEIEIAHAAAA!!" She wailed and banked her fighter away as Heero thrust.
He turned and changed direction on a dime and charged in on Jura.
Meia took the opportunity to strike but the enemy seemed to predict her movements as it turned and opened fire on her.
She banked away and pondered aloud, "Who is this guy?"
Then Hibiki's Van and Dita's Dread joined the fight.
The Nirvana slowed and started to turn to watch and recover injuries.
Heero thrust again and turned to fire his head machine guns as he tried to stop at least one of the fighters.
A graceful white one slipped into his view and opened fire with several energy-based weapon blasts.
Heero dodged this and swung his saber around to nick the wing of this one.
Meia was not happy as she came around and fired again.
Heero rolled and thrust his wings, the gattling barrels spinning in her general direction.
Jura took up the fight and fired at him.
Heero raised a wing and it took the shots as pure Gundanium melted under the extreme heat.
He flicked it out again and bashed aside the nose to Jura's fighter.
Only to come face to face with Vandread Dita.
Weapons clashed as the main weapon to the Vandread and Heero's beam saber clashed.
Hibiki swung with the other arm but the enemy pilot was gone by then and flying up and away.
Meia's sights closed on it and she came within firing range...
In the cockpit to Wing Zero the computer system flashed warnings and he banked away.
Meia stood with him as they closed in with the Nirvana.
Heero came over the back and ducked around the front.
He flew right past the command room and Magano was shocked at his precise flight.
Heero turned and pulled out the beam saber, momentum carrying him backwards as he prepared his defenses and fired.
Meia shuddered and banked away from the incoming bullets as Heero continued to provide them.
But just then Hibiki closed the distance and grappled the smaller Gundam.
"Yeah!" Cried Dita.
Heero was hearing the warning sirens around in the cockpit and looked at the self-detonation switch.
"Mission....incomplete." He sighed as he pounded his fist on the control.
The power faded as something short-circuited the reactor and the reactor shut itself down.
"Looks like I'll be their prisoner again...." Heero muttered.
It was a big fight to get Heero sustained.
As soon as the cockpit door opened he jumped out of the cockpit, took some steps on the hull and rolled all the way out and down the side of the mecha to the ground.
Then he continued running for the door.
But it opened to admit Doctor Dureo.
The good Doctor was bigger than Heero and stopped the young man in the doorway and jabbed a needle into him.
Heero broke away and kept going.
"Hmm..." Said Dureo as he examined the rhinoceros tranquilizer.
But Heero was stopped cold by Dita as she arrived around the corner.
"Mr. Strange Alien!" She yipped and grasped onto Heero like cement.
Heero found it increasingly difficult to move and even moreso when the Doctor came around and hit him again with another tranquilizer.
And so begins the re-write. After a delay of several months, HERE IT IS!!!
Not much changed in the first chapter, but ah well. Keep reading and tell me what you think at the end!