Kensi cries herself to sleep. Her Deeks is gone and he is never coming back. By the time he is an adult, she would be in her 50's. Their "thing" or whatever it was is over. She knows one thing for sure, she will never love again. Sam is extremely worried about the only team member, he has left.

Kensi enters the bullpen, her eyes bloodshot from all the crying she has done since yesterday. Sam is currently sitting at Tony's desk or more like what used to be Tony's desk. Abby comes rushing into the bullpen.

"It's not over." Abby claims.

"Of course it is, Phillips is dead and my partner is a toddler." Kensi cries.

"Phillips had a partner that financed the entire thing and he still out there." Abby explains.

Sam and Kensi thinks about it. If this partner learns about Tony, Callen and Deeks then he is going to turn them into guinea pigs especially now that it can't be reversed. If the partner has the serum then he can be turning adults into children at any time. Everyone's safety is depending on getting that partner and putting an end to this whole thing.

"Who is this partner?" Sam asks.

"Where can we find him." Kensi adds.

"His name is John Bayington." Abby replies. "I am still trying to find him."

"In the meantime we should get over to Gibbs and make sure that the kids are safe from Bayington." Tim suggests.

"Go!" Abby commands. "I will call you when I find him."

Sam and Tim walks right up to the door. Kensi holds back, trying to gather her courage to see her toddler partner. Gibbs is surprised to see them.

"What is going on?" Gibbs asks.

The agents explains what Abby told them. He goes to his boys, all 3 in the backyard playing with the dogs. No matter what the future holds he has to protect his boys, Bayington will never hurt them.

Kensi watches the littlest one playing with the dogs. Monty sees Kensi and runs up to her.

"Hey Monty, are you keeping an eye on Deeks?" She asks.

He barks at her.

"I know that he is smaller than what you remember him to be. But he needs you now more than ever."

Monty barks again and goes back to Marty. Kensi follows him.

"Hi Marty, whose your other dog.

Marty looks up at her and smiles. "This is Fern."

Kensi shakes her head, of all names he had to call the dog "Fern". That was his name for her. At first she hated it, now she would give anything to hear him call her Fern again. This is goodbye, it has to be. Marty went through hell as a child, he deserves a chance to have second childhood.

Kensi was about to say something to Marty when her phone went off. It was Abby, she found Bayington. Kensi starts to walk away, she turns and takes one last look at Marty. Somehow she will find a way to move on with her life, a life that doesn't include him.

"Abby found Bayington. Sam you stay here with Gibbs and protect to the boys. Tim and I will get Bayington. After it is over I am going back to LA."

Gibbs doesn't really know Kensi that well. He had only met her 1 time before and that was when he and Tim went to LA for a case.

"Sam what is up with Kensi?"

"She and Marty have a thing going. They are dating, or more like they were dating before all this happened." He answers.

Gibbs nods. He couldn't imagine the type of pain she is in. His wife and daughter death devastated him and that pain was imaginable. But for Kensi, Marty is not dead. He is alive, but he is a toddler. So she can only watch him from afar.

Tim and Kensi arrive at the address Abby gave them. It is an old abandoned warehouse. Inside the warehouse is a table with a chemistry set on it. Obviously, it was here that the potion was mixed and created. Tim and Kensi very carefully head towards the table, they needed to get it back to Abby for analysis.

John Bayington spots them and tries to make a run for it. Kensi cuts in front of him, gun drawn. Tim comes up to the other side of him also with his gun drawn and pointed at Bayington. John for the most part pretends to cooperate, until he decides to run for it. Kensi and Tim chase after him. Bayington run towards the table just as Kensi leaps to grab him. They both go crashing into the table soaking them both to the bone with that chemical. Tim was close enough to Kensi and Bayington that when the table broke that the chemical got on him to. Kensi and Bayington are still struggling in the mess of chemical and broken glass. Tim shoots Bayington, he dies instantly. He then goes to help Kensi up.

"Was that the same chemical that changed Tony, Callen and Deeks, or is something else. What got on us?" Kensi asks as she is trying to clean the chemicals off of her.

"I don't know. I called it in. Ducky is coming for us and for him too." Tim answers.

Back in Abby's lab as she carefully examines the components of the chemical that was used to change her friends into children. She begins to feel weird, something is wrong. Only she does not know what it could be.

There is only going to be one more chapter and then maybe a sequel. Let me know what you think.