I've fixed the grammar and spelling of Chapter 1, and will go through the others when I can. I'll also work to conclude the story. Thanks for being patient.

Disclaimer: I do not own ghost hunt or the characters. I only own the plot and the OC's.

"Me or Gene?"

The pain that one question brought was unbearable. It tears me apart day in and day out, never relentless in its attempt to throw me into depression. After Naru revealed his true identity was that of Oliver Davis, and after he found his twin brothers' body, Naru went back to England. But not before he broke my heart.

"Me or Gene."

Why was I so stupid? Why couldn't I answer? The answer was Naru. The answer has always been Naru. So why couldn't I just say that. Naru was right every time he called me an I had just told him the truth, then maybe I wouldn't be alone. SPR wouldn't have disbanded, I wouldn't be stuck without a job, and Naru would still be here. When this thought came to mind I started crying even more. Uncontrollable sobs shook my body and the tea cups sitting on the coffee table shattered. Some tiny shards fell to the floor for me to clean up later.

The night Naru left, I had discovered I had more powers than thought by Naru. I have PK, and could put up barriers easily, but since I can't control them, they take a toll on my body.

I ran to the bathroom, tears making their way down my face, and continued on with my normal routine. Be sick, flush, and then rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth. After I finished, I washed my face and wiped my tears away. I took a deep breath and looked at my reflection. The insomnia that had come with the even more vivid and gruesome visions of the past could be easily see by the huge, black bags underneath my eyes. Sighing, I thought about how much concealer I would need to cover them up. I then took a brush and mowed it through my short, chestnut coloured hair, full of knots and tangles. Once finished, I put it up in a ponytail and went to go clean up the mess I made earlier.

I took in a deep breath, and when slowly exhaling, I focused all my power on gathering the shards into a pile on top of the table. When I opened my eyes a few second later, every piece of glass was atop the coffee table, in a little, neat pile. I wobbled a bit from the task, but once I stabilised myself I carefully gathered the shards using a dustpan and brush, and threw them into the trash can in the kitchen.

I've been practising using my powers to help clean up whatever mess I accidentally make when I lose control. Naru's only been gone for a month but you wouldn't believe how many glasses I've had to toss. It's also been a month since I've seen anyone from SPR. We promised we'd stay in touch, but they all have other jobs to do. SPR was just a way for them to get more money, but for me it was the only way for me to get any money at all. 'Speaking about money', I thought, 'Naru's last pay check is almost gone.' I sighed 'Guess it's time to get a new job.'

With that thought I begrudgingly shuffled towards my room and got changed into something presentable to go job hunting in. In the end I settled on a somewhat professional outfit of white trousers and a nice, pale blue blouse. I threw on some black flats and my little black purse to complete the look, and then as an afterthought, I dusted on some light makeup to cover my bags so I don't look like a zombie. Now I was ready to leave. I calmed my nerves as I reached for my keys, and at that exact moment someone knocked at the door.

'Who could that be?' I wondered as I made my way over to the door. Pulling the door open,I saw who it was and immediately closed the door. 'Why would he be here?! Why isn't he in England?!' My mind practically screamed as I let my body slide down the door.

"Mai, open the door." Came Naru's muffled reply to the door being slammed in his face.

" I don't have to because this is my house." I said after a while of silence.

"Well then I don't have to give you your job back." With this comeback, I could hear him smirking through the door.

'What should I do! He thinks I'm in love with his brother! I can't work with him when he thinks I like his brother!' Squeezing my eyes shut and while my mind worked overtime to process the strange, dreamlike turn of events, I unknowingly loosened the grip on my pk. I opened my eyes at the sound of a sharp crack to discover a shallow crack had appeared on my tv screen and that's when I decided to regain control of my pk. ' I can't let Naru know about my PK. I have to keep a leash on it.'

"Mai?" Naru said, probably hearing the tv crack. 'Speak of the devil' I thought.

" When do we start?" I said, finally making my mind up.

"We have a case on Monday. Be at the office no later than 9." Came the reply.

"Is the rest of the team going to be there?"

I whispered through the door, not knowing if he could hear it or even bother to answer.

I heard him sigh, then curtly respond

"Yes I re-hired everyone else too. They'll all be on the next case besides Masako. She's filming in America."

I had to bite back an all encompassing grin at this news.
"Okay then, i'll be there! Goodbye Naru."

"Goodbye Mai."

Once I heard him walk down my apartment stairs I got up from the floor, locked my door, and took off my shoes and hung up my purse. 'Guess I don't have to go job hunting after all' I thought aloud, smiling. Naru and the rest of SPR were back together again. 'Now I'm not alone anymore". And with that last thought, I plopped down onto my couch to watch tv on a cracked television.