Ron's bedroom at the Burrow is great! So much better than his room at Private Drive. Harry walked around the room glancing at all his friend's books and posters. The Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon never allowed posters on the wall. Harry never had any thumbtacks or tape to put them up with anyway. Ron was standing in the doorway watching him examine his room.

"So what do you think?" Ron enquired. He pointed to the bed on the left side of the room. There were two in there are either side of the room facing the door. There was a large window between the beds that allowed the sun to illuminate the bright orange walls with all of Ron's quidditch posters.

"I've been here before. Remember I spent a few weeks here last summer and the summer after first year." It seemed strange to Harry that Ron didn't remember that he had been at his house before. He walked to the window and looked out at the large garden and sun sitting high over the countryside. "But you know that I love being here. It's way better than Private Drive."

"That's good to hear. I'm getting pretty hungry and I know Mum has dinner about ready so do you want to go downstairs with me?"

"Yeah that sounds good. Your mum always makes great food."

Harry traveled down the stairs with his friend to the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley was placing dishes on the table. Ginny was already sitting at the table talking to her mum about something or another and came inside from the garden right as they made it down to the kitchen. The whole atmosphere in the house seemed off until Fred and George bounded down the stairs.

They seemed to be arguing about one of their latest inventions. He had gotten letters from Ron earlier in the summer about how they had been up to something but that they had been keeping it a secret from everyone. From what Harry knows of the twins it can't be good, but is sure to be exciting.

Percy came down the stairs at a more sedate pace and remained quiet. He never seemed to fit in with the other Weasleys. Still, Harry didn't think the Burrow would be the same without him.

Harry thought of the upcoming Quidditch World Cup game. "When is the World Cup going to be?"

Mr. Weasley seemed overly happy that Harry mentioned the subject and answered enthusiastically that they would be leaving the next morning.

Mrs. Weasley was looking a little uncomfortable about the idea of them going to the game though Harry couldn't think of any reason why.

Harry saw the food that had been laid out and decided to dig in like the rest of the young Weasley clan. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley appeared to be having a whispered conversation standing over by the stove away from the children.

Harry wanted to know what they were saying but knew it would be rude to just ask. It appeared as if they didn't want any of the kids to hear them anyway. Harry resolved himself to just asking Ron if he knew what was going on latter and try to get something to eat before the rest of the Weasley's eat it all. He usually didn't get to eat much at the Dursley's besides leftovers and small bits from the trash so he did not have as big of an appetite as the others. Still, it looked good so Harry began to concentrate on eating.

Lilly gave James the type of look that made him feel like a small boy being chastised when Harry mentioned the upcoming football game. They had talked about it a few times before but it was understood that they would not mention going until they were sure that Harry would be able to handle it. He wasn't supposed to be told until Saturday morning before the game when it was time to leave.

James felt kind of helpless. "I don't know how he found out Lilly. David must have mentioned it to him."

"I think it might be too soon James. Maybe we should just wait and see how things go before something like that. He can go next year."

"I've asked Amos Diggory to come with us and he is going to bring his son Cedric. Cedric is nearly 18 so there will practically be three adults present. I also made sure we got a box so that there wouldn't be any incidents in the stands. I'll carry him climbing to the box and once we get there it will be safe. I want him to be able to experience things other children do. That's not going to happen if we keep him locked up in the house. "

"I understand that James. I know you have taken every precaution but I still think it might be too soon. I can't stand the thought of something happening to him."

James understood where she was coming from but the thought of leaving one son behind while taking the other when both wanted to go just did not sit right with him. He refused to treat Harry any differently than necessary because of his disability. He can't help but hope that if they gave him enough normal experiences that he will eventually get better and be able to just be a kid.

"I know you're worried Lilly but it will be okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to Harry or David."

James looked over at the table to see Judith, David and Harry eating. Harry occasionally looks like he is watching something across the table that he, or anyone else for that matter, could not see. He was eating though and that made him hopeful for the future.

James turned back to the counter where Lilly had been getting Harry's medicine and nutritional shake ready. Maybe one day they wouldn't need the medicine and Harry will be a healthy and active typical teenage boy. Maybe.

Lilly gathered Harry's medicine and placed it in a small bowl of applesauce before she walked over to where he was sitting and handed it to him. Harry enjoys applesauce so they never really had any issues getting him to take his medicine.

The family finished their meal together and James noticed that Harry was starting to become a bit sluggish. He took the opportunity to get Harry upstairs and ready for bed. As he was tucking him into bed as Lilly stood in the doorway Harry seemed to gain a bit of awareness.

"Goodnight Harry. Your mum and I love you. Sweet dreams."

Harry didn't respond and closed his eyes. James ran his fingers through Harry's hair then got up to leave the room. When he turned out the light and began to crack the door so that David did not make much noise when it was time for him to go to bed, he heard Harry speak in no more than a whisper.

"Goodnight Dad."

I'm going to try and finish both of my stories by posting a chapter a week. All constructive criticism is welcome.