Alright quick little update. I know anyone who reads my stories will probably be really mad but I'm prepared for any hate towards me.

Anyway on with why you might hate me, Well My interests have changed dramatically and I have been finding myself unable to write HTTYD anymore. I tried and with the stuff that's been going on I just haven't been able to. So...I am officially saying that I will not be updating anymore on my current stories anymore. However, I will not be taking them down. I will be starting a new story though none of you will probably read It because I've said so much shit and have failed to meet certain peoples expectations that I highly doubt anyone currently reading my stories will stay. And I don't care if you believe me but I am sorry to everyone who enjoyed my HTTYD Fics.

If you want to know anything about my stories just ask and I'll tell. For example If someone asked If Astrid and Hiccup have a child my answer would be: A baby girl named Nina.

Xychronexia signing out on this story for the last time - Sayonara