Ch8 What Happens When You're a Malfoy, but In LOVE With a Weasley

Draco, Fred and I walked out of the room leaving the rest of the Weasleys in the living room. Fred and I led Draco outside; by the time we were out the door he was bawling into my shoulder- which was quite a feat considering he was almost a foot taller than me.

We sat Draco down on the grass and Fred went back to his family to give us some space.

Draco, by this time was shaking and crying so much that I had to wrap my arms around him to calm down. All the while he was muttering about how sorry he was and that he loved me.

It was quite a shock considering that my childhood bully turned out to be my brother. We sat there and I rocked him until he finally calmed.

When he stopped crying he tried to compose himself for a few minutes. He still couldn't look me in the eye, but he was muttering something I was unable to comprehend.

"Would you mind repeating that?" I asked him. He looked up at me silently. "Please?" I said quietly.

He nodded and repeated himself.

"I never wanted to be mean to you, but I had to keep up the pretenses for everyone. Who knows what would of happened to you if people found out. V-Vo-Volde."

He was stammering with the monster's name.

"You don't have to say it, I know who you mean."

"Well, He would of tried to kill you. Or use you and then kill you, and then he would kill the rest of our family because we kept it from him. We couldn't let that happen. And whenever we heard that you had gotten into some trouble with Potter and Weasley during the years, we were always worried sick about you."

I sat there shocked.

"I- I never knew that you guys-"

"How could you? We kept our emotions well hidden. Until now that is." He said with a trying smirk. I could see he was starting to become done with the emotions- turning back into a hard, unfeeling wall.

" You know Draco…" I paused, I didn't know how to bring this up. "I would be willing to-"

He cut me off. AGAIN!

"Yes. You shall come with me to the manor and you'll be properly introduced to mother."

"Why not Lucius?" I asked curiously. I waited for Draco to answer but he didn't respond. After a few minutes we got to the door of the Burrow, but before I grabbed the door handle, he took hold of my arm.

"What are you doing? Draco! DRACO! Let go of me!" I started to yell.

"No." He said in a strong voice. His tone held an air of confidence, power, and demanded respect. "You are not going in there until I say this."

I nodded and he continued.

"We don't talk about Lucius in front of mother. While he was a bastard and deserves to rot in hell, we don't talk about him. Mother still loves him even after all that he's done. Mother and I try not to discuss him being in Azkaban- it's too stressful for her to bear. Got that?"

I whispered a yes and reached for the door. I twisted the door, but before I opened it and went in, I turned back to him. He looked at me expectantly.

"If I am to go to Malfoy Manor with you, you have to understand a few things. First- I will not go into the drawing room. It brings back… painful memories." He flinched from the memory. "Second- I will not be going alone with you. I shall be taking one person of my choice if they want to come."

"If you mean one of the twins, go ahead. Mother will want to meet the boy who stole your heart. She wants to make sure you won't get your heart broken."

I smiled a bit. Narcissa- mother- not even knowing me wants to make sure that I'm not going to be made a fool of and dumped? I guess she's different than her husband.

"Draco. Thanks. I really appreciate you coming and telling me the truth. I didn't at first, but now… I'm glad. So thank-you."