It was early morning as Maura walked through the kitchen of her home, heading for the basement. After descending the stairs, the doctor checked how much longer the drier had before walking to the deep freezer. She rummaged through it, typing a few things she noticed missing into her grocery list on her phone. She closed the freezer and made her way back to the main level of the house and checked the kitchen cabinets.
"Where is the large box of Cheerios I just bought?" She asked aloud.
After adding the box of cereal to her list, Maura turned toward the living room where she heard a loud crash.
"Jane? Is everyone ok?" She yelled through the kitchen.
The doctor heard giggling followed by a small boy's voice, "Mama tripped ovah Bass 'gain. She said a bad word, Mommy."
Maura laughed as she walked into the living room to find her wife sprawled out on the floor, their son, Sergio standing a few feet away while their 5 month old son, Luc, slept soundly in his swing.
"Traitor. I thought we agreed we wouldn't tell Mommy when Mama slipped up with bad words?"
"And I thought we agreed you wouldn't bribe Sergio with extra cartoon time for not telling on you?"
Jane cocked an eyebrow at her son, "He wasn't supposed to tell you that, either."
Sergio giggled, "Oops."
Luc began to squirm in his swing, letting out a hungry cry, "Seems like Little Man is hungry, Mommy."
Maura lifted the boy from his swing, "I'll nurse while I finish the grocery list."
As Maura left the room once again she noticed Sergio shifting weight between his feet, the doctor gave her wife a look.
"And while Mommy does that, we're gunna try to go potty."
The two year old boy nodded his head as he made a run for the downstairs bathroom.
A few hours later, Jane had gone to do the grocery shopping while both boys napped. Maura sat in her office going over a few case files that Senior Criminalist Chang had sent via email. The medical examiner looked up at the clock, noticing her sons had been asleep for almost two hours, she knew Sergio would be up soon so she closed her laptop and case files before making her way into her oldest son's room.
Upon entering the red and blue room, which was decked out in everything Red Sox imaginable, Maura noticed her two year old son playing with his stuffed bear.
"Well good morning, handsome." The doctor smiled as her son looked up at her.
"Mommy, I think I gotta go potty!"
Maura quickly picked up her son and hurried to the hall bathroom, "Well, let's go then."
Once in the bathroom, Maura set the boy down and helped him out of his shorts and pull up before moving to sit him on the toilet.
"Nooooo," the boy whined, "I no sit on the potty unless I gotta poop! I stand like a big boy!"
Maura couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips, "Well that's fine but you're not quite tall enough for that yet, Sergio."
"Mama puts the big book undah my feets." Sergio spoke as he pointed to the corner where a large dictionary sat.
Maura gasped, "That's where my Oxford dictionary went!"
Choosing to reprimand her wife later, Maura grabbed the book while mumbling about buying a step stool. She gently stood the boy on the book and pointed him toward the toilet.
"You forgettin' the rios, Mommy!" Sergio huffed with his hands on his hips.
"We don't eat Cheerios in the bathroom, Baby. We eat in the kitchen or the dining room."
Sergio shook his head vehemently, "Mama puts rios in the potty. I gotta sink 'em."
Maura raised a perfectly sculpted brow as her son hopped down for the dictionary and tried to open the cabinet under the sink. The child safety lock made it impossible for the boy so Maura opened it for him. Sergio reached into the cabinet and pulled out a large box of Cheerios before throwing a handful in the toilet.
"O-ok, and how do you sink the Cheerios, Sergio?"
Another huff left the small body as he climbed back on the dictionary, "With pee, Mommy."
"Excuse me?"
Sergio stood patiently on the book for a moment before aiming at the toilet and successfully hitting the Cheerios.
Maura stood shocked and speechless, "Sergio Michael, is that how Mama is teaching you to use the toilet?"
Sergio nodded with a smile, "Said Nona teached Unca Frankie and Unca Tommy same way. I'm a big boy, Mommy!"
"Yes, yes, you are, Sergio. Why don't we put on some big boy underwear and you can color until Mama gets home?"
"K, Mommy!"
Not long after settling Sergio in his booster seat at the dining room table with more paper and crayons than the boy knew what do with, Maura heard the front door open followed by Jane's voice.
"Mama's home!"
Maura stood as Jane entered the kitchen, hands on her hips and one foot tapping impatiently, "Jane Clementine Rizzoli, I have a bone to pick with you!"
Jane stopped dead in her tracks, "I swear to God, Maura, Serg got in the freezer and ate your gelato! But it's ok 'cause I bought more even though it wasn't on the list."
Maura shook her head, "You're teaching our son to pee standing up using my Oxford English Dictionary and telling him to sink Cheerios with a stream of urine?!"
"Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, I can't exactly whip one out and show him how to do it, now can I?" Jane laughed, "Relax, Babe, Ma showed Frankie and Tommy the same way cause Pop was always busy at work and they both turned out fine. Well, Frankie turned out fine. I'm not sure what happened to Tommy but I highly doubt it had to do with sinkin' cereal in the toilet."
"You are just…" Maura's sentence trailed off and with a sigh, she turned on her heel and began putting away the groceries. "You're lucky I love you, is what you are!"
Jane laughed, "I'm the luckiest woman in the world that you love me, Maura Dorthea Rizzoli."