Here I am again:) Once again I had a new idea for a story which is kind of not thought through yet. So I am really looking forward to the results in every single chapter and what you guys will think of it:)

At that point I would like to talk about something very serious (since the story won't really be;)).

I've read a lot now that people are only watching the show because of Mr. JS and I do adore him for his performance. BUT(there always has to be one;)) :

I am in complete awe about the way Megan is holding her own at his side and I cant see her lacking in anything. She is really talented and obviously I am a BIG fan! I havent known her before the show and within only a few weeks I was looking forward to see her act . So what I want to say here is that I think it is a little bit unfair to say that one is watching only because of JS cause without Megan, the other actors and all the people working behind the scenes, there simply wouldnt be any show. And JS IS a wonderful actors there simply wouldnt be any show airing and I admire Megan for her work alongside him. So that is my homage to a wonderful talented actress who seems to be underestimated by a lot of people. after my sunday's preaching(:)) I would like to start with the prologue to the new story:)

I thought that after the two last stories being very serious and all, I thought that maybe something more relaxing:)

ok...I dont want to talk too much here and just let you read the prologue for now:)

Have fun!


I do not own anything of The Blacklist and I am not earning any money with this story!


"Where, in the name of all saints, have you been, Agent Keen?" Ressler's voice boomed through the office and made Liz jump out of her thoughts. Her head snapped up and she leaned sideways to see through the open door. To her astonishment, Ressler was actually pointing at her and his face was showing nothing but annoyance. Slowly her index finger wandered to her chest and she pointed, questioningly at herself.

"Yes, you, Miss Innocent!" he said, walked into their small office, shutting the door behind him with a loud crash and making Liz scrunch up her face.

"Don't play innocent with me, Liz."

"I have honestly not the slightest idea what you are referring to." She answered, shrugging her shoulders at him, which seemed to make him even angrier.

"You spent the night with him!" he yelled at her. His arms gesturing wildly, making him now look more helpless than anything else.


"Don't deny it, I've traced your cell."


Her cheeks flared red and her eyes glittered with anger. Since the incident with the cameras in her house, this topic was a sore spot and most of the people tried to avoid it, except Red of course but that was a whole other story.

"I am sorry…" he growled "…but I was worried."

"Worried? About him? Ressler, he only wanted to…"

"No." the resolute answer made her roll her eyes. Why do all men in her life think they can boss her around? It was some kind of curse. Maybe her mother was also one of those women who were gravitating to the wrong men….

"He may only be a small fish in the pond but has the sharp teeth of a piranha and actually WOULD harm every fly on the wall he can spot."

In surprise, Liz furrowed her eyebrows. What the heck was Ressler talking about? Red a little fish in the pond?

"What?" she breathed with annoyance.

"Rondell! I am talking about Rondell, Liz. The little, round man who was reeking of fish and you complained that he was groping you?"

"Oh…" she looked at him dumfounded. "Well…uhm…"

Suddenly he paused with an arm stretched in her direction.

"What is this?"

"What?" again she was surprised.

"This." He drew nearer, bent down to see her face better and his eyebrows wandered skywards. His fingers slowly neared her throat and his thumb brushed over her skin gently and finally ended up touching her cheek with his palm…and Liz flinched.

"Oh this….uhm."

Ressler straightened up abruptly and the anger was back in his face.

"Don't lie. Don't even think about lying, Agent Keen."

Liz' eyes clouded over and she stood up, not quiet reaching eye level with her partner but still feeling better not sitting like a schoolgirl before him.

"I am NOT lying…I am just…"

"What? Bending the truth until it seems appropriate?" He yelled at her. "Reddington seems to be a really good teacher, Liz. And YOU a very good student." He was surprised that she wasn't denying anything. "Where have you been the last few nights?"

"Do you honestly think that I would actually "spend the night" with this creep? Who do you think I am, Ressler?!"

"I wasn't implying anything like that."

"Yes, you were."

"For god's sake, I was worried. I AM worried. The contact was broken off. Reddington wasn't available and you were supposed to be back at midnight yesterday…. but you weren't. What do you think I was doing all those nights? Sleeping like a baby?"

Liz' anger dissipated suddenly and all that was left was a flutter of nervousness in her belly. She licked her lips and her hand found the scar on her wrist, rubbing circles on it. The three months of after she had shot her husband and she had tried to relax hadn't been able to erase this particular nervous tick.

"Nothing happened. I'm ok. Red helped me out."

"Out of where?" Ressler asked, not understanding anything anymore.

Liz cleared her throat, sank back into her chair and watch the man before her.

"If you want to hear the story, you better sit down."

He did as he was told and shook of the warm jacket in which he was starting to sweat.

"And you have to promise me something." She continued, leaning her elbows on her knees, never leaving his gaze. "You can not tell Cooper or anyone else what really has happened, alright.?"

"Liz you can't expect me to…"


Ressler inhaled deeply, buying himself time to think about her request. Exhaling sharply he made a decision.

"Alright. I promise. But I have the feeling I will not like this fairytale, will I?"

"Depends on whose side you are. The side of the romantics…or the side of realists and often pessimists."

"Great." He huffed at her, leaning back and preparing for a long tale. "This is already starting bad. You know I hate to choose…"

"I think this one will be….uhm…let's say….easy to choose. Whichever side you're be on."


So? What do you think? Beginning alright?