Shackles of Adamantine
Songfic: Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica
A GaLu pairing (Cause I couldn't resist, seriously)
Rated: M for a nice juicy lemon
Disclaimer: I don't own the song or any of FT cause if I did own Fairy Tail, there would be a hella lot more naked men running around, besides just Gray.
I recommend listening to the song while reading, makes the experience that much better.
Piercing red eyes penetrated the shadows as they zeroed in on the target of his thoughts. His gaze raked the unknowing figure, sitting innocently across the crowded room. Chaos ensued around him, figures darting in front of his vision and yet his intense gaze never faltered, never leaving the object of his desires, and his misery. Two sides to the same coin all wrapped into one package, the package that makes up his current obsession. Because that's what she is. His mind cannot help but return to her every waking moment of his day. Her form continually tormented his dreams during the endless nights, always close enough to touch and yet too far.
I'm not strong enough to stay away
I Can't run from you
I'd just run back to you
He'd tried to violently shove those thoughts away, dismissing them as nothing but illusions taunting him with something he knew could never willingly be his. He wanted to think of her as nothing more then a gnat, easily batted away and unnoticeable, insignificant and yet the lie told within his own mind left a bitter tang upon his psyche. The more he was around her the more he found himself envying her ability to smile, to laugh with so much abandon and appear so damn free. Did she not see him? Face pressed against the bars of his own prison, nose straining to inhale that sweet ambrosia that was hers desperately, only to snarl and thrash against the chains binding him. She was his prison, the bars unbreakable even to his immense strength.
Like a moth I'm drawn into your flame
You say my name but it's not the same
You look in my eyes
Only brief, fleeting glances would she dare to bestow upon him. And it was during those few moments that the shackles felt lighter, less constraining. More malleable. He was loath to admit it, but her light made the very air more breathable. Her bittersweet pools of umber liquor would consume him and he was more than willing to let himself drown, give into that irritating voice that chose to whisper within the confines of his mind things he dared not say aloud. For to say those aloud would be admitting his weakness, and no one could know his weakness, not when he couldn't face the truth of the lies he spewed to himself.
I'm stripped of my pride
And my soul surrenders
And you bring my heart to its knees
Fate had a way of fucking him over and he wasn't fool enough to let such thoughts linger too long. That irritating flicker of what some would name hope was smashed to smithereens, the queasiness in his gut obliterated, the slight tremor in his knees at her very presence cascaded into the very depths and incinerated within the burn of his rage. His eyes narrowed as he spotted another bane to his existence, a thorn in his side constantly digging in, refusing to let go. A silent snarl rose from the depths, teasing the back of his throat as strong hands landed on her petite shoulders drawing her gaze and breaking the haze. How fucking dare he think he had the right to touch her so familiarly, like he had every right. The sight made him sick. The fondness in his eyes made him sneer as they talked so freely with each other. A wave of jealousy surged within him, crashing against the battered bars of the dilapidated cage within, already being eroded enough to the point that it wouldn't take much more before the beast could break free. He felt the wood splinter under his grip and looked down to see scales of iron coating his hands as deadly claws crushed the edges of the table to dust. As if he heard, and the asshole most likely did, Laxus turned his head to peer into the corner he occupied, raising a brow as he spotted the destruction. He let the scraps of wood go with a sniff and averted his eyes from the cocky bastard, not wanting to see his mocking smirk.
And it's killing me when you're away
And I wanna leave
And I wanna stay
Popping another bolt into his mouth he relished the scraping of the metal against his teeth as he crunched down with more energy then necessary. His eyes snapped open as he heard the hearty laughter of that male, the one handling her like his property and he couldn't stifle the subsonic growl that answered. After a few moments he realized what he'd been doing and shook his head knowing he literally had no self control when it came to her. And it pissed him off to be brought to his knees by her. Usually he'd be out on a job, distancing himself, keeping miles and miles between him and her but he knew it was a useless endeavor. Didn't matter the distance, whether thousands of miles away or a few feet, his mind would automatically turn back to her. What she was doing, who she was talking to. Every Goddamned thought revolved around her and he fuckin hated it.
And I'm so confused
So hard to choose between the pleasure and the pain
And I know it's wrong
And I know it's right
Would it always be like this? Could he ever have that peace of mind back before he'd ever had the misfortune of meeting her crazy guild? He doubted it. And it didn't matter how much he bitched, pleaded, ranted or raved, it wouldn't matter. It would always come back to her. He'd never been one to think about things of the heart, never giving more then an eye roll for even giving it any thought. Rather, he scoffed at the blind fools for being weak willed pansies. He'd never given much thought to any of that, deeming anything in that category below him and therefor not worth his time. Which only servedto compound the confusion already grating on the Slayer's last nerves.
And even if I tried to win the fight
My heart would overrule my mind
And I'm not strong enough to stay away
He turned back to a smiling Laxus standing way too damn close as he pulled a lock of her golden hair. And a small part of him wished that could be him, touching her, having the courage to approach her with more then a sarcastic joke on his lips. Even through the arguments with himself he couldn't deny the urge to be around her, yearning to be the center of her focus, to be the one making that small rare smile spread across her face. Those thoughts always brought the scowl back to his face. It was never far from him now, his bad moods dipping to an all time low with the realization that he was irrevocably, irreversibly in deep and no amount of kicking or screaming would change a fucking thing. There was no escaping it or her, not anymore.
I'm not strong enough to stay away
What can I do
I would die without you
He prided himself on his iron will, the ability to slough off anything and let nothing get under those unyielding scales and without his permission he'd been blind sighted, by a mere slip of a girl, no, woman. He'd thought he would live out his life not getting close to anyone. Content within own company, the darkness that made up a good chunk of his life used as a shroud to keep intruders away, for even within the hardiest warrior dwelled a primal fear of things which not even the brightest lights could penetrate. But he'd fucked up, somewhere he'd miscalculated. She was a variable he hadn't counted on and nothing could've prepared him for the light brimming within her being. Without him noticing she'd worn him down, her blinding light carving, slicing through the vestiges of his shroud like it was nothing more then a smoke screen and obliterating his armor, leaving him vulnerable to her.
In your presence my heart knows no shame
I'm not to blame
'Cause you bring my heart to its knees
He recalled the first time he laid eyes on her with a dark smirk. Before she could even scream she'd been trussed up, thrown over his shoulder, screaming obscenities that should not have been coming out of such a pretty mouth. He chuckled darkly, seeing her tied up form, bruised, her eyes spitting hell fire at him as he played with her like a cat with a mouse and she never backed down, never showed fear. Instead she flung his insults right back at him with the accuracy of a poison tipped dart. That was when she started wriggling into his subconscious, for he'd never met a woman quite like her before and before he realized he'd developed a grudging respect for her spunk. She'd crept below his radar, utilizing an inner fire to defy him, spouting shit about being saved by her family as he taunted his captive relentlessly, scoffing at her blind devotion. He berated her for being weak, for letting foolish thoughts cloud her judgment and insisted you could count on no one but yourself in the end. Oh, but he'd eaten those words soon enough, her team had made sure of it. It was a harsh lesson but one that wouldn't have taken root had it not been beaten into his stubborn head by Natsu.
And it's killing me when you're away
And I wanna leave
And I wanna stay
And I'm so confused
So hard to choose between the pleasure and the pain
His eyes snapped to the retreating figure of his desire as she made her way out of the guild, not even bothering to glance in his direction, saying her goodbyes to everyone. He could feel the burn in his gut with every move she made, every fuckin step she took it made the darkness claw at the prison holding it back. He wanted her, wanted her glances...
And I know it's wrong
Wanted her laughter...
And I know it's right
Craved her soft skin crushed to his own...
And even if I tried to win the fight
He could feel the bars thinning further beneath that persistent thrashing
My heart would overrule my mind
Knowing it would only take one glance...
And I'm not strong enough to stay away
To completely decimate his control and let the animal break free and he knew it would be far too late to back away. She was a compulsion that drew him to her with a dark intensity, one that he had no chance of refusing even if he tried.
He glanced back to the bar, noting how the air felt oppressive, even stifling without her and frowned as he saw Laxus making his way over to his table with an odd look on his face.
The fuck was his problem?
Well, if he was itching for a fight he'd be more then happy to beat the shit outta him. He had more then enough aggression flowing through his veins and he felt a feral grin spread across his face anticipating the fight. As Laxus stopped in front of his table he stood, rolling his neck, his muscles tense, ready and willing for action, only to pause when the man's words broke through the red haze in his mind.
"The fuck you doin' just standing there like an idiot? Be a fuckin' man, show you've got a pair, and go get her."
Before he can even articulate a response to the abrupt change from anticipating a brawl only to run headlong into a brick wall, Laxus shook his head and shoved him hard in the direction of the doors. "Only damn thing in your way is your own fuckin' mind, so do us all a favor, get yer head outta yer ass and grab her, before somebody else does!"
He barely noticed the few people he passed on the street as his long strides ate up the distance. His mind whirled as the rush of battle swiftly changed to something else. It fed the darkness clawing inside of him and he could hear it growing in strength with every step he took as he chased that sweet scent tingling his senses. Uninhabited his mind continued swirling out of control. His thoughts jumped around more times then he could count and even as Laxus' words continually ran across his mind a small taunting voice continually interrupted the flow.
Did he really have a shot, or was this all bullshit?
What if he opened his mouth and made a complete fool out of himself?
Was this just another cosmic joke at his expense?
Did he dare to believe that she might think of him in the same way he thought of her?
His heart raced as he stood outside her door, hesitating to take that last step. Wondering if it was his damnation or salvation behind that mahogany barrier effectively shielding her from him.
And more importantly did he care?
His mind was wiped clean as the door swung open suddenly, gifting him with the vision that was the both heaven and hell wrapped in one and when she gave him that mischievous smirk complete with an eye brow arched, he knew. Words were meaningless.
There's nothing I can do
Abruptly he shoved her back through the door, slanting his lips against hers, a hungry growl reverberating through his chest as her back met the wall, his body crushing hers with the ferocity of long pent up aggressions surging to the surface. A trill of pleasure ran up his spine as she answered the beast within with a growl of her own, her tongue spearing through his lips to tangle with his own, wanting to give a good as she got.
My heart is chained to you
Vaguely, thoughts of slowing down or softening his touch crossed his mind as he palmed the back of her neck. His hand tangled in her long locks to force her head back and bare her throat to his ravenous mouth, but her legs wrapping around his waist pushed any such thoughts aside. The action had their hips colliding with such force it ripped a snarl from his lips, his canines grazing her throat unintentionally as they reveled in the friction between their heated bodies. His hips gave a few short thrusts against that addictive heat as he gripped the back of her thigh with his other hand, his fingers digging into the creamy pale flesh sure to leave bruises. He heard a gasp as he maneuvered them past her kitchen only to have his knees damn near give out when he felt her hot mouth latch onto his neck, sucking the skin with a fervor he could only dream of. She was awakening the primal need to finally feel her skin against his, her body writhing beneath him.
And I can't get free
His feet barely made it to her sofa as she divested him of his shirt, her nimble fingers working at the fastening of his pants, her tongue and teeth anointing each unveiled skin with her mark. The urgency rushed through their veins as as propped her against the back of her couch, as her nightshirt met its demise at his hands and finding no barrier underneath his mouth latched onto a straining nipple, ripping a cry from her mouth as she arched her back. He could feel his eyes darkening as the beast within pushed forwards, yearning to bring her to the brink of insanity with pleasure, to infect her with his darkness. A pleased growl rumbled through his chest at the thought of tainting that brilliant light as his hands ripped the last barrier keeping her core from his hungry gaze. Slowly he moved between her breast, licking the valley between as he palmed the back of her neck and forced her to watch as his fingers drifted between their bodies seeking the inferno hidden within those damp curls.
Look what this love has done to me
His eyes locked onto hers as she bit her lip stifling a cry as his fingers spread her lower lips and dragged his middle finger through her wetness, tentatively circling the engorged pearl hidden within. As her chest rose and fell with every shuddering breath as his long fingers dipped within her tight sheath, teasing the walls with fleeting touches driving her closer and closer to losing her mind. A grunt slipped past his lips as her legs tightened around his hips involuntarily, shoving his straining erection against his hand and in turn made his fingers dive inside deeper. With a sharp nip on her collar bone he stilled her movements and plunged his fingers as far as they could go, not hesitating before jerking out and pushing right back in. He was in no mood to wait.
'Cause it's killing me when you're away
Her nails raked across his shoulders, before slipping to his back ripping a hiss from his lips as he ground the heel of his hand against clit harshly. The action made her hips jerk as he shot up to cover her mouth aggressively, stifling a garbled cry as she came apart in his arms, never ceasing the pumping of his fingers. Her body trembled against his as felt a rush of warmth soak his pants. Barely able to contain himself he shoved his pants down barely past his hips letting his length spring free of its confines, bringing a hiss as the cool air hit the sensitive head.
And I wanna leave
She was still breathing harshly as he rubbed the angry red head of his cock against her soaked slit and meeting her eyes, wasted no time snapping his hips against her own hitting bottom in one swift plunge. Lucy let out a cry as her back bent at an almost impossible angle, her arms holding onto the back of the sofa as he didn't hesitate to pull back only to plunge right back into that sinful abyss. His nostrils flared as he leaned back and his eyes zeroed in on their meeting hips. The sight of his cock spearing through her folds ramping up his already heightened senses as it disappeared within only to retreat slick with her juices.
And I wanna stay
He felt her thighs tighten as she crossed her ankles behind him and he took that opportunity to let go of her hip to slide between them and tease her pearl, snarling in pleasure as her sheath tightened around him in response, threatening to strangle his swollen length.
And I'm so confused
Her gaze that had been enraptured by their frenzied hips snapped up capturing his attention, jerking his already tight reigns hard as he saw the dark pools cloud with a carnal need, one the beast was more then willing to fulfill. It was impossible to focus, hard to breath as they catapulted towards the edge.
So hard to choose between the pleasure and the pain
His eyes widened fractionally as she grasped his hand, the one he'd been teasing her with and slid the fingers across her lips sensually, her tongue barely poking out to sweep across the calloused pads of his fingers. His hips faltered as she took that moment to suck his finger into her moist cavern and suck, the expression of exquisite pleasure sucked his breath away and redoubled his efforts.
And I know it's wrong
The small apartment filled with the sound of their frantic rutting, their sweat slicked skin slapping against each other creating an orgasmic symphony, barely able to think past reaching that anticipated end both knew was within reach. He couldn't count the strokes as his hips moved of their own mind, robbing them both of the ability to do much more then be swept away with the sensations.
And I know it's right
With a snarl he latched onto her neck, his canines digging into the tender flesh as he felt the rippling of her walls around him. His arms banded around her as she jerked with a sudden cry of what he assumed was a garbled version of his name and hissed as the walls clamped down so tightly he could barely manage to thrust as she came apart against him. Abruptly the suction tightened, throwing back his head with a grunt of pleasure his cock flared and spurted within her channel, his hips beating against hers uncontrollably, his face screwed into a grimace.
And even if I tried to win the fight
As the final strings of seed were squeezed from him, he felt his legs start to give out as he slid to the floor boneless, keeping her tucked safely under his chin, both content to stay where they were.
My heart would overrule my mind
He felt her lean back and glanced down to take in her rumpled features, feeling a purely male satisfaction at being the one to being that fulfillment that was seeping into her eyes as she smiled up at him. His nose nudged against hers, basking in the Knowles that his scent now not only covered her, but mingled within as he laid a tender kiss on those swollen lips more then ready to be chained to her.
And I'm not strong enough to stay away
First of all I gotta thank my lovely Pervy brain parasite LittlePrincessNana, cause she not only introduced me to some damn good music (which inspired this) But she also beta'd for me! You have no idea how helpful you are to me! Loves ya forever girl!
And a little note for a couple of the people requesting pairings. Yes, I am taking note of all the different requests so have no fear I will get around to touching on as many as I possibly can. Also, if you do have a request feel free to PM me with details if you have a scenario you might think would work with said pairing. I am open to all suggestions. :)
׺°"˜`"°º× NIchiki ׺°"˜`"°º×