Eric sat in his hummer in the parking garage of the crime lab trying to contact the last person on his guest list. But the line just kept ringing.
Come on, Kyle. Pick up. He'd tried twice before and was beginning to get discouraged.
H's 55th birthday was just two weeks away and Eric felt it was worth celebrating. Everyone else on his list was coming but the celebration wouldn't be complete without H's son.
Kyle's unit was home from deployment but he was still on active duty. Eric hoped he was giving him enough notice to get a pass. When Kyle's voice mail greeting began to play, he hung up. He'd already left a message. Eric decided to try again around noon.
As he made his way towards the lab, he was met by Frank Tripp rushing out of the front door.
"Eric, do you know where H is?" The tall Texan asked in a concerned rush.
"No, why?"
"Do you remember Damon Argento? The guy who tried to kill Horatio about six years ago for sending his father to prison?"
"Yeah, I remember him. Stole H's gun out of his Hummer after H put blanks in it."
"That's the one. Broke out of jail a couple of hours ago. Warden just called. Seemed his favorite thing to brag about was getting his revenge on H."
Now Eric understood Tripp's concern. Damon Argento had been after Horatio ever since he learned H was responsible for his father's conviction as an arsonist for hire by the mob. He wouldn't stop until one of them was dead.
"Tripp, I've got an idea where H might be."
"Keep me posted."
Eric watched H from under the shade of a large oak tree near Marisol's graveside. Since it was their seventh wedding anniversary, Eric thought he would find him here. Leaning back against her headstone, H had his eyes closed. It seemed like such a private moment that Eric hated to intrude.
He was glad they picked this cemetery. Several large oak trees were scattered throughout that provided shade and cooling breezes and a place for the birds to sing their songs. The lush green landscaping always appeared immaculately tended. Such a peaceful place.
After several more minutes, Eric felt he could wait no longer. "H."
The sound of his voice brought a smile to H's face. "Remember how happy she looked on our wedding day." Turning to face him, H continued. "She loved those flowers you brought her."
Of course Eric remembered. It was a memory he would like to dwell on for a while. But right now, he didn't have the time. His urgency must have shown on his face because Horatio asked "What's wrong?"
"Damon Argento broke out of jail. He's after you."
"A couple of hours ago. I don't know the details but Tripp talked to the warden. He's waiting for us back at the lab."
"Let's go."
They reached H's Hummer first.
"I'm following you back." Eric said as he headed for his Hummer.
"Be careful." H called as he opened the driver door.
But Horatio never made it inside. The force of the explosion sent him flying backwards.
What happened? Lying on the pavement, Eric woke to loud ringing in his ears. Reaching a hand up to his aching forehead, he felt something wet. Blood. Why am I bleeding? I just came to find…
Ignoring the nausea threatening his stomach, Eric sat up and looked around until he saw H. He was lying on the ground about three parking spaces from what was left of his Hummer. Despite the pounding in his head, Eric ran to kneel beside Horatio.
Carefully, he checked his neck for a pulse. Relieved to find it, he began checking his arms and legs. It appeared that only his left arm was broken near his wrist. But that didn't worry him as much as the fact that H was still unconscious.
"Come on, H. Wake up!" Eric pleaded as he reached for his phone.
"911, what is your emergency?"
"This is CSI Eric Delko. I need a bus at Our Lady of Mercy cemetery. There's been an explosion. Officer down. Hurry!"
"Please, H. Wake up."
Eric had been waiting to hear about H for about an hour when Tripp came to fill him in.
"How's H?"
"Haven't heard anything yet. I guess they're still running tests. What did you find at the scene?"
"It was a remote controlled device triggered by a cell phone. Bomb squad says only about half of the explosive detonated. Must have used something his dad had left over that was getting old."
"But how could he have had enough time to get here and plant it on H's Hummer?"
"Calleigh called the prison with that same question. Seems the warden wasn't honest about when he broke out. He was trying to hide evidence of some screw-up his office made before notifying us. Argento made his escape last night."
"That would give him more than enough time. I just hope H doesn't pay for the warden's cover-up."
"Mr Delko?" Eric turned to see the doctor coming toward him.
"Yes. How is he?"
"He's having some complications from his severe concussion. I've set his arm and I'll send him for more tests soon. I want to keep him overnight for observation."
"When can I see him?" Eric asked.
"Your questions will have to wait until morning. No one but family right now."
"But I am family, doctor. I need to see that he's okay for myself."
"Yes, I know. Seems all police officers feel they're one big family. But right now..."
"Zip it, doctor. Eric Delko is Lt Caine's brother-in-law."
Eric tried to suppress a grin. Sometimes the big Texan didn't have any tact, but he could always get his point across.
After several seconds of glaring at Tripp, the doctor finally relented. "Fine. This way."
"I'll wait here, Eric. I'll let the team know he's awake."
"Thanks, Tripp."
Walking into H's room, Eric wasn't sure what to expect but he just needed to make sure he was okay. H was lying on his back with his right arm over his eyes. His left arm was in a cast from his thumb to a couple of inches below his elbow. There were several lacerations on his face. Eric wasn't sure what the doctor meant but it looked to him like H was resting comfortably. He pulled a chair over to H's bed and sat down.
"H." Eric said quietly. "H, I'm here. Are you okay?"
"Eric. Are you all right?"
"Yeah, H. Just have some ringing in my ears. But I'll be okay. What about you? The doc mentioned complications."
Sighing, H moved his right arm down beside his body. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for several seconds. Finally he said, "I can't see."