The Final Chapter – Alternate Ending Two.
09.48 AM Taurostaur (Nine Months Later)
So yeah, it wasn't particularly fun knowing that most of the world was looking for you. Still, if there was ever a place to hide then Taurostaur was it. No one cared who you were here, and with Chrysalis's necklace nobody gave me more than a second glance. Of course I'd had to take it off every now and then to get work and food and whatnot, but the moment I put it back on it was like they forgot who I was.
It made picking up my pay difficult sometimes.
There had been nothing on Chrysalis or her children in the paper, so I took that to mean that she had yet to be found out. It was only a matter of time mind you, Chrysalis is good but Celestia plays the long game and is incredibly patient. Her mind revealed as much to me when I was trapped inside it.
I worry about the Changeling a lot, but if I'm to have any sort of life then I needed to put all my focus into having a full one. And so far I have, it's not so different from before I came to Equestria in that I support myself independently. I pay my bills, buy my own food and clothing, that sort of shit.
It isn't perfect by any means, but it's still a life I can enjoy. A good life, a full life, one without pity or sympathy. I won't deny that the week I was poisoned was horrible, traumatic even. It gave me a unique perspective on those who have no freedom, who's choices are made for them and are punished for defiance.
But still, it's over now. So if you feel sorry for me, don't.
Be happy for me, and all who are free.
I smiled as I finished the last line, elated that I had managed to put everything to paper with such detail, given how badly I just wanted to forget it. I didn't believe for a second that I could ever publish this, or show it to the authorities, or even the local newspaper. No one would ever believe me, and besides it would lead Celestia right to me.
Still, that I managed to write it all down with nary a pause was enough to make me smile with confidence.
'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'
The sudden though gentle knocking on my door snapped me out of my thoughts and out of my writing chair. It was strange that anyone was knocking to be perfectly honest, with Chrysalis' necklace no one ever really seemed to bother me, let alone pop around for something at this time of night.
It was this thought that stayed my hand as I reached for the handle.
What if it wasn't some random guy knocking on my door, what if it was worse than that?
What if it was…
I took a deep, shuddering breath and peaked through the Peephole I'd had attached to my door. Through it I could see…a Donkey? What was a mule knocking on my door for?
I reached for the handle and opened the door.
"Yeah, what do you want?"
The Donkey looked up at me and smiled, before handing me a letter from his pouch. "Letter from the Royal Empire young master."
"Letter from what?" I asked, taking it from his mouth and opening it quickly.
"The Royal Empire, young master," he repeated calmly. "I would never presume to know the Empire's business, but I suspect they would wish to inquire as to your…disappearance from Equestria."
"My disappearance is no one's concern but mine," I growled. "Not that it matters, in a few moments no one will remember me, and whatever is in this letter will be forgotten."
The Donkey raised an eyebrow at my words but in the end did naught but shrug and wish me a good day, before eventually making his way to the next house along my street.
Shaking my head, I closed the door and took the letter out of the envelop.
Mr Greenfield
Within this letter contains a chain teleportation spell that will activate within eight seconds of you reading it. I apologize, but all will be explained when you arrive.
Emperor Crow 6th
My eyes widened. "OH FUCK N-"
The world around me exploded into various bouts of light, spinning and spinning until I thought I could take no more…and then it stopped…and I opened my eyes.
"Greetings young one," said a deep, powerful yet somewhat young voice. "I do apologize for bringing you here without any true warning, but it was believed that a simple invitation would do nothing but cause you to panic, and I to forget where you lived."
In front of me was the largest Minotaur I had ever seen in my life. Decked from head to hoof in royal regalia, he sat upon the highest chair on a round table, an imposing if not terrifying figure.
But not as terrifying as the one sitting beside him.
"No…NO, do you realize what you've done?!" I shouted, respect for royalty completely forgotten as Celestia herself looked at me with those unforgettable eyes. "You're insane if you think I'm going back! I ran, I'm free. I'm not going back, I'm not, I'm not!"
The Emperors guard gripped their spears and snarled as they began to approach me, only stopping when the Emperor raised a hand as a silent order for them to back down.
"It is as you say then Princess, he is…afraid of you."
Celestia looked down at me sadly, her eyes shining with unspent tears before she nodded and looked at the Emperor. "It would appear I was right, yes. Thought I wish it were otherwise."
"Do not blame yourself Princess. The true culprit behind his confusion has been found, though I do wish I could understand your reasoning for forgiving her. In my empire one like she would be executed for manipulating a royal consort."
Celestia smiled sadly and shook her head. "My kingdom does not have the death penalty anymore, it has not been used since before your great, great, great grandfather took the throne. Forgiveness is a far greater punishment for one who can feel remorse…and she does, truly."
It took no more than a couple of seconds for me to figure out who she was talking about…and when I did.
"What did you do to Chrysalis?"
Celestia looked back at me and smiled, moving off of her chair and making her way towards me. When I instantly began to move away however, she swiftly stopped and regarded me with doe eyes, her ears pinned back in distress.
"I forgave her for betraying my kingdom, for betraying me and manipulating your mind to steal you away from me. She has been placed under my sister's eye until she has regained my trust once more…no more has been done to her, she is unharmed."
I didn't believe that for a second.
"Unharmed?" I spat, disbelieving of anything she said to me. "Yeah, I'm sure she's just peachy after the mind rape you likely did to her."
Her ears already pinned back, it was her eyes that displayed her shock at my insinuation.
"Tobias, I would…I would never do something like that to anyone."
"Yeah right, and the sun doesn't burn when you look at it," I sneered. "Let me guess, you couldn't get anything out of her with an old fashioned beating so you ripped it out of her mind and made her a willing servant of Equestria. Am I right?"
There were visible tears in her eyes now. "Toby…honey I would never hurt her like that. I would never hurt anyone like that. Please you have to believe me, everything you think you hate about me is because of what Chrysalis placed in your mind. Before she did this, I was helping you recover from an assassination attempt, don't you remember?"
"Assassination attempt, is that what we're calling it now, eh?" the sarcasm was thick in my voice and it evidently hurt Celestia to hear it, but I didn't care. "Why don't we just go ahead and call it what it really was. A twisted, completely fucked up form of love from you. You poisoned me so you could show me how much you cared about me, all because I broke up with you and told you NO when you demanded I change my mind."
As if I had struck her, Celestia took a step back and covered her muzzle in shock. There were silent tears trickling down her face as she regarded me, only the subtlest shake of her head showing me her denial.
"What has she done to you, Toby?" she whispered, moving forward once more, not stopping once even as I moved away…until I hit a wall and could no longer.
"Get away from me," I breathed, clenching my fists in fear and rage. "If you touch me…"
My ex marefriend stopped and looked back at the Emperor, nodding once and receiving a nod in return as he got out of his chair and left the room, signaling every guard within to do the same. A brief flash of her horn was all the warning I received before the distant sounds from outside ceased to be.
Soundproofing ward.
"What now then, eh? Going to try and convince me some more?" my words were filled with about as much confidence as I felt, which is to say none at all.
A few moments slipped me by before Celestia turned to look back at me…with a smile upon her muzzle that instantly set alarm bells ringing in my head.
"It wasn't you I needed to convince sweetie," she said softly. "Emperor Crow is young, barely out of early twenties and is all too eager for advice. I suspect he sees me as some sort of maternal figure in his life, which I suppose as he has none is understandable, I'm quite flattered in all honesty. And who knows, a few more words and nuzzles behind closed doors and the death penalty here could be abolished, wouldn't that be wonderful?"
"I knew it was an act," I growled, clenching my fists in anger.
"But of course it was, honey," she said, smiling widely. "I doubt the young Emperor could ever understand my methods, not yet anyway, maybe when he's a bit older…"
Here was the mare I had tried so hard to escape from, the mare that I once loved. The mare that was all too eager to poison me in some twisted attempt to make me all but devoted to her. The mare that apparently had no qualms manipulating a young, and apparently inexperienced Emperor with nothing more than a maternal act.
If the words Chess and master combined, there would be a picture of Celestia right beside it.
"But enough about him, I want to talk about us."
"There is no us!" I snarled, pushing away from the wall and sliding around her, though it did naught but amuse her if her small smile was anything to go on. "I am free of you here, you have no authority to take citizens of Taurostaur, and I am one!"
She chuckled at this and began to circle with me, her smile morphing into a grin as she spoke. "On the contrary my love, a quick word in Emperor Crow's ear is all I need to take you back with me, with force if need be but I do not wish to."
"Yeah, and why's that then?"
"Because we're going to talk calmly here," she said simply, her tone akin to one mentioning the weather as still we circled the other. "You cannot leave this chamber until I unlock the doors, and I will not unlock them until you understand that leaving me again was a very silly thing to do."
"Then we're going to be here for a very long time, because I'm never going to change my mind on that."
Celestia cocked her head at my words and smiled, the warmth of it penetrating my armor for but a moment before I forcibly ignored it.
"Do you remember what it felt like to crawl into bed together?" she crooned, her eyes lidding as she looked at me. "Do you remember how warm and comfortable you used to get, how safe I used to make you feel?"
"No, I don't," I growled, circling with her still. "Every moment we once had I threw into the deepest, darkest part of my mind and forgot about."
Instead of eliciting anger or sadness as was my goal, instead Celestia's grin widened and her eyes flashed with mirth.
"Liar," she sang melodiously, giggling as my face became slightly flush. "I know you still remember how it felt to be held by me, Tobias. It was all over your face when I described it. You ache for more; I can see the longing in your eyes."
It took all my willpower not to flinch as I tried and failed to refute her instantly.
"Believe whatever you like, Princess," I said, my sneer feeling a little more forced to my irritation.
"Oh I shall," she agreed, grinning happily, as if she'd won a great conquest. "And I can prove what I believe too. What do you think would happen if I were to hold you now? To wrap my wings around you and lull you to the best sleep you've had in nine months, what do you think would be your response?"
"I'd never let you get that close and even if you somehow did, I'd…I'd have to resort to violence."
Eyebrows rose at my response, though that grin never diminished. "You would hit me Tobias? You truly believe that you could actually bring yourself to cause me harm?"
"Why not, you've done so to me many times over," I replied, victory flooding through me as I saw her grin finally weaken.
"What I've done, I've done to show you how much I care for you," she explained patiently, as if speaking to one of her eager students. "Once you can finally bring yourself to look past the act, you would be able to see that as well."
"The act as you call it, left me paralyzed in your wonderful care, where you humiliated me day after day until I finally got a break and got as far away from you as I possibly could."
"What you call humiliation, I call loving my mate," she countered, smile back in full force as she described it. "To wash you, to care for you when you could not do so yourself, to hold and protect you day after day. Where is the humiliation in that?"
"The care you gave me was only necessary because of you poisoning me," I snapped angrily. "I had to suffer the humiliation of being cleaned when I could not do it, the shame of being watched as I used to toilet and then wiped because again I could not do it by myself."
Celestia stopped moving and eyed me with genuine surprise, only for said surprise to be taken over by a sort of sad understanding.
"Caring for you made you feel ashamed, and shame breeds humiliation," she spoke, her voice genuinely upset as she finally seemed to understand. "I should have known from what I learned of your past, I understand that now. You've never really been cared for before have you, you didn't and still don't understand that the act is physically caring for another is okay."
Before I could cut in and deny her explanation, Celestia quickly strode towards me…and I found myself literally unable to move back, my trainers surrounded by a golden aura.
"Get away from me!" I yelled, swinging my right fist in her direction and yelping as both my arms suddenly glued themselves to my sides, fear beginning to flood me once more as she unfurled her wings.
I leaned my head away as much as I could, but the tip of her right wing touched my cheek anyway. and stroked it tenderly, a similarly tender smile appearing on her muzzle.
"You always took care of my needs, all of them," she murmured. "Grabbing me a cup of tea when I was busy with paperwork, massaging my hooves after a stressful day of work, focusing on making me finish before you when we made love. Everything was focused on me, but you never let me take care of you, even before we broke up. You fear being taken care of don't you?"
"S-Sure, when it's a crazy psychopath taking care of me who wouldn't," I stammered, gritting my teeth in frustration when my words did nothing but make her smile widen.
"I'm not psychopath my dear, I just want you to be happy."
"Then let me go and never come near me again."
"Is that truly what you want?"
I opened my mouth to declare to the world that YES, I wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with her…but I…
Unable to say anything, I looked her right in the eyes and nodded firmly, watching carefully as her horn lost its glow and I was able to move again.
"Very well then," she said, her smile more of a grimace as she…complied with my request? "If you truly wish for solitude then I will grant it. I will never darken your doorstep again, and I will never bother you with letters or the like for the rest of your life."
"W-Wh-What?" I was unable to say much more, truly my mouth felt numb from shock.
"There's just one catch," she continued, smiling once more as I quickly regained my senses.
That's more like Celestia.
"What catch?"
Her smile, already wide widened further as she took a step back and sat down on her rump, her wings spread and her forelegs wide open.
"One last embrace from my…ex-lover before I leave him for good. One last hug…and you will never see me again unless you want to."
"And what's to stop you from teleporting me back to Canterlot if I do?" I asked, rightly wary of her 'catch'.
Celestia laughed loudly at my accusation. It was as if I'd said the funniest thing in the world. "O-Oh that's funny honey, but I'm nowhere near powerful enough to teleport over twelve thousand miles. To attempt to do so would likely lobotomize me, and as I do so enjoy having all my senses I'm afraid there will be no teleporting from me today."
Still chuckling at my words, the mare shook her head and smiled beautifully in my direction, her forelegs and wings still wide open for an embrace.
"So…a hug, sweetie?" she asked, her voice as sweet as honey and smooth as silk.
I was looking everywhere I could for the hidden hook, but the longer I did the quicker I seemed to realize that maybe this really was all she wanted. I didn't want to believe it because it made me feel like a fool, the mare was a mare who had plans for her plans. There had to be a catch…but I just couldn't think of one she would use.
"One hug, and then you I never see you again," I finally said, the words escaping my mouth with great effort.
"Yes," she said, nodding. "Short of writing me a letter saying otherwise, you will never see me again."
I hesitated for a few more moments, my brain still working overtime to find a catch…but in the end it came up with nothing, and so I walked forward and slowly, hesitatingly, wrapped my arms around her back.
Her forelegs claimed me first, gentle yet strong as they pulled me closer, until our necks were touching and my chin was on her shoulder. The wings came next, enveloping me with ease, touching my bare wrists and tightening around me comfortably. Finally came her head which she gently placed upon my right shoulder, her muzzle pressing against my neck, breathing in my scent, her lips upon my neck…
The hug held for what felt like an eternity, but time eventually returned and the embrace ended, the both of us stepping away from the other.
Celestia smiled at me, her expression as happy as I'd ever seen her. "That was wonderful Toby, thank you." She reached with her right hoof and touched my face lovingly, before sighing and dropping her foreleg to the ground. "Whatever you think of me, know that I'll always love you, and my chambers will always be open should you wish to return one day."
I swallowed the lump that had appeared in my throat and ignored the surprising amount of loss I felt as she turned away from me, as well as pain on my neck. I rubbed it gingerly and felt better when the painful tingle faded away.
"Goodbye Princess."
Celestia didn't stop as she made her way out of the room, but the quiet sniffle told me that my use of her title had hurt her.
She's gone…she's really gone, I'm free, truly free.
The sound of hooves coming up behind me was all the warning I got before someone placed their hand on my shoulder. "I take it the Princess has alleviated your confusion?"
It was only as the question was asked that I realized the opportunity I had. I could tell the Emperor what she had done to me, I could plead for him to use a memory sphere to watch what had just been said, what Celestia had said about using him. About how she DID poison me…
But then another thought came to me…
Celestia had to have known that I'd have this option, yet she did nothing to stop me. She didn't bind me to an oath, she didn't erase my memory…she didn't do anything other than ask for a hug. What's her game this time?
I couldn't think of anything she could use this time, nothing at all…and all it did was make me wary of her true intentions. For what if she was relying on my telling the Emperor to further another one of her plans?
What if she had already informed the Emperor that I might try to do this, or that my confusion was capable of twisting memories to suit what Chrysalis had obviously put there.
What if my pleading did nothing but make the Emperor force me over into Celestia's hold once more?
"Yes," I lied, feeling more helpless than ever. "She did…and we've decided to stay apart for now until I get my head around it. C-Chrysalis's lies have…well, I just need some space, and time alone."
"I understand," he rumbled, his voice sympathetic. "The letter that brought you here will also take you back to your home if you touch it again. I wish you peace, Tobias Greenfield."
"Me too…" I whispered, moving back to where I'd dropped the letter and touching it once more, the world spinning instantly as it exploded with color.
…and I landed in the downstairs hall…and fell to my knees as helplessness enveloped me once more.
I was free, Chrysalis wasn't. Celestia was going to get away with it all again, and I could do nothing to stop her. The only satisfaction I had was that I would never see her again. Nor would I have to wear Chrysalis's necklace, there was no point now that Celestia knew where I was.
Perhaps the magic died when Chrysalis…
I didn't know what Celestia had done to my old friend…but the sad fact was that I didn't want to know. What could I do if I found out that she had indeed brainwashed the Changeling?
Run back and try to rescue her?
She did for me…but what can I do for someone that's been brainwashed?
The answer was simple, nothing. I couldn't do a damn thing, not while Celestia still had absolute power.
Sadly, I chucked the letter onto the floor and climbed up the stairs, my bed sounding all the more promising the further up I got.
Sleep sounds good right about now; I don't want to think anymore.
My head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.
02.40 AM (Two Weeks Later)
She held me, her hold strong and comforting. I felt wanted, protected and loved, oh so loved. Smiling at the bliss of it all, I buried my face in her barrel, the silky soft texture of her warm fur pleasing me greatly.
"Doesn't this feel nice?" she crooned, laying kiss after kiss upon my shoulder and neck. "Ohh, holding you is one of life's great delights. I'll never tire of it…ever."
"I know the feeling," I admitted, such happiness flowing through me as we both snuggled closer still. "It's like…an addiction, I don't want to let go…I don't want to wake up."
Celestia laughed softly and nuzzled my nose playfully, her eyes alight with joy and affection. But then…she let me go, she moved away!
"No, no! Come back!" I cried, bliss replaced by powerful loss as she began to fade away. "Don't leave me!"
She was fading…no she was walking away…wait, she was leaving the hospital…the diary, the betrayal, the poisoning. I felt trapped, I felt…I felt…
The ecstasy gradually faded into nothing…and I felt truly alone…I was lost.
My eyes shot open, body covered in sweat as I sat up abruptly and threw up over the side onto the floor. The smell was disgusting, but all I cared about in that moment getting my body to stop shaking.
But it wouldn't, the shaking became worse, my teeth tapping together rapidly in a foolish attempt to stave off the cold. But no matter what I tried it never worked, it hadn't once since I'd come back from the final goodbye with Celestia.
The sense of loss I never stopped…it only got worse the next night, and this had been happening for around two weeks.
"Come on Toby, we're fine, breathe, breathe," I was muttering like a nutter, but I couldn't stop, I didn't dare."We're fine, we're fine, we're f-fine, we're…w-we're…Ahh fuck!"
I tumbled out of bed, my knees scraping along the throw up on the floor. But I didn't care, I needed to get to…I needed to…I needed…NEEDED!
Fumbling around my desk, I reached into the top draw and pulled out some paper and a pen, writing the moment I placed it down.
I need help, I can't stop dreaming about it, about you. The pain won't stop, please help me! I need help, please help me, help me help me help me me memememeee
My words were all of the place, misspelt and messy. But I didn't care, I needed her, I needed the pain to stop, I needed to send this now…I needed…
"NO!" I screamed my anguish to the high heavens, grabbing the fucking letter and tearing it to pieces before I fell to the ground, my back leaning heavily against the wall as I sobbed bitterly, my body shaking, crying with me as it lost its fix.
My fix…I needed Celestia…I needed her to hold me and make the pain go away.
What has she done to me?
04.58 AM (Nine Days Later)
All paper and pens had been removed from my home…all but the two that sat on my desk, waiting for me to break.
But I had survived for nine days. I…as long as I stayed awake, the pain lessened. Dreaming about her, about her embrace, her touch made it worse…thinking about it made it worse!
"Stop it!" I snapped, voice shaky with pain and withdrawal. "I can do this; she won't break me again. I can beat her; I can beat this and be rid of her for g-AGH!" Like a knife in my chest, the pain continued in short but powerful bursts, random so I would never know when they would strike.
"S-Stop…please," I begged. "Write the letter, be free of this agony. AGHHHH!"
"NO!" I denied, screaming it to the world. "I won't let her win; I won't let her have me…AGAIN OH FUCK THE PAIN!"
I held my head in my hands, squeezing harder and wishing for peace that would never come.
Blood trickled down my hands as my nails penetrated my skin. But I couldn't feel that pain, not when far worse was already wracking my body with terrible shakes.
Thoughts of somehow making it outside and screaming for help were prominent in my mind, for no one could hear me behind my wards. But getting up was impossible, the shaking wouldn't let me stand for more than a second.
And so the pain continued.
23.38 (One Day Later)
I had gotten so close…but the pain won out and I had written for help.
Already I could feel the shame flooding through me, the pain not helping in the least as I crawled into the kitchen. Each effort was pure agony, but I had to lock the door, it was the only way left for Celestia to get in. I still had time, my letter couldn't have reached her yet, it couldn't have, owls weren't that fast.
It took at least twenty minutes…but I felt a small measure of satisfaction as I managed to deadlock it.
There was no way anyone could get in…now if I could just manage to recharge the Soundproofing Ward…
Preparing myself for the pain, I crawled slower than a turtle towards the hall, only to stop and cry out in agony as pain flooded in every part of my body.
It was going to be a long night.
09.43 AM (The Next Day)
I failed.
I had failed again and slept the night away, dreams of being in her embrace overwhelming any sense I had left. I wanted to wake up straight away, but the moment her forelegs were wrapped around me and I breathed in her scent…I lost any will to fight against it, against her.
But I regretted it when I woke up, agony and powerful emotions flowing through me all at once, more than enough to make me throw up stomach acid. I hadn't eaten a thing for over a week.
Worse still…was that I never managed to recharge the Soundproofing Ward, and thus the sound of something large and heavy landing just outside was all I needed to know that her carriage had arrived. That she had gotten my insane letter filled with gibberish and a plea for help...and arrived.
"Tobias honey!" her voice quelled the pain tormenting my body and mind, if only for a moment. "Tobias I'm here, I got your letter, it's me sweetheart! Open the door please!"
I tried my hardest to stay silent, to not answer her in any way, shape or form…but the pain shot through me like a chain of bullets and forced me to cry out in pain.
"Tobias!" she cried, my door visibly shaking as I watched the shadow of her hoof banging against it. "He can't get to the door. Cursebreaker Timmins, take down these wards at once!"
"Right away Princess!"
Good luck with that 'Cursebreaker'. There are enough wards on this house to hold back an army of Unicorns. You have no chance-
The most horrible sounding screech forced me to cover my ears in pain, it was like a thousand children scratching on a blackboard one after the other, but all at once. And unfortunately it seemed to be working wonders against my defenses, I didn't need to have the barest knowledge on warding to understand what the glass-like shattering sound meant.
My wards are coming down; I need to hide!
With all the grace of a slug, I pulled myself over towards the cupboard under the stairs and yanked the door open, before forcing myself in it and locking it from the inside. The horrible screech stopped barely a few seconds later…my wards were destroyed.
The sound of the front door all but slamming open was all the warning I received before Celestia called desperately for me again. "Tobias, where are you? Baby I'm here, I can help you!"
I remained silent as I listened to her running around the house, from the front room to the kitchen, to-
Ahh, no! The pain…NOT NOW!
The pain was back, stronger than I'd felt it all morning. I grit my teeth and began to breathe through my nose, exhaling through my mouth in an effort to stave it off.
I was fighting it with all I had, my hands were bleeding as my nails dug into them. Only the sound of Celestia running around outside the cupboard managed to keep me going.
"We can't find him Princess, but we did find some vomit in a room upstairs, a couple of days old by the smell of it. There was some dry blood on the floor as well."
"I found some in the kitchen too, he is clearly very unwell but where could he be? We all heard him yell in pain so he must be here. Search again upstairs Lieutenant."
"Might I suggest tracking him with magic, Princess?"
"No Lieutenant, not after taking down so many wards. You would risk a backlash powerful enough to take out the building. We must find him without magic. Tobias, where are you?!"
I was practically biting my tongue to stave off any sort of noise, but I couldn't stop a quiet moan from escaping me.
"Did you hear that, Princess?"
"Yes, I believe it came from over there somewhere." The sound of hooves getting closer to my cupboard almost made me moan some more, but I held it back.
"This cupboard is locked, Princess."
"Yes it is…and from the outside it looks big enough to-" there was silence for a few seconds. "Lieutenant, go back upstairs and pack as many pieces of clothing you can find up there. I believe I know where he is."
"But…okay Princess."
Dust fell from the ceiling as the apparent Lieutenant raced up the stairs, falling onto my agony wracked body.
"Tobias…I know you're in there," Celestia's voice echoed inside the cupboard, the gentleness of it all making my stomach feel all kinds of funny. "Open the door honey, I can help take the pain away."
She did do this to me! I knew- Aghhh…damn it!
"I could rip this door clean off its hinges, but I don't want to take a chance that I'll hurt you baby," she crooned lovingly, her voice like liquid silk. "Please unlock it. Once we touch, the pain will fade away, I promise."
There was no use in pretending I wasn't there. "W-What p-poison did y-you use this t-time?"
"It wasn't a poison sweetie, it was a potion applied to the lips, to be used on the skin of a partner. Cadance created it," she explained, her voice sounded miserable. "All it does is amplify your feelings for the one you love the most…I was hoping it would help you calm down enough so you would consider visiting. I had no idea it would cause you such pain, but it must react differently with your kind, I didn't know, I'm so sorry!"
"You w-wanted me to feel p-pain!" I stammered, the words literally forcing their way through my gritted teeth. "For defying y-you!"
"No! I would never wish you pain, not without me there to soothe the hurt straight away," she explained, her voice desperate in its pleading. "It was different last time honey, I was there right away to soothe you, to take care of you. I know you have no reason to, but you have to believe me…I would n-never wish y-you this p-p-pain."
Pain seized me again, forcing a cry of agony to rip through my throat.
"Tobias! Cover your eyes now!"
Maybe it was the command, or perhaps the desperation that made me do what she said. Whatever it was, I'm glad I listened to it as the door was ripped off and wood splintered everywhere. Only once the shredding noise stopped did I remove my hands and…
Her face…she looks…
Her fur was matted with tears as she looked at me, her body flat on the floor so as to be level with mine. As she continued to look, a smile overcame her face, her eyes sparkling with emotion.
"Hello," she said, her voice shaky and higher than usual.
"Hello," I groaned, pain forgotten for but a moment…before it came crashing back down on me. "Hnggg!"
I wrapped my arms around my sides and grit my teeth as the pain retuned, worse than I'd ever felt it, and somehow I knew it to be because of how close Celestia was to me.
I felt like I was about to die.
Can't…let it…end…like this!
But then it stopped…and I realized far too many moments later that it had only stopped because of the lips pressing against my temple.
"Pain…is going…" I mumbled incoherently.
"It's over Tobias," Celestia murmured, her lips still but a breath away from my skin. "I'm here now love…it's over. I'll take you home and hold you until this becomes but a memory…and if you still want to afterwards, I will prepare a carriage to bring you back here. It's only right…it was my fault."
The words registered…but I blacked out before I could think on them any more than that.
"But somehow, I think you'll stay."
Well…I don't really know what to feel about this one, but I hope you lot enjoyed it.
No really, I do. I've burnt out for now, if anything else pops into my head you'll know later.
G'night, stay snuggly!