Quicktime Update on my life and its impact on my fics. (Plus, a little review reply to someone)

Okay, to summarise my fanfictions currently, I have:
A Smothered Flame Reborn
Behind These Emerald Eyes
Blank Pages
The Magic of Time
Evil Angel

NONE of these are abandoned. In fact, I am working on a rewrite on Blank Pages, and planning out the next few chapters of both Behind These Emerald Eyes and Evil Angel. The Magic of Time is on Hiatus until further notice for reasons I will delve into in the next couple of paragraphs. A Smothered Flame Reborn is dying a slow death, and I might just rewrite it as I only have a chapter up anyway.

As for why updating is taking a very long time can be summarised in one sentence. School is a BITCH! (You can tell how pissed I am considering I haven't even bothered to censor the swear, even though I don't plan on censoring anymore because too much effort.)

Okay, this year of A-levels has kicked me so hard in the behind. I started the year learning Maths, Computing, and English Literature and Language. The diversity is because I can't make up my mind on what I'm good at and what I like. Two or three months in, I'm learning Food Technology, Psychology and English. Long story short, my school fucked up because they can't talk to each other about things like timetables and possibilities. I was going to switch Maths to Food Tech because fuck Maths and its difficulty. Turns out I couldn't, because timetables didn't allow it. (I think I should mention that I go to a collage/college/ohwhocares-based in a school, so things like timetables still apply to me). But, I hadn't turned up to Maths lessons for like 3 weeks, I was permanently out. In the end, I have to learn the two years of Psych in a year (yay…), and do the second year of Food Tech (kill me…), with English (which isn't so bad).

Now, I have a lot of work to do to get a decent grade in June/August, so I'm putting all of my time and effort into my studies until this trainwreck has been cleared up. This also means that I have no time to rewatch season 3 of Doctor Who for The Magic of Time.

Sorry, but that's how things have turned out. Anyway, I won't be surprised if I lose followers, or get some hate about this, but meh. See you guys whenever I next update, and I hope that the love my fics get will continue when I do update.

~ Deanna Saber

However, speaking of hate… (ignore all of the following if you don't read Evil Angel)

I GOT MY FIRST FLAME GUYS! ? I AM SO HAPPY! You see, I think that you're given a flame when someone is A) threatened, B) bored, C) somehow gets off on it, D) a dick, or E) some combination of the above. I.e. someone actually cared enough to take precious time out of their lives to read Evil Angel and review it. I'm honoured.

HOWEVER, if you are to flame me, please, please tone down the self-righteousness, because that just makes me hate you on principle. Anyway, I'm sure that some of you are curious on what this review is. So, by a guest aptly named 'wtf', a sentiment that he (or she) had while writing this an I had when reading it, here is the review.

"Yea no NamikazeKamui's verionof this story is soooomuch better. Like your content is fine but your AN areall over the place (why is everything bolded?) and the fact that ypufucked with the ships isfrustrating (dean/jo is gross). Amsin the next chapter, wtf is with all the OCs?"

Aside from the obvious grammatical and spelling errors, I am here to answer your questions as o had no other means of contacting you. I actually don't mind if you like my predecessor's version of the story. However, Evil Angel is not Dark Angel. Think of Dark Angel as the frame for the picture. I can choose what I want the picture to be, which is what Evil Angel has become... if that makes sense. As for "Why is everything bolded?" and about my AN, the only thing that is 'bolded' is the AN's which are at the beginning and end. It makes it easier to separate the other stuff to the actual content. Other writers do it, so meh. As for the ships, they can change. I probably forgot to mention this, but as long as it hasn't turned up in the actual story, it can change. (Seriously, if you don't like a ship, tell me and I'll see if I can change it. The only ship that will not change is Castiel/Lucifer.). I have nothing to say about the Dean/Jo opinion. That's your opinion, there's no reason for me to be a bitch about your opinion when I have my own which another may disagree with. And for the 'next chapter', (Seriously, what the hell is 'Ams'? And? As? …Arms?) I presume you mean the Christmas chapter. I probably forgot to mention that the two are completely separate, a possible future so to speak. If I wanted to, I could make it compliant with the main plot for my story, but at the same time, I could not do that. It depends.

Anyway, I'm done. I would quickly add that I'm not trying to bait people to hate on me. I just killed two birds with one stone. Despite how the questions were posed, there were some viable questions there, so I am giving an answer heavily laced with my sass and sarcasm. So yeah.

Now, this is a proper sign off,
See ya,
Deanna Saber