A/N: Hi all I just want to give a Big Thanks to My beta reader's Ania and Alena because with out Them my stories would be full of mistakes.

For those of you that don't already know this Kiss The Girls IS a book Written By James Patterson That was made in to a move starring Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman.

Now on with the story.


Chapter 1

Buffy groaned. Her entire body hurt as she tried to move but found that she couldn't; her arms were being restrained by something. Finally, Buffy opened her eyes and looked around; it was dark and cold. She was in some kind of small room with only one door.

She was tied to a bed and there was a blanket on top of her. Next to the bed was a little table that held a small glass of water. She could hear humans nearby, their heartbeats pounding in her ears and the smell of their blood intoxicating.

Suddenly, she remembered what had happened. She had been on her way to Willy's to get some blood before heading back to her crypt for some sleep, since sunrise wasn't far off. She had been on her way home when she had been attacked from behind. She got one good hit in before her chip activated, indicating that her attacker was human. When the pain finally subsided, she tried to run, but the guy already had her pinned down to the ground. Buffy had felt a sharp pain in her arm before every thing went black.

Buffy squeezed her eyes shut; whatever the man had injected her with had done a number on her. She had a headache, and the room was spinning. Hearing footsteps, she opened her eyes to see the door open. A tall, muscular man stepped in, and although she couldn't see his face because he had a mask on, she could make out that his hair was a brown, almost blond color.

"Good, you're up," the man said, his voice deep, calm, and almost hypnotic. When Buffy didn't answer, he continued.

"I have some things to tell you," he said, as he walked over and sat on the bed next to her. He took her face in his hands and leaned down and kissed her forehead. When Buffy pulled away, he smacked her. "Here are the rules, Buffy." Buffy looked at him, shocked.

"What? Surprised I know your name? It's amazing what you can find out when you give a person the right drugs." Buffy opened her mouth to speak, but he put a finger to her lips.

"Shh, Buffy, the rules. One, no calling out, and two, no trying to escape." While he was talking he pulled the blanket off her, and that's when she realized that she was completely naked.

The man stood and unbuttoned his pants. She knew what was going to happen, but that didn't make it any less painful when he entered her with one quick thrust. Buffy screamed out in pain. Tears were streaming down her face the entire time he was raping her, and all the while he was kissing her and telling her how much he loved her.

After about an hour, he left, telling her that if she was a good girl, he would come back and let her out of the restraints. He put the blanket back on top of her before he left. Buffy closed her eyes against the pain she felt. The Big Bad doesn't cry. The Big Bad doesn't get raped either, she told herself, and then started to cry even harder. After about an hour, with no tears left to cry, she fell asleep.

"Has anyone seen Buffy lately?" Will asked, as he sat in the magic box with Willow and Xander.

"No," Willow said.

"Maybe she finally took the hint and left," Xander said. Willow shot Xander a nasty look, and he mumbled, "Sorry."

"It's been over a week since I saw her last, I think it was at the Bronze," Willow said.

"I'm starting to worry. I went by her crypt the other day, and she wasn't there. It looks like she hasn't been there in a couple of days," William said.

"Not to change the subject or anything," Xander said, "but are we going patrolling tonight?"

"Yeah," Will answered.

"I can't," Willow said, "I have to study for an exam."

"So you want to head out now?" Xander asked

"Yeah, have fun studying," Will said, as he and Xander left.

Chapter 2

A few hours after the first time he raped her, he came back in and undid the wires that held her to the bed. She had no idea that they were wires until she looked at the gashes in her wrists from where she had pulled on the restraints. When she looked up, he was gone. She didn't even hear him open the door to leave. That's when she realized he had never closed it in the first place. She took the blanket and covered herself up with it.

The second time he came in, he set a book down on the table. She looked at it. 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare, she said to herself, and then he handed her a pair of pants and a shirt.

"I know how much you like his work. Have you read Romeo and Juliet?" He asked.

Yeah, she felt like saying, when he first bloody wrote it.

"Yes," she answered, weakly pulling the shirt on, then sliding into the pants.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes," she said, looking at the gashes on her wrist. They had started to heal, but the lack of blood was slowing down the process.

"I'm sorry I had to tie you up. I knew that you would have tried to escape. They all do But you.you're different.you're stronger than most. That's why I love you so much. You believe me now, don't you? You believe that I love you?" He asked.

Buffy nodded. She couldn't speak.

"Tell me you love me," he said, and when Buffy didn't answer, he pinned her to the bed. "Tell me you love me," he growled.

"I love you," she whimpered, hoping that it would be enough for him. He then covered her mouth with his. His tongue probing her mouth sickened her. Finally, he broke the kiss. He smiled at her, a sick and twisted smile.

"I'll be back later," he said, and then he was gone.

Buffy had no idea how long she had been in there A few days, a week, a month. Usually, she could feel in her blood when it was daylight, but now she couldn't. She was too weak from the drugs he kept injecting her, with the rapes, and not feeding her. She felt she was going to die soon. She had to get out; she made up her mind that moment that the next time he came in, she would make her break.

She was almost half-finished with the book he had given her. Every day, hour, hell she didn't know, he would come in. He would ask her to tell him she loved him, then he would rape her. Sometimes, he would inject her then wait for her to pass out before he raped her. The only reason she knew that was because when she woke up, she would be sore and sticky. She looked at the door. She heard him; he was in the room across from her. She could hear the girl in that room crying.

He had come in her room earlier. She had been reading the book he had given her.

"Hello, Buffy," he had said.

"Love," she answered. She looked at him as he came over and sat down on the bed. "What's your name?" She asked.

Big mistake.

"That's none of your concern," he growled, as he took the book from her and threw it across the room, then he ripped the clothes from her body, entering her violently.

After what seemed like an eternity, he left. Buffy pulled herself out of her thoughts when she heard him open the door. She stood and walked slowly toward him. Se walked towards her. She launched herself at him, attacking his mouth with hers. She used his confusion to throw him against the wall then ran for it. She ran out the door to a long hallway.

She had no idea were he was, but she didn't want to turn around. She ran, no idea were to go. She felt like she was running in circles, until she found an opening to the outside world. She thanked the powers that it was dark outside, then ran. She didn't know how far she got, but she heard him behind her.


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