"Night Guys." JJ smiled watching her team entered the elevator. Derek held his hand against the door, "You sure, you don't want to come with us?" He pleaded
"No I need to finish the paperwork and then I'm going home to see Henry." She stated looking into his eyes that continued to beg. "Go! Really." She leaned into the elevator and pressed the bottom floor button "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Derek slipped his hand back inside and the metal doors closed. JJ turned around looking at the empty room in front of her. She sighed and walked to her desk.
JJ looked at her watch 11:30, she'd been working for over 2 hours. She hared this part, declaring a case "cold", and filing it away, all the families affected by one killer, and never finding closure or justice for their loved one. It sent a sharp pain through JJ as she typed the summary for the case file.
Lancaster, Ohio
5 women were abducted, tortured, and killed. Method of operation: thin lacerations to the arms and legs, sexual assault, contusions were present all over body, ear was sliced off of victims antemortem. Killed by a deep laceration across carotid artery. Unsub was never found. Case considered cold after 2 weeks without any further evidence.
JJ sat back in her chair, taking a deep breath in before clicking the button sending the file into their database. She checked her watch again 11:45. She thought of Henry lying asleep in his bed, his toys probably strewn out in his room, she though of how she would lean over him and kiss his forehead. Then she would try not to wake Will when she lay down in her own bed. Her soft, comfy bed, that wouldn't give her back pain like every hotel she would go to for work. Will would probably wake up, his eye so happy to see her. She smiled putting away her go bag and grabbing her keys and cell phone. She briskly walked towards the elevator and pressed the button to go down, turning back to make sure she didn't forget anything.
She breathed out a sigh and stepped in, watching her view of the room slowly dissipate as the doors closed her into the small metal box of the elevator.
"Which floor?" a man asked, JJ jumped slightly, she though she was alone.
"Oh sorry, um…1, I thought I was-, I just didn't-" She laughed trying to cover her startled behavior in front of the man. His hair was jet black and had a military style of hair cut. His deep emerald eyes were entrancing, and JJ couldn't keep from staring.
"It's fine. It's Jareau right? You work with the BAU?" He held out his hand "Jason Wolfe, Counterintelligence." JJ took his hand, and gave it a shake. "So why are you up here so late?" She inquired trying to keep their conversation from going into that awkward silence until they got to the bottom floor. "Oh you know, filling out reports on the different cases I did this week, I drew the short straw I guess, so I had to fill out the reports." He chuckled rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
"Oh! So you're a field agent?" JJ asked "No, no. I'm just a computer analyst. I just stay at my desk typing away." He said, imitating typing on a keyboard. "Hmm." JJ sighed
"What about you?" He asked
"Same, I drew- well, asked for the short straw, I guess. Had to finish the report for our last case." She answered
"Well it was nice meeting you Jason." She held her hand out again, and he grasped it firmly.
"It was a pleasure. I hope to see you again soon." He grinned his dimples showing on his face, JJ smiled back and let go of his hand. She turned and walked out of the building towards the parking garage that housed her car.
The night air was a little brisk for September; JJ rubbed her hands on her arms trying to keep them warm as she walked towards her car. She glanced back behind her. "Hello?" She asked. She turned her attention back on her car and walked towards it again. Hearing a noise again she stopped before unlocking her car. "Is somebody there?" She asked again to the vacant lot. She clicked a button unlocking her vehicle, the light inside slowly turned on. JJ grasped the handle of the car and opened the door and placed her bag neatly inside. She closed the door and walked to the other side. She glanced at the window, where a strange shadow was casted on it. She started to turn around but was pushed into her door. She struggled against the figure, trying to break free. "Help!" She screamed "Somebody Hel-" A hand wrapped around her face stopping her words from coming out. She tried to scream again, but the sound was muffled by the enormous hand that covered her face. She flailed her arms trying to hit the guy behind her connecting but weren't doing any damage. She felt a prick in her arm, and her arms started to get heavy. Her muffled screams grew weaker, and blackness started to creep into her vision. He eyes closed, the darkness engulfing her.
Hope you guys liked this first chapter. I'll try to keep updating regularly, but with school in all it might be a little spotty. Comment, Review, favorite, follow, or whatever floats your boat. :)