Chapter 1

This was my last night of freedom!

Okay maybe that's a bit dramatic. This was my last night of summer before I had to go back to being a high school student. I know that sounds lame compared to any and everything else I could be preparing for but in my mind, I was preparing for my last supper before execution.

It was going to be my junior year, which meant as much as I wish I was close to being done with school, I wasn't. I had another year to look forward to, and let's not even think about college. In fact let's simply forget about school in general.

Tonight all I wanted was to go out and have a good time without the possibility of getting in trouble (even though in truth if my dad found out where I was he would kill me). As I walked down the sidewalk I couldn't help but put a little extra swagger in my step. My goal for the night: forget that I'm only sixteen and live out my adult dreams.

"Stiles!" I heard my name being called from somewhere in the crowded line on the side of the building I was near.

I look around until I see two sets of arms waving at me. I smile and jog a little to meet up with my best friends Scott and Danny.

"Hey guys." I say casually as I give each of them a hug. "Do you have the stuff Danny?" I ask.

Danny, who was taller and more muscular than me, rolled his eyes. "Stiles your lack of faith in me is very much insulting."

I couldn't help but chuckle at him. "C'mon I have plenty faith in you kid; I just wanted to know if we actually had a shot at getting in tonight."

"Well believe me when I say we are definitely getting in." Danny smirked and then reached into his back pocket revealing three IDs.

Scott reached out and grabbed one and smiled widely. "Dude this is awesome!"

Danny handed me one and I had to agree. The card looked completely real and would definitely work to get us into the club tonight. I look up at Danny and smile. I pull him into a side hug and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"You are by far the most amazing person in the world!" I say.

Scott glared at me. "Wow thanks so much best friend."

"Whatever McCall!" Danny said and shoved him playfully. "When you get the fake IDs to get us into a club then you get the praise."

I rolled my eyes at my two friends and laughed. "Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty. Now can we just get in and have a good night please?"

A few minutes later as the line moved and we were at the front I held my breath as we all presented the fake IDs to the tall, muscular bouncer. He looked down at the card and then with a once over at us he waved us through the doors. We walked into the club and were instantly greeted with the loud, ground shaking blare of house music from all over the club.

The walkway was lined with green neon lights that gave the illusion that you were walking down a tunnel. Danny and Scott smiled as we all three linked arms and quickened our pace to get inside. Once we passed through the tunnel my mind instantly relaxed as I took in the surroundings.

Tons of men. Hot, hot men. Dancing and drinking and enjoying themselves. This was the amazing phenomenon that was GYPSY, the only gay club within a fifty mile radius of our hometown Beacon Hills, California. I guess I should have explained that Scott, Danny, and I were all gay. We had been best friends since we were in sixth grade and one day over the summer before our freshman year we all simultaneously felt comfortable enough with each other to reveal our true sexualities. Ever since then our bound had been stronger than ever. And tonight we had become brave enough to venture out and come to the gay club that we had always admired from a far.

"This is so cool!" Scott shouted over the music.

Danny nodded as he looked around. "Guys, we are actually around other gay guys besides the three of us! This is epic!"

And it was. Looking at all the guys, some wearing jeans and tee shirts, like the three of us; some were in just jeans as they had either arrived shirtless or somehow wound up that way; and of course there were the Adonis like men who were wearing skimpy revealing underwear as the danced and grinded there way around the club.

"Ugh, I'm sensing my first boyfriend is somewhere in the club." Danny said with a smirk.

Scott and I laughed as we all started to walk around. It was a lot to take in, the bar where guys were clearly scoping out their targets for the night and then of course the dance floor where everyone was having fun.

"Scottie come dance with me!" Danny said pulling Scott toward the dance floor.

Scott nodded and they started toward the crowded floor before looking back at me. "You coming Stiles?"

"I'm going to go get us some drinks!" I shouted. "I'll come find you guys in a bit."

They nodded and then took off. I walked toward the bar area and squeezed my way through to sit on one of the empty stools.

"What can I get ya?" A shirtless guy asked from behind the bar.

"Can I have a Jack and Coke please?" I said casually.

He nodded and winked at me. "Sure thing cutie."

I couldn't help but smile and blush, but I was thankful that the club was only lit by strobe and LED lights that moved from the DJ booth. He set the drink down in front of me and winked again before walking away.

The blush increased and I shook my head trying to eliminate the butterflies that were currently sounding in my stomach. I turned around on the stool and looked out over the club enjoying the scenery. A couple walked past me, holding hands, smiling at each other as they headed toward the dance floor. It made me smile. Seeing two people who looked to love each other.

"Is this seat taken?"

I look up at the man staring at me. His face was so sharp. Angle on angle, sharp and breathtaking. Even through the darkness his colored eyes were piecing. His face had stubble growing but not in a Castaway look but more of a modelesque way. He was gorgeous.

"So is that a yes?" He asked chuckling slightly.

I shook my head as I came out of the trance I was in. "Oh, I'm sorry, no it's not taken. Go ahead."

"Thanks." He smiled and sat. "Let me have two shots of your best vodka."

The bartender pours his shots and slides them to him, adding a wink before he walked away. Clearly winking isn't saved for certain people, and I now feel stupid for swooning over it.

I look back towards the dance area and smile when I see Danny and Scott grinding on each other. They are both laughing and smiling as they dance to the rhythm of a remixed version of 'Fancy' by Iggy Azalea.

"So which one of these chumps is your boyfriend?"

I look at the beautiful man next to me who had spun in his stool to look at me. He is smiling and his perfect teeth are distracting me. It isn't until he nods towards the dance floor that I remember he had asked me a question.

"Oh," I finally say. "None of them."

His eyes widen a little bit. "What, too much of a stud to be in a committed relationship?" He wagged his eyebrow up a little in a teasing way.

I giggled a bit. "Not exactly that either." He raised his eyebrow questioningly. "I guess you could say that I haven't found someone who sparked enough interest yet."

He smiled for a bit and then reached for his two shots. He stretched his arm out presenting one of them to me. I looked down at the shot and then to him. "Now you have."

I smirked and accepted the glass.

"Cheers babe." He said casually and clicked his glass against mine.

I tried to not show how affected I was by him calling me babe and I downed the shot as he did the same. The liquor went down easy but it wasn't until I had swallowed completely that I felt the burn the drink left in my throat.

You're supposed to be twenty five Stiles, keep it together! I thought to myself as I forced myself to not pull a face that would show the discomfort of the drink. Instead I took a sip of my own drink to chase it down.

"Want to dance with me kid?" The beautiful stranger asked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You come over and flirt with me, buy me a drink, and ask to dance, yet you don't even know my name." I replied.

He smirks in the most attractive way I think I have ever seen. He stands from his stool and steps towards me until he is mere inches away. "Hi, I'm Derek." He says.

I realize that he is so close that I had began to hold my breath. I release it and smile. "I'm Stiles."

"Cute name." He says and he's so close it sounds like he's whispering in my ear. "You want to dance with me kid?"

I look up into his eyes and they seem to hypnotize me. I nod. He grabs the drink out of my hand and sets it down on the bar and then grabs my hand.

"Hey wait y'all gotta pay for your drinks!" The winky bartender says.

I begin to reach for my wallet but Derek stops me. He pulls a twenty out of his pocket and slaps it on the countertop. "Keep it." He says, eyes still staring into mine, and then leads us towards the dance floor.

When we are in the throes of the crowd I immediately feel hot and sweaty. There are so many bodies grinding and moving that it feels like a sauna. We get to the center of the dance floor and before either of us move, Derek pulls the black tee shirt he had been wearing over his head and tucks it into his back pocket so it hangs out like a rag.

My eyes are instantly glued to his impeccable body. His abs look chiseled on and his chest is beyond defined. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me flush against his bare chest. A house version of Madonna's 'Like A Virgin' begins to play and Derek grinds his crotch against mine. I start to feel the music as well and fall in sync with him. I look around and realize absolutely no one is paying attention to us and I love it. So I start to move a bit more. Derek is looking at my face as we dance and I try to avoid eye contact because if I look into his eyes I know that I'll go weak in the knees.

I turn around in his arm so that my butt is now against his crotch as we dance. He places both of his hands on my hips and moves them in sync with his. I rest my head on his shoulder and grind a little more than I had been before.

For some reason it just dawned on me that on this Sunday night, the last night of summer, I was dancing with quite arguably the hottest guy I had ever seen. I had never even known other gay people besides Scott and Danny (well and the bisexual jock at our school Jackson) and now the hottest guy on earth is thrusting against my ass. I was going to live this up.

So I swayed more and made sure to tease him. I could feel his member awakening against me and I couldn't help but let my ego swell a bit. I was a virgin and I was making this hot man hard.

"If you keep dancing like that, I might have to take you somewhere and have my way with you." Derek whispered in my ear.

And in the heat of the moment I whispered back, "Then do it."

All too soon he grabbed my hand and began to lead me out of the club. My mind instantly caught up with reality and it hit me that I was going somewhere with a guy that was hot for me to god knows where to potentially have sex. I hadn't seen Scott or Danny for a long time and I couldn't find it in myself to stop and look for them.

We walked down the green tunnel and out of the club. Derek looked around and then led me to the side, into the alleyway of two buildings.

He pushed me against the wall and stared into my eyes. Out in the moonlight I could now see a little bit of the green in his intense eyes and it made my knees weak.

"You are gorgeous." He whispers.

And those three words were enough to make me lose all hesitation in my body. I reach forward and pull his face toward mine and attach our lips. The kiss is sloppy but its fueled with I could only assume is desire. His shirt is still off and I move my hands from his face down his abs.

He moves his lips from mine down to my neck. He starts sucking and biting at it and I can't help the shuddered moan that escapes my mouth. He takes his hand and reaches for the button on my jeans which he easily pops open. I grunt in lust at the motion.

Somewhere in me a sexual adventurer awakes and I reach for his jeans and I palm him through the denim material. I shivered as his runs his hands underneath my shirt up my spine. He kisses his way back up to my lips and he bits at my bottom lip.

"Ugh I want you so bad." He moans.

I push myself against him as much as I can. "I want you." I say bravely.

"Yeah?" He questions with a smirk. "What do you want me to do to you?"

I try to kiss him again but he pushes me against the wall again, smirk still intact.

"Tell me what you want Stiles." He says again.

I moan as he now reaches his hand in my jeans and wraps his hand around my cock. I had never been touched his way by anyone else before and it feels amazing.

"Tell me what you want." He says.

As his one hand his still tugging at my now hard dick his other hand reaches around to my butt. He uses his fingers to spread my ass open and another finger begins to play with my hole. He is rubbing around opening and teasing at entering but never does.

I groan in pleasure and try to reach out to pull him to me again but he doesn't allow it.

"D-Derek," I moan. "Please."

He smirks and then pulls his hands off of my body. Instead he uses them to pin my hands over my head. "Please what kid?"

"Mmm, I want you to—" Just thinking the words alone makes me shiver.

Derek leans forward until his mouth is to my ear. "Say it."

And that makes me weak. "Mmm Derek, please fuck me." I finally say.

He kisses me again. I try to touch him but I don't have time. He turns me around and pushes my body against the brick wall. He yanks my jeans down, and I am suddenly so grateful that I had chosen to go commando tonight.

He pulls his jeans down to his thigh. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a foil package. I think it's a condom until he rips it open and clear liquid oozes out. I then know its lube. Putting some on his fingers he opens my ass up and looks at my hole.

Without much warning he is pushing a finger inside of me and my knees buckle at the sudden intrusion. He wraps an arm around my middle to help me balance.

"Fuck you're so fucking tight." He says lustfully.

I had tried to finger myself before and I loved the feeling but it had been awhile since I had done it and the feeling felt new all over again. He worked his finger in and out of me before he added a second. The sting of the new member was slight in comparison of the massive pleasure I was feeling.

"God I want to fuck you so hard." He grunts into my ear.

"Do it." I say.

And he wastes no time in doing just that. He pulls his fingers out, and though he is seemingly rushing, he's being gentle. He pours some of the lube onto his dick and I can't help but moan at the sight of him fondling himself. His dick is, for lack of a better word, perfect. I'd only ever seen other dicks in porn, and occasionally in the locker room at school, but this fully erect cock was inches away from me and it made me harder than I already was. He looked up into my eyes and I looked back into his. He smiled and then pressed another passionate kiss to my lips.

When he broke the kiss I looked back to the wall and braced myself for the intrusion awaiting me. Nerves bundled at the pit of my stomach and I realized I was losing my virginity.

And then it happened. I felt him pushing the tip of his uncut cock into me and I tensed.

"Relax baby," he said and I followed his direction.

He pushed in more and that sting came back but it was accompanied with a new feeling of fullness. I had never felt myself feel this full and it was a feeling I could get use to. Finally he was in me completely and his front was flush against my back.

"Fuck you are so tight kid." He moaned again. "I'm not going to last long." He said.

He held still for a moment and then, after pressing a kiss to the back of my neck, he pulled out a little and then thrust back in. It felt amazing. I moaned at the feeling.

"God you're so big." I say, and I didn't even know I was capable of saying something like that.

He pulls out more this time and again pushes his way in.

"Fuck me harder." I moan, pressing my face against the cool brick wall. For September it was rather warm out this time of night and the contrast of the wall's temperature was bringing my body more pleasure.

Derek is now finding a steady pace as he is thrusting into me and all I can do I bite my bottom lip and moan softly.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum." He says far too soon.

I start to jerk my own dick and it doesn't take but a few strokes before I am cumming all over the wall.

"Oh fuck!" I moan in ecstasy.

Derek grunts in my ear. "Fuck!" he swears. Suddenly I feel sometime erupt inside of me. It's a warm sensation that only adds to the fullness I am feeling.

He leans against my backside, still rooted inside of me, as he catches is breath. We hadn't been at it for long, couldn't have been longer than five to ten minutes, but it dawns on me that I need to find Scott and Danny.

"Fuck kid that was so good." Derek says as he slowly pulls out of me.

I wince a little and then feel empty as he steps back from me. I feel the cum exiting my body but I don't mind it as I pull my jeans back up. Derek does the same and then he spins me around and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against him.

I look into his eyes and feel butterflies again. Then he kisses me and I feel nothing but his lips against mine. He pulls away, all too quick, and nods back towards the way we came.

He pulls his shirt on as we begin walking back, a little distance between us.

"So how old are you? What do you do?" He asks.

It hits me that I'm sixteen and I'm a junior in high school. Oh shit. "I'm twenty five. And I'm a student right now." I lie.

"Cool. What're you majoring in?" He asks.

He clearly thought I meant college. "Art." I say quickly. This isn't a huge lie seeing as that is what I want to major it in college.

"That's interesting." He says impressed.

"What about you?" I ask nonchalantly as we finally are back on the main sidewalk.

He puts his hands in his pocket as we stand outside the club. "I'm twenty six, and I'm actually a teacher. I just got out of school and I start my first teaching gig tomorrow."

"What do you teach?" I ask impressed.

"English." He smiles.

I am about to open my mouth when Danny and Scott come rushing out of the club toward me.,

"Holy shit Stiles you scared the crap out of us!" Scott says as he grabs my arm.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Danny holds his phone to my face and I see that it's almost midnight. "We are going to be late!" He says.

"Shit." I groan. I look at Derek who is smirking at me. "I got to go."

He nods and uses two fingers to salute me. "Nice to meet you kid. Maybe we'll run into each other again soon."

Before I can even reply Danny and Scott are pulling me away from him and towards my Jeep. I sigh as we all climb in. I look back to where Derek had been standing, but he's gone. I can't stop picturing him though. His eyes and his body; his dick.

"STILES! DRIVE!" Scott shouts and I turn on the car and start to back out of the parking spot.

A/N: Worth continuing? Review and let me know.