Yondu slammed the Xandarian into the wall of the darkened hallway just outside the bridge.
-Captain, what are you thinking?! One of the crew might see!-Kraglin gasped, looking to make sure no one else was around to see them.
-Hoo- Breathed out Yondu as he nipped on Kraglin's neck, grabbing a fistful of his hair to tilt the head more.- And when had that ever stopped you, darlin'? - Asked the man as he grinded his hips at the other's
Kraglin bit his lip trying, but failing to suppress a loud moan,
-Excuse me for trying to be classy. Now what's gotten you all riled up, huh?-
-I don't need a reason to screw my lover against a wall- Smirked the Captain, as he forced a leg between Kraglin's, riding the man on his thigh
-I'm gonna guess that either Peter or one of the crew or a client pissed ya off?- He smirked, kissing down Yondu's neck. -Am I right?-
Yondu smiled and lurched forward, slamming his mouth against his mates. Drawing a deep breath through his nose, he moved his lips and traced the other's tongue with his own. Moving his hips back and forth, the Centaurian groaned into the pliant mouth
Kraglin wrapped one of his legs around Yondu's waist, using the other for support.
-I'm taking that as a 'yes, dear'.- He ran his hands down the other's chest, sneaking them under his Captain's shirt hem.
-Damn right, you are- Said the Captain in a hoarse whisper as he helped his Second by hiking the leg higher and pressing in closer. The hand that used to occupy Kraglin's hair went to his zipper and pulled. Clever fingers reached inside, grabbing the Ravagers cock. A hard pace set by the danger of getting caught any minute added to the thrill as the Captain felt a hand reach for his own pants and copy his movements.
Kraglin arched against his Captain's soft touches, moaning out Yondu's name.
-You know, I'm not made of porcelain, ya don't have touch me like I'm fragile. I'm not gonna break.- He leaned forward and sucked at the nape of the other's neck, before biting it. -Show me what ya got, Captain Udonta.-
Responding to the demand, Yondu rumbled deep in his throat and hiked up Kraglin's other leg, wrapping it around his waist. Holding the man under his ass with one hand, the other pushed their members together, stroking them in tune with sharp thrusts of their hips.
-You're mine, hear me. Only mine.
-Only yours, Captain!- The Xandarian squealed in agreement. His breathing became more ragged and needy, as Yondu picked up the speed, he thrust harder into the Centuarian's hand. He bit his lip hard enough to draw a little bit of blood. -Please sir!-
-You're begging now, huh. Are you gonna look at others again? Are you gonna bat your lashes at the clients?- Growled the captain add he trailer bruising kisses down Kraglin's throat
-N-No, s-sir!- Kraglin stuttered out. -Only if y-you want me to!- He answered the second question with a small smirk, tilting his head back to give the man more room.
-Oh you little shit!- cried out the Centaurian as he ground his hips in hard, biting down on a pulse point.
Both men cried out as release found them, and they spilled into Yondu's hand.
The Centaurian moaned softly as he spread their cum on Kraglin's belly, spreading if all over the warm skin.
- So you don't forget who's the only one allowed to do this.-
Kraglin rested his head against Yondu's shoulder,
-I'll never forget you, old man.- He smiled, nuzzling softly against the other's neck.