Alright, here comes the last chapter!

I actually have been proud of myself to have been able to trick ya into worrying about them not getting together;) I know I am mean:)

At this point I'd like to thank you all so very much for sticking with this storry to the end and for reviewing so kindly! Without you guys, I guess I wouldnt write any stories!

I dont want to keep you waiting too long, so here comes the Epilogue:

Disclaimer: Blacklist is not mine (for details, see Prologue)


Three hours later…

"Where is Liz?"

Red huffed contently and dried his hands after washing some plates.

"I send her to borrow some movies to watch tonight. You are invited by the way."

"I'll pass." Dembe's answer was short but held amusement.

"What's that look for?" Red questioned, rolling his sleeves down and buttoning the cuffs neatly. He could see Dembe snickering inwardly and was sure that he wasn't finished yet. And he was right. Dembe followed Red into the living room and sat opposite him on a chair.

"What happened?"


"A few days ago, today….I am out of the loop, I guess."

"So many questions…"

"With so many answers."

Red laughed, leaned back and made himself comfortable on the sofa.

"Obviously, Liz lied to Donald. We wouldn't want him to know too much. You can never know where his big mouth will open and the wrong things come out."

"I understand."

Red filled two glasses with alcohol and gave one of it to Dembe.

"I think Lizzie is one hell of an actress…if she sets her mind on it, of course."

Dembe nodded, taking a gulp from his glass. The curiosity was getting the better of him.

"What happened that night I told her to find you?"

Red breathed in deeply, smirked and swallowed the alcohol he had been twirling around in his mouth.

"Would you like me to tell you a story, Dembe?"

"If you'd like to."

"Well then, lean back, relax and enjoy…"

A few days ago…

Liz rubbed her hand over the scar on her wrist and the ring around her finger brushed against her skin. Tears shot into her eyes and she tried desperately to gulp them down, before speaking again.

"Has everything been a lie then?" She held her hand up, presenting the ring for Red to see. "Did you just play with me and tell me you loved me because…what? You wanted to study my reaction? Was everything as fake as our marriage?"

In a flash, Red was again standing in front of her, grasping her shoulders in his hands.

"That is not true." He told her. "I would not do that to you. I would not lie about this."

Liz pressed her eyes together and a tear escaped her eye.

"You once told me that you've never lied to me."

"And I wouldn't."

After a tense moment, in which Red felt his heart pounding right up to his throat, he finally registered that Liz was shyly smiling at him.

"You're smiling." A seldom occurrence since he had stepped into her live.

"I know I shouldn't trust you." She explained, tensely reaching out a hand to Red's, as if she was scared he wouldn't take it. "I also know that I should really listen to my brain telling me that this is a mistake. I love my job and I'd like to keep it." The smile broadened a bit. "But I also know that if I let this moment go…if I let you go…" she paused looking deeply into his now hopeful eyes. "I would break my own heart." When she saw Red's smile starting to form, she added, "I don't want to rob myself of the opportunity to experience this again. Cause I am scared that if I let this go now, I'll never be able to find a man with…"

"What?" Red had drawn nearer and his face was now hovering directly over hers, lips only a breath wide apart.

"…with such devotion and love for me. A man I equally admire, desire and…" their lips were almost meeting and both of them had their eyes closed, when Liz whispered the word both of them felt. "…love."

Their lips met, caressing each other in a slow and sensual rhythm and both of them were lost in each other. All thoughts disappeared and the only thing left were feelings.

Present day….

"I guess we will be seeing more of Agent Keen now, will we?" Dembe's amused voice threw Red out of his thoughts and he chuckled.

"I believe you are right, my friend."

"I am happy for you, Raymond."

Red's smile didn't waver for even a second, which was a wonder in itself, and he took another swallow from his glass.

"Thank you." His deep voice rumbled. "I expect you to catch up on the signature as the groomsman as soon as possible."

A loud laugh emitted from Dembe and he nodded.

"I will. Gladly."

The End

I am looking forward to read your opinions about the ending and the whole story in general:)

I gotta tell ya that this is the first time I have no idea for a new story yet. So if someone has suggestions or wishes, dont shy away from writing a PM:)