Still don't own Magi. I don't really have much to say this time. Enjoy.

Chapter 16: Nightingale's Loyalties

Kaho sighed softly as the doctors left. Everyone, including herself, was very confused. Her wounds, life-threatening as they were, had literally closed up right in front of their eyes. Bone fragments mending solid, tissue sewing itself together, infection bubbling away with the blood.

Kaho felt bone tired, and phantom pains still shot through her shoulder but that too was slowly fading. She closed her eyes only for a moment.

The edge of her bed dipped, making Kaho's eyes flutter open in surprise. Had she fallen asleep? The purple-haired woman from earlier was sitting beside her, a wide smile on her lips.

"It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh, Kaho. My name is Alya," the woman introduced. "I was the voice in your crazy little head earlier."

Kaho blinked dumbly before her lips formed an O as she understood. "How did you-"

"Long story, hun." Alya waved her hand in dismissal. Her eyes flashed as she set them on Kaho. "What I'm here for is something much more important." She leaned in, causing Kaho to pull back until she felt the bedpost against her back.

"And what would that be?" Kaho asked softly. She was hurt, tired, dirty, weaponless, and wanted nothing more than to take a long bath and sleep for a week. And this woman was making alarm bells ring in her head.

Alya gave her a feral grin. "When I was in that pretty little head, I found something amusing." She leaned in until her lips were against Kaho's ear. "You want freedom. And I can give it to you."

Kaho frowned. "What do you mean?"

Alya pulled back and softly ran her fingers on Kaho's cheek. "I'm an all-powerful goddess. What if I told you I could help you escape this boring aristocratic life of yours? You would be free to go wherever you wished."

"What's the catch?" Kaho asked hesitantly.

Alya smiled. "Catch? What catch? I just like being generous."

"W-what about Kouen?"

"Ah yes. Kouen. Dear Kouen. Our lovely prince. He is indeed a problem." Alya caught Kaho's eye. As Kaho continued to look into those golden orbs, everything else seemed to fade as they glowed. "He is your jailer, Kaho dear. And his life is the key to your cage."

Kaho frowned but could not look away. Jailer? Kouen isn't my jailer. He let me out of the castle.

Did he really? All he did was give you an illusion of freedom. He was right behind you the whole journey and could have easily pulled you back to your cage.

But he didn't. He even told me to run when we were attacked.

Where would you have run? Either home to your family, or the palace. Both places, he could have easily found you again.

Kaho's arguments were becoming weak as she tried to fight the strange voice in her head. Why was she even arguing? Kouen was her jailer and the voice was giving her an escape. But I have a metal vessel.

Ah yes. Judal helped you did he not? Kouen threw a fit when he learned you had escaped. He even went after you.

He came for me because he was worried I was injured.

He came because he was worried you would escape.

No… he- Yes. But…

Your freedom, Kaho. Do you want it?


Then take this key to your cage. Kaho felt rather than saw the cold metal placed in her hands. Power radiated off of it. Her stiletto knife. She pulled it closer and stood up from bed, no longer tired.

"Where are you going, Kaho?" Alya asked her.

"I need to see Kouen." Her voice was monotone, strange to her own ears.

"Why?" There was an upward tilt to Alya's lips as if she was holding back a smirk.

"I want my freedom." She felt herself hide the knife in her long sleeves. The words sounded wrong. So very very wrong. Why was she going to Kouen for her freedom. Why did she hide the weapon?

Have fun. The voice sounded like it was giggling.

As Kaho exited her room, she almost ran into Judal.

"Oi, watch where you-" he stopped as he looked at her with furrowed brows and then sighed. "Damn it Alya." He went around Kaho as the girl continued down the hall ignoring the quiet argument that began behind her.

She soon found herself in front of Kouen's library and opened the doors without hesitation. Inside she found the three brothers conversing, but at the sound of her entrance they looked up.

"Kaho?" Kouen asked in surprise, standing from his seat and walking over to her, though she noticed his steps were a little fast then his usual confident swagger. "What are you doing here?" He asked softly as he placed a hand on her back, leading her over to the table where he offered her his seat. "You should be resting." He looked to Koumei. "Where are those damn doctors?"

"I needed to see you." Kaho whispered softly, looking up at Kouen with pleading eyes.

He sighed and looked to his brothers. "We will speak later."

Koumei looked cautiously at Kaho but nodded. "I will go find the doctors and see what they found." Kouha followed after him.

Kouen watched the door as it closed behind his brothers. "What did you need to see me about?" He blinked in surprise when he felt the cold touch of metal to his throat. His eyes widened as he instinctively grabbed his own sword only to freeze when he saw who was threatening his life. "Kaho?"

Cliff Hanger! What do you think will happen?

Remember Alya is not the Alya from my other fanfic. This an AU Alya.