Disclaimer : I do not own any of the Power Rangers, their allies, or the villains that were actually in the Power Ranger series . I do not own the Ninja Turtles . I do own the Virus , Major Sheeba, Drokunas , the Leeches , the Hydroship, the Dark Tower, and the story . I do not own the A - Squad , but I do own the idea of the Cyber Rangers .
Chapter 26 : Mesogog ' s Lab
Mesogog ' s Lab
After the Dino Rangers used the Raptor Cycles and Dino ATVs to get through through the invisiportal they made their way to Mesogog ' s Lab which now was in complete shambles due to the explosion years ago . Carefully the five of them began walking through the lab keeping their eyes open for both danger or something that could help them .
" Guys , I think we should go in there . " Trent said pointing towards the main area of the lab remembering the layout of the lab due to him being there years ago .
" How do you know this ? " David asked .
" I was here years ago when I was still in the services of Mesogog . " Trent told him .
They walked into the room looking around .
" What is this place ? " Kira asked .
" Its were he made the monsters . " Trent answered .
All of a sudden Conner and Ethan both turned around spooked .
" What ? " Kira asked them .
" You didn ' t feel it ? " Conner and Ethan both looked at the others .
" No , why ? " Trent .
" It felt like something was watching us . " Conner said .
" I didn ' t feel anything . " David said .
" But , I may have found something that may help us . " Kira said looking at the computer .
" I got it , maybe it still works and I can get Hayley patched through from Ranger Ops at the Aquabase . " Ethan said sitting at the computer and check to see if it would even come on .
Surprisingly the computer came on and so did the rest of the power in the main part of the lab .
" Nice job , Ethan . " Trent said .
" No , problem , but all of this is just from Mesogog ' s plans to turn the world back into the dino age . " Ethan said .
" Look deeper , " A voice from behind them said making every jump and turn around expecting to be in a fight .
They were shocked to see that it was Lothor , but in a ghost - like body .
" What are we all getting jumpy for its just me Lothor the former evil space ninja or have you forgotten ? " Lothor asked .
" No , we just didn ' t expect to see you looking like a ghost man . " Ethan said .
" This is what happens when let mad fossils tamper with mechanical engineering and the whole thing blows up in their faces . " Lothor said .
" So , what do you want with us ? " Conner asked not falling for any tricks .
" To tell computer boy over their to look harder for a way to destroy the Virus . " Lothor said .
" You know about the Virus even though you ' re in this state ? " David asked .
" Yes , I felt the diabolical thing the moment he woke up . " Lothor said .
" So , what exactly should I be looking for ? " Ethan asked .
" Look under Virus . " Lothor hinted .
Ethan looked at what he thought before was a way to remove or make viruses on a computer and realized that the file was on the Virus itself .
" How could I have missed that ? " Ethan said opening up the file .
" UTI doesn ' t teach you how to be observant ? " Conner asked .
" Yeah , next time you handle the tech job , Tyrannoboy . " Ethan said .
" Kids and their petty squabbles . " Lothor held his forehead .
" Ethan can you send that to Haley ? " Trent asked .
" Yeah , looks like theirs a lot on here about the Virus including personal notes from Mesogog . " Ethan said pulling up a feed to Hayley at the Aquabase .
" And notes from your ' s truly as well that the walking fossil took from me . " Lothor added .
" Okay , Hayley , " Ethan called as soon as the screen came up .
" Hey , Ethan , have you guys gotten to Mesogog ' s Lab yet ? " Haley asked .
" Yes we ' re here and we found everything that both Lothor and Mesogog had on the Virus and I ' m send it through to you . " Ethan said .
" Go ahead and send . " Hayley said as Tommy walked up beside her .
" So , everything in Mesogog ' s Lab is still working ? " Tommy asked .
" Not everything Dr . O , but the main part of lab is still very active . " Ethan answered as he sent Hayley the file on the Virus .
" Then watch your back cause theirs no telling what else may still be lurking there . " Tommy said .
" We ' re on alert Dr . O , " Conner agreed .
" Alright , that ' s everything on the Virus we have from here . " Ethan said .
" Good , we will look through it and see what can be done to stop the Virus , you guys hurry up and make it back safely . " Tommy said .
" We ' re on our way . " Kira said and then the feed was gone .
" Lets go guys . " Trent said .
Ethan shut down the computer just as they heard a ruckus out in the hall coming towards the lab .
" Sounds like trouble , " David said .
" And this time its not my fault . " Lothor said .
" Now is not the time for jokes . " Trent said .
" Does anyone teach their kids how to respect their elders these days ? " Lother shook his head .
Just then Tyrannodrones followed by the Hookcaster walked into the lab .
" Looks like you guys are in quite a bind . " Hookcaster said .
" Not quite , lets go guys . " Conner looked at the other rangers .
" Dino Thunder , Power Up ! "
Once morphed the rangers started fighting off the Tyrannodrones while Conner took the Hookcaster , while the foot soldiers where not much of a problem the Hookcaster was a different story . Before anything else could be done though another wave of Tyrannodrones entered the area .
" Conner , there ' s to many of them we have to pull back . " Trent said .
" But , " Conner said .
" Go , I will hold them off . " Lothor said sending a wave of purple energy at the Tyrannodrones and the Hookcaster .
" Right , lets go guys . " Conner said as the Dino ' s left towards the portal .
The Dino ' s made it through just as Lothor used the last of his energy to zap the rest of the Tyrannodrones , but the Hookcaster followed them out .
" Guys , I don ' t see any other choice . " Conner said as he looked at the Hookcaster infront of them .
" Super Dino Mode ! "
Once in Super Dino Mode the Dino Rangers made quick work of the Hookcaster and who fell to his supposed death as he exploded , but then a purple beam from the sky made up of the Virus ' s energy hit the pile of mess that belonged to the Hookcaster making the monster grow taller than the buildings nearby .
" This is not the part in my ranger past that I wanted to relive guys . " Ethan said .
" Hayley , we have some big trouble here . " Conner using his morpher to communicate with the Aquabase .
" Conner , the Dino Thunder Zords are not active yet , so , you guys will need some back up . " Hayley said .
" I got it , " Eric said .
" Eric , you ' re sure ? " Wes asked .
" Yeah , Wes , the Q-Rex can handle that overgrown freak without a problem . " Eric said .
" Then go , " Jen said .
" Right , Quantum Power ! "
" Eric ' s on his way Conner . " Hayley said .
" Thanks for the heads up .
Eric made his way to where the Dino Rangers were taking cover from the monster .
" Let me show you kids how this is done , Q-Rex Arise ! " Eric commanded into his morpher .
The Quantasaurus-Rex rose up out of the ground as Eric called to him .
" Q-Rex Megazord Mode !
The Q-Rex now transformed into a megazord with missile launchers for hands and cryo-units on its shoulder . For a moment the Hookcaster and Q-Rex battled it out until Eric command his megazord to hit the monster with its Q-Rex Missiles . Once the missiles hit the Hookcaster was now in a much weaker state .
" Now for the final strike , Q-Rex Max Blizzard ! " Eric command .
The Q-Rex fired the cryo - unit blasters at the Hookcaster freezing it momentarily .
" Your times up . " Eric said as the Hookcaster fell to its final demise .
" Nice to finally see a victory on the side of the rangers since this Virus showed up . " Ethan said .
" Agreed , " Kira , Trent , and David said .
" Thanks for the assist Eric . " Conner said .
" No problem , Q - Rex it was great doing battle with you again . " Eric looked at his old friend as Q-Rex roared before leaving back to where it usually rested until the Quantum Ranger needed him again .
The Dino Rangers and Eric walked back into the Aquabase moments after the Hookcaster was destroyed .
" Nice job with the monster guys . " Jason said . "
" Yeah , just wish they wouldn ' t grow . " Ethan said .
" Don ' t we all , " Several of the rangers chimed in .
" Oh and by the way Tommy , my Q - Rex can still take on that Dragonzord . " Eric casually put an arm on Tommy ' s shoulder with a smirky grin .
" We ' ll see . " Tommy said making the ones their laugh as the Lost Galaxy Rangers were going to take on the Cyber Rangers and the Thunder Ninja Rangers were still off at the Thunder Ninja Academy trying to find the weapons their parents left for them .