The next day started the same as any other day. Wake up, stumble into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed before the longer boring day at school starts. Today was Friday, last day of the week. It should be making Danny excited, but with the events that happened lately, he just wanted to stay in bed and sleep the day away.

Danny spent the night watching movies at Sam's and ghost fighting before crashing at home around 2 in the morning, he was a mess. Dark bags that never seem to go away and wrinkled clothes. But he didn't care. He had one thought on his mind that morning, asking his parents for help on the invasion the next day.

Jumping the stairs two at a time, Danny makes his way to the kitchen to make breakfast, mindful of the ectoplasmic foods. His mother was at the sink washing dishes while his father sat across from him tinkering with a new invention that had a giant claw- like thing at the end with a bright blue button at the end. Seeing Danny staring at the contraption, Jack gives a smile, "Don't worry Danny boy, it's for that Walker ghost you and your friends are planning on taking down tomorrow!"

That shooked Danny into focus. "How did you…" Before he could finish, Jazz walks in with a smirk, "I beat you to it."

"Well then," Says Danny, "I was going to ask in a few minutes but someone just had to get first dibs." He starts to pout, much to the family's amusement. "Does that mean you're coming along?"

Whipping her hands on the apron she was wearing, Maddie turns to her son, "No, this is you and your friend's fight. We believe you guys can do it, besides we know nothing about this Walker fellow."

Giving a smile, Danny nods and continues to eat his cereal, in a much better mood then when he woke up.

School was much the same way as the day before. Students staring when they believed he wasn't looking and the teachers still trying to give out gifts and trying to bribe him into taking the benefits. But nothing too eventful happened, well, if you count Dash parading him around the lunch room eventful.

Dash came and rushed Danny in the middle of the line at lunch with the whole football team in toll and grabbed Danny by the waist and raised him to his shoulders while running around the lunchroom screaming praises while Danny tried not to puke from the sudden motions of the jock running.

Finally, after the embarrassing ten minutes of being on his shoulders, Danny was let down to the floor, green in the face, back in his place in the lunch line. Tucker was dying from laughter all the while Danny thought of never eating again.

The end of the day came and the three friends walked home to Danny's house to try and get everything planned for tomorrow's big event.

"It was so funny, the way Danny just sat there! I thought for sure.." Tucker was stopped mid sentence by Danny kicking him in the shin. Tears pricked his eyes as he rubbed his precious leg and limped the rest of the way to the house.

"I forgot how hard you kick, you butt hole." wined Tucker when the gang made it to Danny's bedroom.

"Well I didn't like the joke anymore. I heard it all day from you." Danny shot back with a glare. "Touche.." muttered Tucker

Sam plopped down at the computer and pulled up their ghost files and clicked on the tab for enemies and found Walkers file and clicked on it. She spun in the chair and stopped when she faced the boys. "So, Danny, your parents are out, it will just be me, you, Tucker, and Jazz right?"

She asked. At Danny's nod she continues, "We leave at 7:00 a.m to get to the edge of Walker's prison by 9 and hope we have everything ready to attack and ambush at around 10. Any objections?"

The boys not wanting to disagree, just nodded. At that moment Jazz walks into the room. "Having a meeting without me?" she asked taking a seat in the floor by Tucker.

"Sorry, forgot to get you. We just talked about the timing so far." answered Danny.

"Yes, now for supplies?" Sam asked getting back to business.

"Dad's making an invention to help aid us. Pretty sure he called it the Fenton cat scratcher, but whatever. Well have those." Danny replied. "We should also bring Fenton wrist rays, bazookas, a few ecto-blasters, and guns." he named off.

"I'll bring the snacks and water." volunteered Tucker, of course.

"Okay, sounds good, back up batteries will do, backup ammunitions, and i thought about this last night Danny, but ask your parents for that Fenton-Exposer." Sam said much to the confusion to the group to the fenton-exposer.

"What for Sam? What good will that do?" Danny asked bewildered. He never wanted to see that thing ever again. But now Sam is wanting it?

"I thought that if we could reprogram it into asking it to detect lies. Hold the button down while you state a sentence. If we capture Walker, we can ask him to tell us if he was the one who told everyone about you. We will know for sure if it was or not." explained Sam

A few minutes of silences while everyone thought about that idea. It wasn't a bad plan at all. But they were a bit puzzled over the fact if it could be reprogrammed or not. If it could it could change the whole mission for the best.

"Good plan Sam, I like it. In that case, we will also need ghost proof robe or handcuffs in order to keep Walker trapped." Jazz put in standing up. "Is this meeting over? We can talk battle plans when we start tomorrow, i'll go ask mom and dad about that Fenton-exposer. You kids have fun!" she said as she walks out.

The three friends share a look at the strangeness of what Jazz did. With a shrug, they settle into a video game. They had no idea that Jack and Maddie was outside the door the whole time listening into their conversation and already had everything ready and set up for the four of them to embark on their journey the next day. Hearing Jazz leave the room, they rushed to their bedroom two doors down and acted natural. Not wanting to be caught.

"Hope the kids will be alright tomorrow honey." Maddie said a bit worried for the kids. She didn't want them to get hurt, especially her babies.

"Oh Mads, they'll be alright. Danny with his powers and his friends and sister with him, he will be fine. Let's go buy fudge!" exclaimed Jack excitedly.

Shaking her head at her husband, Maddie walks after him. Sending a silent prayer that everything will go just find on tomorrow's journey for her kids.

Hey guys! This chapter may seem very rushed, but it was kind of my intentions. So sorry for not updating any time soon. Thanks for staying with me and I'm so glad you all like this story so much. I never thought it would get this popular. From the first chapter to this chapter, never would have thought...

But thanks for so much comments and the many views. I love all of you guys. I promise to try my best to update soon. This Writer's Block sucks, but i'm pushing through it, hopefully. Again Thank you all for everything and sticking with me this long!