Author's Note: A few of the parts in my FanFiction, especially near the beginning of the story, are going to be based off of the book, Yellowfang's Secret, as this story is about Yellowfang and Brokenstar. However, as the story goes on, I'll be making up my own events that are not related to the actual book, so if you read Yellowfang's Secret already, I apologize if the beginning is a bit repetitive for you and I hope you still read my FanFiction.
I know that this first chapter is really short, but that's just because its more of a prologue type thing. Later chapters will be quite a bit longer, don't worry.
Hope you read, review and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors or its characters.
Chapter One: How it Began
Brokenkit knew he was different from the first moment he opened his eyes.
He heard the whispers, felt the stares, and sensed their disapproval. Everyone was wary around him, even Lizardstripe, the queen who nursed him. They were all wondering something, something that confused Brokenkit. What was it that made them all reject him, see him as different, a stranger? When he felt everyone's hostile, accusing stares, he felt his pelt burn with embarrassment and humiliation. It wasn't his choice to be different! So why should he be blamed?
For a long time, the tiny kit was in the dark. And he was alone; loneliness made all the shame, all the humiliation seem so much worse.
As the whispers began to take meaning, Brokenkit realized what they were asking. "Who is his mother? Why didn't she want him?" And the motherless kit began to wonder the same thing. Every time the words went through his mind, he felt a stab of pain in his little heart.
I bet if my mother knew me, she'd be proud, he thought. She'd know that I'm going to be the best warrior in the Clan!But she didn't want to know me…Why?
Confusion and sadness filled his thoughts. As he got older, Brokenkit wondered about it more. The more he thought about it, the more another emotion began emerge. The same feeling that made him want to claw off the other kits' pelts whenever they teased him about it. At first, he didn't know what it was. But he heard the warriors talking. He heard them bristle about Clan borders, arrogant leaders and most of all, the motherless kit. They were angry.
And Brokenkit realized that he was angry. The thought of his nameless mother began to sear his heart with fury. His thoughts began to change. Did my mother realize that giving me up has made me hate her?Would she be surprised if I came back, a strong warrior in search of revenge?
Because I will, he vowed. I'll make her sorry she left me!
Only one cat seemed to accept him: the ShadowClan deputy, Raggedpelt. Whenever he saw Brokenkit, Raggedpelt looked proud. The little tabby knew that Raggedpelt was his father, his one and only kin in the Clan. Brokenkit was proud to be the son of the deputy. He looked up to his father more than anyone else ever knew. He wanted to be just like Raggedpelt, proud and strong and fearless. He wanted to lead patrols and thrash WindClan warriors and best of all, command the respect of his own ShadowClan warriors.
One day, that's who I'll be, thought Brokenkit. I'll be such a great warrior, they'll all be sorry that they made fun of me!I'll banish them from the Clan when I'm leader.I don't need fox-hearted warriors!Only the best will be part of my Clan!
Yes, he would always be different. The absence of his true mother had marked him from the first day of his life as an outcast within the Clan. He would be tolerated, but never fully accepted, unless he could prove that he would make ShadowClan great. He would have to wait, patiently enduring the mocking and taunting in the nursery, until the day he was made an apprentice. Then he could show everyone that he was just as powerful as his father.
And after that day, when he became deputy, and then leader of ShadowClan, he would be different in a good way. The warriors would whisper about his potential, rather than about who his mother was. They would stare at him in admiration, not accusation. They would approve of him and say, "StarClan chose a great leader for ShadowClan."
Yes, they would. Brokenkit would make sure of it.
Nothing could get in his way.