Shouyou strolled into the doors of his adorable little sister's school. His mom was slowly becoming busier and busier, so he had taken the liberty on himself to pick Natsu up and take her to school, no matter how late it made him to practice.

The teacher smiled kindly upon seeing his unruly locks, "You must be here for Natsu-chan. May I ask whom?"

"Ah, just tell her Shouyou is here. She'll come running." Shouyou smiled, "Oh, and I am her older brother."

"Thank you, Hinata-kun." The teacher turned, diving into the loud classroom. "Natsu-chan! Shouyou-san is here for you!"

"Nii-chan?" Natsu's little voice sounded, coming to the door, "Nii-chan!"

A laugh left Shouyou as Natsu tackled him in a hug, "Now, now Natsu, you need to get your things and say good bye to your teacher."

Nodding, the little girl ran into the room, donning on her coat and backpack, before coming out and taking her brother's hand , "Bye bye Sensei!"

"Ne, ne, Nii-chan?" Natsu chirped, skipping alongside her brother

"Yes?" Shouyou looked down, briefly coming to a stop

"Can I wear your volleyball jacket?" She pleaded, puppy dog eyes activated

"Natsu, I thought you wanted to walk? If you wear my coat I have to carry you." Shouyou sighed, but started taking off his coat.

"It is okay, cause I love my Nii-chan!" Natsu beamed like she had been given the world

"And I love you." Shouyou returned with a brilliant smile of his own before continuing, "I am putting it over your backpack and coat though, to keep you nice a warm."

Nodding, Natsu smile grew as she soon become enveloped in her old brother's nice warm coat.

Picking the girl up, and putting the hood on, Shouyou laughed, "You look like a little penguin."

"I am Nii-chan's penguin!" Natsu chirped, "Ne, can we play volleyball after homework?"

"Of course we can!" Shouyou laughed, before bursting into a run as their home neared.

"Faster! Faster!" Natsu demanded, laughing

Shouyou had sat down, crisscross applesauce, Natsu in his lap as they did homework.

"Nii-chan. This character is hard." Natsu whined, titling her head back to look at her brother, "Help me?"

Taking out a spare piece of paper, Shouyou made little arrows to indicate how to form the character and repeated until Natsu would have enough practice.

Natsu's tongue peeked out as she concentrated on making the character. Upon running out, she tugged her brother's shorts gently, "Nii-chan, watch me make the character."

Pausing in his own work, Shouyou grinned as Natsu correctly formed the character. "Awesome! You got it Natsu!"

"Yay!" Natsu cheered before moving onto her actual homework. She could ask for help from her teacher tomorrow and just not do it, but she preferred asking Shouyou.

After more scribbling sounds, Natsu held the paper up for her brother to check. "Nii-chan! I am done!"

Glancing at the paper, Shouyou smiled. It was time for Natsu's reward, to motivate her to do her homework. "All correct! Now which flavor do we want for the pokey? Strawberry or Chocolate?"

"Strawberry!" Natsu cheered as Shouyou placed the box on the table. If Natsu took one before she finished a piece of homework, she got demoted to stickers for a week. So he didn't need to watch the snack.

Several minutes and half the box later, Natsu had finished her homework and was ready to play. "Nii-chan! Do you think that Haru-chan and Saku-chan and Maji-chan and Ichigo-chan want to play today?"

"This morning I thought you said that Ichigo-chan was really tired and couldn't play today?" Shouyou asked as he brought out the toys she had mentioned.

"Ah, we did play a lot of jump rope. So Ichigo-chan needs rest!" Natsu nodded, reaching for the volleyball she continued, "Nii-chan, Haru-chan can play right?"

"Of course she can!" Shouyou grinned, "After all, she needs to train for that tournement right?"

"Un" Natsu agreed, "Nii-chan, throw it to me?"