This is the last and very short chapter.
It´s just for giving this story an end.

Chapter 5: Remembrance
Mukuro had been at the supermarket, buying some new food and storing it in the kitchen, but now he was about to enter their room. Irritatingly he noticed that Kyoya wasn´t here anymore. Since Kyoya was still weak and a little confused he wasn´t too pleased about the thought of him wandering around in the building. Still he wondered where the other went to and just in that moment he could hear a loud sound from lower floor. With a bad feeling about it he rushed there, finding Kyoya lying on the ground in a mess of broken steps and stones, his eyes closed and his body without any movement. Mukuro tried to calm down, before controlled the ravens breathing and his pulse. He was alive. Hell. What did he do to receive this as a payment? Even though a heavy burden fall from his heart as he pulled the smaller up on his arms, rapidly going back to their room and placing him on the bed again. This idiot, wandering around Kokuyo Health Land without any memories was almost the stupidest thing he could´ve done. Now Mukuro had to worry about him again, not enough that he had to deal with his amnesia and his weird ideas at the moment. Would it be that difficult to give him back his old Kyoya?
With a few movements he treated the skylarks new wounds and decided to stay with him until he would wake up again. He´d just have to make clear that this had been dangerous and more or less tell him to stay in this room or maybe walk over to the bathroom, but not wandering through the whole rundown building. If it was necessary he´d just chain him to the bed somehow, accompanying him everywhere he need to go. Well, maybe it was time to move to another place after all of this. Even though Kyoya didn´t have some money left over, he himself did. One didn´t ruin a mafia family without taking their wealth with. He would buy an apartment or maybe he could afford a small house near Namimori, Kyoya would like it if they didn´t live at the central.
Just as he was about to plan the house in his mind, he noticed Kyoya was awaking again. He slowly opened his eyes, holding his head because it hurt and staring at Mukuro for a moment.
"You seriously should repair these steps sometime." He complained, "They were already broken the first time I came here."
Mukuro was just about to sort the scolding words in his head as he noticed something off.
"The ... first time?" He asked a little insecure, "Kyoya do you …?"
This wasn´t him imagine things, was it?
"Yes. I remember, idiot." Kyoya answered with a smirk, leaving Mukuro speechless for a moment.
"Thank you for taking care of me." He added a moment later with a rather soft voice.
Suddenly Mukuro wrapped his arms around the skylark, holding him close in an almost painful way. Probably Kyoya was nearly unable to breathe and his wounds would hurt as well, but Mukuro couldn´t care less. After all it had been his own fault for worrying him like that.
"Never again scare me like that." He said while nearly clawing in the smallers skin while holding him as close as possible.
"I swear." Kyoya mumbled in return.

This is the last chapter.
Comment if you like.