Hello, all! This is the first time I have contributed to the Reign fandom, which surprised me since I really did love the show and was even obsessively watching it on couchtuner at one point. Anyway, this will be a Bash/Kenna centric ship since they are my favorite couple in this show (next to Mary and Francis, of course) and I hope I did them justice.
It had all started after the portcullis went down with a jarring boom.
Closing the gates, Mary had not only left Francis out on his own, but seemed to have invited the plague in as the first wave of sickness arrived barely three days after the new King's departure.
The new Queen, already weary with her new duties stood in front of the court, where all the servants and residing noblemen were waiting. Immaculate in a demure black gown, Sebastian had only watched with an aloof sort of detachment, the type of isolation that could only be contributed to the twisting and turning of new events. Francis was gone, accompanying Lola who had revealed that she had been expecting his child all along; Henry was dead and now Mary, his sweet sister-in-law with whom he shared the understanding of burdening responsibilities would have to manage France in her husband's absence.
The Queen of Scots had given a moving speech, about the arrival of the plague and how new measures were made to prevent the spreading of the Black Death.
But it was in vain.
Bash could only watch helplessly as bodies and more bodies were heaved away, stored in a separate room far from the castle, like meat from cattle that had already gone bad. He had tried to help, to provide the guards with extra man power but Kenna was having none of it. She claimed that he was too important to be carrying bodies and his assistance might be needed in the court since Francis had practically vacated the throne.
Kenna...she would have a fit if she knew that he had been out at night, secretly helping the other guards bury the dead whilst ignoring their consistent reprovals.
He would have her know that he was not some strait-laced, invulnerable royal. He was just Sebastian, bastard son of King Henry the Second with nothing but a made up title to call his own. He was dispensable; even Catherine had told him so when he had been growing up, a young wide eyed little boy, new to the ways of court and the Queen's specific brand of emotional poisoning.
That's why he didn't care. He didn't care and all he wanted to do was help.
"Sebastian, don't you think Lady Kenna would skin you alive if she knew that you were here?" one of the guards, a lanky man by the name of Hamish said.
Bash shook out his long bangs, ignoring a drop of sweat that trickled from his forehead and landed on his nose. He huffed, continuing to shovel the frozen ground, spring not quite arriving to thaw out the soil.
"She would, but I can't help it."
"You should go back to her," another guard spoke. This one had long brown hair tied into a ponytail and rough features that gave away his Saxon heritage. "My lord, you have a young wife to take care of, surely you would not want to contract the plague."
"I don't," Bash admitted, jamming his boot onto the head of the shovel as he attempted to toss the dirt. "But I can't stand around and do nothing, especially if all of you men are sacrificing yourself to at least give the dead a dignified burial."
"We have no family," Hamish answered, gritting his teeth as he shoveled the soil. "And we volunteered to do this because no one else would."
Setting down the shovel, Sebastian glared at the younger man through ice-green eyes. "And now I'm helping, so accept it and let's finish this before dawn arrives."
The guards said no more, afraid of angering the young lord.
They finished digging a sizable pit for the three bodies, each of the men leaning on their tools to catch their breath.
Bash was the first one to move, gripping the body of a young girl and laying her down in the dirt with deliberate gentleness. The two men followed, each one gripping the rest of the bodies as they lowered the dead into their final resting place. Tossing the shoveled dirt back into the hole, Bash was more than grateful that they were finally done.
"C'mon lads, back to the kitchen to wash our hands," Hamish stated, leading them back into the castle.
Bash followed, silent and lost in his own thoughts. He concentrated on the crisp ground, thinking about his brother and if Francis was well. He prayed that he was well.
It had been three days and yet, there was no word from his half-brother, Francis seemingly lost to the wind without any notice. Sebastian didn't have much choice but to hope that he had found a suitable place to rest and wait for the plague to subside, however long that might take.
They reached the kitchen where they immediately went to a pot of boiling hot water. Hamish grabbed the ladle and beckoned to him, indicating that he should go first. Over a makeshift sink, the guard dripped the hot water from the ladle onto Sebastian's calloused hands.
Bash winced but didn't cry out, having gotten used to the initial sting of the scalding hot liquid. He wiped his wet hands down on the material of his plain breeches and bid the men goodnight, stalking back to his room.
The hallways were empty, the castle serene and quiet. The marbled floor didn't muffle his footsteps but Bash had no doubt that no one would hear. After all, it was just past morning.
His eyes roamed around, towards the shadows, a habit he had assumed ever since the Darkness forced its reign of terror on the little village in which he had fled to escape French court.
A girl, from long ago with fiery red hair and a commendable bravery told him that the things they didn't want to see was almost always hidden in the shadows, far away from prying eyes.
And he believed her. He believed her every word.
Sebastian pushed open the door of his quarters, careful not to let the wood hit the back of the wall (he really needed to get those damn hinges fixed) and sneaked in, closing the door silently behind his turned back.
Kenna was still fast asleep, having no notion of her husband's escapades, her long brown hair fanned out on his pillows. He quirked a tender smile in her direction, admiring the view for a moment.
Long, brown lashes caressed her cheek bones, the cheek bones that he loved stroking because they contrasted vividly with her soft and delicate features. Her shapely lips were parted, showing a glimpse of her perfect, white teeth.
Slim fingers wrapped around his blanket, pressing them to her cheek and it caused a wave of warmth to crest in his chest. His beautiful wife had probably snuggled into his blanket, seeking his warmth as she habitually did once in the arms of sleep.
He removed his sweat stained shirt and dirty breeches, tossing them discreetly into the laundry basket as he pulled on his sleep clothes, forgoing his shirt as the room was balmy from the smoldering fire in the hearth.
Bash slid in next to her and Kenna murmured in her sleep before cracking one eye open. He froze, staring back at her before her eyelids fluttered shut again, twitching in her slumber. He heaved a silent sigh of relief as he rested his head on the pillows, sleep finding him easily now that he was here beside her.
Kenna awoke with a groan, hand clutching her stomach. She looked to her side to find her husband fast asleep, his dark hair mused, mouth parted and emitting quiet snores. Normally she would lay back down next to him, trying to find sleep again but something was off.
She felt off.
Staggering out of bed, she barely made it to the chamber pot before the taste of bile hit the back of her throat, bringing out yesterday's dinner along with her silent heaves. She felt her stomach twitch and a fresh wave of sick hit the bottom of the pot.
With runny eyes, she reached for the jug of water, attempting to wash of the puke from her mouth and banishing the suspicious residue from the chamber pot. She decided she had no choice but to deposit it in the lavatory and pray that Bash wouldn't suspect a thing.
Kenna looked up to find him still fast asleep, barely even rustling at her sudden sickness. She was partly grateful and annoyed at the same time, reaching to slip on her robe as she picked up the chamber pot delicately by its handles.
Feet pattered against the floor as she silently made her way to the lavatory, placing the used pot down and picking up another one. Her mind whirled and her heart thudded unevenly.
The previous lady-in-waiting tried to recall anything she had eaten yesterday that would've caused her an upset stomach but nothing came to mind. If she remembered correctly, she had even enjoyed her dinner, commenting on the lovely brie and crisp baked bread.
Her face blanched as her thoughts settled on one possibility. One very, dangerous possibility.
It couldn't be. She calculated the time of her last menstruation cycle, noting with dismay that she was now three weeks late.
No, she wasn't. She just could not be.
Quickening her steps, she reached the safety of their room and closed the door, leaning her head against the wood. If she truly was expecting, now wasn't exactly the greatest of times.
Brown tresses covered her face as she set the pot down by the fireplace, the thoughts churning in her mind. She glanced at Sebastian, who hadn't even moved in her absence, with a sort of detached anguish.
Kenna knew that Bash didn't want kids, not now. Not when the Black Death was making its way around, stealing lives and tearing families apart.
Especially not now when the plague was at its peak.
Hands flew to her mouth and she tried to stifle the gasp that would escape, her body trembling.
Please God, she prayed fervently. Kenna had never wished for such a thing before, for the death and possible eviction of newborn life. A newborn life that may be growing in her.
Please, she implored. Not now.
Not when the baby has no chance of survival.
A/N: The reveal of her pregnancy wasn't really climatic but then again, Kenna does have experience in this department (from Henry, who else?) and would know if she was expecting or not. Just trying to stick the character's originality, people.
Review, please?