I am still working on Brothers in DC; I am open to any ideas on that one. But this just popped into my head.

I know that the deaging storylines have been done repeatedly; but if there is anyone who could use a chance at a 2nd childhood; it would be Tony, Callen and Marty.

"Why are we here again?" Deeks whines to his partner. DC is cold; he misses the beach and Monty. He had to leave Monty with his neighbor while the team is in DC.

"We are here to work the Phillips case. He is our case and he escaped to Pennsylvania and now we are here to help Gibbs' team catch him and bring him back and have him prosecuted for his questionable medical practices." Kensi reminds him as they are on a stakeout outside a Bethesda clinic.

"I really don't know what he is thinking, using humans as lab rats with no consideration as to what would happen next." Deeks replied keeping his eye on the door to the clinic looking for Phillips. He sees him through the open window of the clinic. "I see him, he is the lab." Deeks says into the radio.

"Everyone get into positon. We move in on my count." Gibbs response came back through the radio.

With their guns drawn, Kensi and Deeks get out of the car and move into position outside the clinic.

No one really knows what happened today. Phillips is dead after being shot; but something went wrong with the takedown. Tony, Callen and Marty got doused with whatever current experiment Phillips had been working on before he had been shot. They shot him and then liquid came pouring out of the ceiling dousing them. They were immediately rushed into the hospital across the street.

Dr. Brad Pitt is more concern about Tony than he is for the other 2. Tony's lungs have already been compromised by having the plague. The 3 guys are currently lying in the isolation chamber after being scrubbed down until they know what they got doused with.

"Brad any luck finding out what was in those chemical that doused them." Gibbs asks.

"No and we are running every test on it; let's hope we will know something soon."

Hours passed and they were no closer to finding out what was in it as the 3 agents continue to lie in there completely helpless. Both teams watched helpless through the window not knowing what is going to happen.

"Am, I losing it or do they seem to be shrinking?" Kensi asked Dr. Pitt.

Brad rushed into the chamber to check on them.

"They are going to be okay; but yes they are shrinking or more like they are turning into children. When it will stop, I don't know. I have never seen something like this before. Dr. Mallard and I can keep an eye on them; but let's move them out of here. If Phillips had his way they would be lab rats; I am not going to let that happen. They don't deserve it." Brad informed as he came out.

"How young will they be?" Sam asks.

"That it really up to them. But they may have a chance at a 2nd childhood; at least for a little while.

Brad grabs 3 new scrubs for children before him, Gibbs, and Sam sneak the kids out of the hospital and bring them back to Gibbs' place in the new scrubs.

The deaging process has stopped leaving behind 2 boys who look to be close in age and a toddler.

"Boss what happened?" Tony asks.

"Phillips was working on a deaging formula, a fountain of youth so to speak. But instead of making people appear younger; he turned you 3 into children. How do you feel? How old do you think you are?"

Tony looks in the mirror before answering. "I feel okay, my best guess would be that I am 8 and my mother had just died. I can still remember her death; but everything after that is a bit blurry and coming to me in flashes."

"I think I might also be 8. I remember being in foster care; I remember that one of my many foster parents had just celebrated my 8th birthday. My social worker took me away a week later and after that it becomes flashes." Callen spoke up.

Callen then looks for Marty; it would be funny if he was also 8. But looking at him; he doesn't appear to be 8 like him and Tony. He appears to be maybe 2 or 3 and hasn't said anything since the changing began.

"Marty are you okay?" Callen asks the toddler.

Marty nods.

"How old are you?"

"3, I guess." He whispers.

"Boss, what happens to us now?" Tony asks.

"You 3 will stay here, we will figure it out. But don't worry I will take care of you guys." Gibbs informs them.

Tony and Callen nod. Marty does not have any response; he just looks at his feet in his scrubs that are way too big for him.

"If anyone asks; Tony and Callen are my twins and Marty is my youngest. No one on the outside NCIS know that you 3 were adults only a few hours ago. If anyone finds out, you will become lab rats. This may only be temporary but we will just have to play it by ear." Gibbs lets them know.

"We will still be here for you too. Hetty, Nate, Eric and Nell are on their way here as well. You guys are not alone. This is another chance at a childhood enjoy it while it lasts." Sam tells Callen and Marty.

"I am going to go. I will see you three tomorrow for a check-up. I will come here before I head into work." Brad speaks up.

Gibbs walks Brad to the door and thanks him for everything. Leon had brought some of his son's old clothes so that boys will have something that fits them until some shopping can be done. Gibbs had sent Kensi and Abby out for a car seat for Marty once they realize they had a toddler. They need that car seat before they go anywhere; after all it is the law.