Chapter 1-
{A/N}: Hey everyone this is my first-ish fanfic. I hope you enjoy. (More info at the {A/N} at the bottom.) Lets get started. UPDATE: I'm trying this again. Apparently anywhere I would type Mr or Mrs it would delete that and a small section of words. I'm going through to fix these. Besides that the chapter will remain the same so don't worry.
Beacon a school to train the best hunters and huntresses was looming over a massive section of Vale, being a pretty well sized section in itself. The school a massive castle type building was built tall and proud, a hope for possible threats it may soon face. As for now a single man stood looking out the window on the tower, he took a sip of the coffee he was steadily holding in his hands. He looked young, but his eyes spoke of age and wisdom. A cane in his right hand propped him up from an old injury, an old mans blabber he called it, but it was more than that. The injury was a grand yet tragic tale he never liked to tell; peaking through his glasses on the rim of his nose (that looked a little too small for him) he could see the peaceful night of the world. Relaxed was the word that came to his mind, it was the only way to describe this night. Propping his cane up against his desk he sat back in his chair and closed his tired eyes. If only this would stay this way forever, he thought.
In another section of the school Team RWBY were asleep on their crafted bunk beds. They were out in the deepest sleep of their lives. The battle at the docks took a toll on each person involved in it. Somehow it even got to Weiss yet all she did was search for Blake for two days and Yang….well she was just a deep sleeper. Their fight at the docks wasn't unnoticed too. The headmaster, Ozpin, had questioned each individually to retain exactly what Roman was doing and possibly who he was operating for. It had really gotten to them.
Slowly a pair of dark amber eyes opened, their first sight was the bed above them. She blinked a couple of times remembering exactly where she was and why. Blake, a beautiful girl with dark raven hair stared at the non-existent void above her. Being a former White Fang member she honestly couldn't sleep any longer, no matter how tired she was. Knowing them...the fact they had joined with a human, no not joined, they had become slaves to him and much worse THAT human should be impossible. She knew the leader, he would never do that, Adam, would never do that. Her concentration was broken when a long mane of golden locks fell from the bed above her. Shifting her gaze over she saw a pair of tired lilac eyes staring at her.
"Yes?" Blake asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Whatcha thinkin about?" Yang said, Blake couldn't see, but she knew the brawler was grinning at her.
Sighing, "The battle at the docks. It doesn't make any sense why the White Fang are doing this. I'm just too determined to find out, that's why I woke up."
"Well...I understand that, buuuuut I didn't ask why you woke up. Anyways since we are on that topic you should really work on calming down that stare of yours," Seeing Blake's confused expression she explained, "I could feel your cold glare through the bottom of my bed that's why I woke up. Honestly I thought you were Ice Princess over there," She gestured at the sleeping silver haired girl on the opposite end of the room.
"I'm sorry I disturbed your beauty sleep, not that you need it. Although maybe I should fix my last comment. I'm pretty sure your snoring was louder than my thoughts," Blake cast a smug look at the blonde.
"Pfft, whatever. My snoring isn't that bad."
"Yang, you sound like a dying ursa, that is trying to sing I Burn, and choking on a thousand apples when you snore."
"That's not physically possible."
Blake rubbed her temple as she was starting to get a headache. This was her combat partner and team mate. Ruby and Weiss weren't much better. Ruby was childish and couldn't sit still for anything and her mind was only on junk food when it wasn't on obsessing over weapons or action. Then there's Weiss, the heiress was smart, but her cold attitude had set her apart from Blake. She did have many problems with her teammates, but she loved them too. A family bond had been put between them. Blake having to act as the mother most of the time. Yang, of course, would take the reins of mom sometimes too, but only when Blake needed coaching, which was almost never. Ruby was the little kid in the family….or was she the puppy? Weiss was definitely the mature kid who needed counseling and then Yang, besides her mom role was the wise older sister.
At the thought of Yang, Blakes heart skipped a couple of beats. Blake covered her heart with a hand caught a little off guard.
"What was that? I'm not….she….no. No no no, obviously not."
Blake decided to ignore the impulse. She suddenly realized Yang was still out hanging over. Refocusing her attention she could see the blonde brawler giving her a strange look.
"Um...are you ok?" Yang asked.
"What? Oh yeah, fine, i'm fine. I just..uh.. got lost in thought again," Blake felt her heart beat increase and the heat rush to her cheeks. "Why!?" She thought.
"Lost in thought again, huh?" Blake nodded. "Well I know the docks was a pretty big deal, but it's all ok. Alright? Wait. Why are you blushing? I'm not gonna make fun of you for getting distracted again if you're embarrassed about that."
", I mean. Um," Blake was at a loss for words. For some reason she couldn't get anything out of her mouth. She took a second to regain her composure. "Thanks, I didn't expect you to make fun of me for it. Also I wasn't thinking about the docks, just our team. I was appreciating the family I've formed here."
Yang gave her a big smile and dropped to the ground. "Awwww that's so cuuuuuute!" She grabbed and pulled Blake into one of her infamous bear hugs.
Blake's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red that would have rivaled all reds in Remnant as Yang had grabbed her into the hug. Even though she was barely able to breathe she slowly went to return the hug, but then hesitated and dropped her arms.
"Blake, what is wrong with you? Pull yourself together, Yang is just a teammate a family member. Yeah, I bet i'm just tired that's it. Or possibly a side effect of being part cat," Blake struggled for a minute before Yang released her. Upon doing so Blake let out a gasp and started gulping for air.
"Yang," Blake said still trying to breathe.
"On of these days you're going to kill someone with that hug of yours. If i'm at Ruby's wedding one day I will keep you away from her, because you just might kill her."
Yang laughed, "I might, so you better keep your word on that one." Blake once again nodding at what Yang said. "Hey do you need to go to the nurse? That hug looks like it took it out of you good."
"Why? Do I look pale?"
"No you're extremely flushed," Yang flashed her a worried grin.
The grin only made the situation worse. The universe just didn't love Blake at the moment. Her face grew even deeper in red and at that point Blake was determined to get away from the blonde beau- brawler.
"No, no nurse. I'm perfectly fine." Blake backed away and laid on her side facing away from Yang, fearing that she was getting a little too close to Yang's face.
The blonde was confused, but just assumed Blake as still tired and needed some more rest. "Well get some rest, i'm gonna go get in a shower….maybe two," Yang turned and walked away towards the bathroom, but stopped at the bathroom door. "Hey, I guess you could say you're getting a cat-nap!" She laughed at her own pun walking inside the bathroom.
A very quiet groan was mumbled from Weiss and Blake just rolled her eyes, even though she was smiling on the inside. The water from the shower turned on as Blake drifted off back into her deep sleep.
Several hours later the amber eyes once again opened. Except this time a light shone into the room. Weiss was using a lint brush on her combat skirt while she could see Ruby brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Yang was next to her bed checking the safety on Ember Celica. Blake stood up and grabbed the trunk under her bed. She grabbed her school attire out of the case and changed.
Yang walked up to her, "You ok from last night."
"Mhm," Blake hummed as she struggled to keep her heart from racing. "She is too close, way too close. Or is she? No this is about as close as we normally talk. Geez what is wrong with me? I can't actually like her, right?"
"Blake?" The raven haired girl looked back at Yang snapping her back to reality. "Sheesh all you've been doing lately is drifting off, this is out of character for you."
"Sorry. Just too much on my mind."
Ruby walked up to them. "What's on your mind Blake? We made a promise, well you did with Weiss, that you would tell us what's going on with you more often."
"I know Ruby," Weiss was watching her as well at this point, "It's just not that situation, i'm not keeping a secret that I should share it's just more personal."
Ruby gave her a confused look trying to sort out what she had said. Eventually she seemed to understand, seeming slightly disappointed, though. "Fine, I think I understand what you're trying to say. Well we better get to class. I don't want to stay after like what Mr Oobleck did to Jaune and Cardin the other day." With that she sprinted out the door with the rest of the team following not far behind.
In class was giving a speech on the history of the style of weapons we use and more specifically the properties of dust. Blake was a top grade student and had read about dust plenty so she took the time to drift off yet again.
"Yang isn't all that bad, but why did those feeling suddenly pop up last night after the docks? I mean yeah she was the only one who truly liked my cat ears and kept insisting I take off the bow, that was nice, but…" She took a look at the girl next to her. Tall, strong, hard headed, blonde, beautiful, funny. There was a lot to like in her, yet Blake didn't swing that way. Or at least she thought she hadn't this situation obviously giving her second thoughts about it. "Am I even into girls? Well that's a stupid question, i'm practically drooling over one right now. I guess I can't deny it really. I'm in love with Yang."
"Mrs Belladonna?" Blake looked up to see the class and Mr Oobleck staring at her. "You seemed out of it there, explain dust to the class for me and I won't keep you after class for yet another assignment."
She shrugged off the awkward atmosphere and stood up. She was not doing one of his crazy projects. "Dust is an old element the earth gave us that possessed special properties. Dust is normally mined and there are four different types. The four being fire, earth, water, and air. These can be combined into more powerful or more useful versions of dust, although dust is a very dangerous substance in it's raw form and is usually concentrated into clean-cut crystals or into powder then placed in glass containers."
"Good. Good. Please explain how it applies to weapons and how people use it in different ways and we shall be done."
"Well basically some people use the actual raw form of dust, this requires discipline, but gives them extraordinary abilities. The other use is taking the concentrated forms and firing them to as bullets in our weapons. Besides those two there are the select few who put the dust in their clothing allowing them to do raw form type spells yet more elegant and in control. The most dangerous is combining the dust with your body. While this does give you immense power it can also be extremely painful and dangerous." Blake sat back down feeling satisfied with her answer.
Oobleck seemingly was as well. "Well done , I didn't actually think you were slacking off, but just in case I will not let my best students lose track of their education. Class dismissed." He sped out of the room leaving a woozy Jaune. Pyrrha and Ren carried him out of class while Nora kept telling him to 'Turn that frown upside down'.
Blake started out the door as well when Ruby and Weiss stopped her. She checked to see if Yang was in on this, yet she was walking out of the door with Velvet back towards the dorms. Blake cursed under her breath as the two dragged her out of anybody's ear shot.
"What was that about?" She asked, ultimately furious.
Weiss put a hand up. "No. What are you about?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Well, Blake you've been acting out of sorts. Why is that?" This time with Ruby joining in.
"Just a lot on my mind ok? And why did you two decide to ambush me like that? Seems like a Yang thing to do." She switched back over to Weiss.
"Well in all honesty Yang brought up the idea before class but we weren't able to talk to her from where we were sitting so we decided to act on our own before you got away."
"So Blake will you tell us?" Ruby put on her pout face and the puppy dog eyes. This broke Blake.
"Ugh fine! I like….I like Yang….." Blake mumbled so that they couldn't hear.
"What was that?"
"I told you so we are done." She tried to make her escape.
Weiss grabbed her arm as she started to walk away and Ruby blocked the door. "What. Did. You. Just. Say?"
Blake wasn't sure what to do at this point, she guessed the best she could do was admit it. This time loud enough for them to hear, "Ok! Ok! I'm head over heels for Yang and I don't know what to do so i've been trying to figure it out!" Weiss's grip let free and Ruby relaxed at the door. Both girls standing there dumbfounded.
After a deafening silence Ruby said, "Oh."
{A/N}: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! It was pretty long….I don't know if I can do that for every chapter. Anyways this was my first-ish fanfic definitely my first for RWBY. I do proofread and i'm obsessed with the show so don't worry about errors in the plot area. The next chapter may be out tomorrow….or later today (it's 3 in the morning here.) All in all I had fun writing this, that's why i'm up so late. If I do lemons they will be short, and only by vote by PMing me. Don't PM me yet, I will tell you when you can vote. Thanks for reading. Red signing off.